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[S16] FreezeMage Supa Hot Fire

  • Last updated Aug 5, 2015 (Blackrock Launch)
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  • 10 Minions
  • 20 Spells
  • Deck Type: Theorycraft
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 8400
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 5/27/2015 (Blackrock Launch)
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This deck is inspired by Trump's Mage constructed video on Youtube.

First, I have to start off with how much I love you guys for taking a look or even commenting here. That's exactly what I need to write guides that I want to share with you all who like to try new things! Thank you again for checking this deck out, I hope you enjoy your stay and my write up. Also, I made a deck called Malytrasza Malygos. If you're interested in Shaman, please be sure to take a look and give me comments! 

I personally enjoy this deck because of the amount of patience is required to play this deck perfectly. Let's just say this deck might seem standard to you, but if you look closely you would start wondering "where is acolyte?" and "why are there two Dragon's Breath?" And I would start explaining the reasons why i swapped out several card drawing minions.

The following spoiler contents include my very own playstyle that might insult some players with tremendous moral values. I call that Disrespect. In the spoiler, I would explain further about this deck, including my personal favourite Mage Emotes Whoops, I'm Sorry.

Yo are you a League of Legends player? Do you know who's Trick2g? Then I guess you understand why I call this disrespect. If not, I will give you a brief introduction. When you are 10/10 sure you can bag this victory, you drop the emotes heavily onto your opponent. This is a not-very-interactive game, so let's make it more interactive by communicating with your opponent all the time, with Whoops and I'm Sorry.

If you play freeze mage without disrespecting your opponents before you pull out your combos, you are not playing this deck right. Let's get into how to disrespect your opponents.

Whoops - If your opponent let you duplicate Thaurissan, Alexstrasza, or Healbot, drop this disrespect. If your opponent thinks he/she's lethal and start throwing random spells or Well Played! and yet you have two iceblocks, drop that disrespect. 

I'm Sorry - You ask me when to say I'm sorry? Whenever you drop Whoops, you drop that double disrespect. So it sounds like this Whoops, I'm sorry.


And i call this deck: Supa Hot Fire

Lethal - I block that

Face - I take that

Fireball - I spit that

But im not a MechWarper    - 2015

Supa Hot fire

Lets talk about the key changes I've made to help my own playstyle.

Dragon's Breath x2 for Acolyte of Pain x2

Why did you sacrifice card draws for 2 5 mana 4 damage cards when you already have Antonidas for endless fireball stream?

Personally, I found Acolyte of Pain to be quite useless in freeze mage deck because you have so many other win conditions with the introduction of Emperor Thaurissan. With Dragon's Breath, you can use them immediately after you use a Flamestrike or DoomsayerFrost Nova/Blizzard combo. This combination would be a extremely strong board clear with 8 damages to your opponent's face. Keep in mind, Doomsayer's effect is at the start of your turn, meaning successfully destroying 5 minions (including doom itself) will give you 2 0-mana 8 or 4 damage depends on what you have in hand. Even as a 5 mana 4 damage spell, it is a pretty solid damage output especially in times when you find yourself lacking a few from lethal. I prefer direct outcome than hoping to draw into what i need, which in fact, you probably dont.

Also I have received comment suggesting Flamecannon over Dragon's Breath. For a 2 mana 4 damage early removal card, it is indeed powerful. Yet I dont see how Flamecannon can synergize with this deck because it lacks versatility. Dragon's Breath can be used on your own minion to help you survive, for instance: Mad Scientist. It can also be used on enemy hero if you lack those 4 damage. And at last, using it after you clear the smaller minions with Blizzard/Flamestrike etc to kill a bigger minion that survived your AoE removal is also a viable usage of this card.

Before this deck, Alextrasza was the center of the mage deck because of its -15hp effect on enemy hero. But as I introduced this deck, I provided different ways other than Alextrasza to defeat your enemy. And since we have so many other tools to bag the victories, drawing into Alextrasza is not our only chance of victory anymore.

Duplicate x1 for Loot Hoarder x1

Honestly, Loot Hoarder is just a bad card to me because it literally do nothing for 2 mana. We are talking about efficiency here. Yes it's a good way to get a free card draw, but in this case, why not use a Duplicate. Duplicate in freeze mage deck is powerful because we don't have many minions to put on the board; therefore, each minion is indeed essential in this deck, and having more of those cards can help you either survive longer or keep up the pace to pressure your opponent. You can duplicate Healbot, you can duplicate Thaurissan, you can also duplicate Alexstrasza or Doomsayer or evenBloodmage Thalnos! Make your minions more valuable.

Class Matchups: 


Warrior: Ok, lets be really honest, if it's a control warrior, the % of your win rate is probably somewhere below 30%. Why did I say 30 but not 5%? Because of the extra damage I included, yes, the savior Dragon's Breath. You will find this extremely helpful because you wouldnt waste turns sitting there and watching warrior stacking up armor and keep all those dead cards in your hand. And, my friends, this matchup is exactly the reason why I came up with replacing Acolyte with Dragon's Breath. If it's aggro or patron warrior, you should find yourself surviving and keeping the board forever frozen with Thalnos+Blizzard or forever clean with Flamestrike. You have a big advantage if its aggro warriors because of the amount of board clears this deck potentially have. All you need to do is play your secrets smartly, know what you want to duplicate, know when to play ice block, and always keep in mind that they might have a finisher with Grommash Hellscream


Shaman: I find Shamans hard to deal with. Because their minions are bigger than most of the aggro deck's. Hero power is not enough especially if they are lucky enough to summon a healing totem. It is very possible that they can OTK you with Bloodlust even with just a few 0 damage totems on the board. I would suggest Frostbolting Flametongue totem or any Windfury minions. I also run into alot of Shamans running decks with Nerubian Egg, this is in your favor because as soon as your board clear abilities or combos set off, you can most likely use Dragon's Breath to clear the 4/4 Nerubian. This match up is in your favor if you can survive past turn 6. But if you meet a Midrange Shaman with KT and reincarnation, its really hard to surmount that. Usually this kind of shaman would run one hex and one Earth shock. If you can deal with either one of these removals, you can probably destroy them after you baited out the first removal.


Rogue: First of all, pray that your opponent is not double oil rogue. Second of all, clear any minion on board if you can. Reason being that with all these weapon buffing spells, rogue can easily burst you down before you get to play secrets or healbot to survive that long for your combo. Do not underestimate your opponenent's 2/2 or 2/1 minion such as Bandit. Clear the minions if you can. Try your best to stay alive until you can toss out all the big cards that rogues are bad at answering. If your opponent is a mill rogue, toss out every low cost spell as soon as you can, such as Frost NovaFireball even one Frostbolt. Minions you can throw out such as Doomsayer, mad scientist or antique healbot, or bloodmage. Just try to keep essential cards in your hand since your opponent is drawing for you. 


Paladin: You'll be fine because most of paladin's minions are easy to deal with as a mage. Divine shield? Use ur hero power. Dragondin? toss your doomsayer on the board, unless your enemy use a equality to deal with it, it will most likely survive, but you have to watch out for Truesilver Champion and Hammer of Wrath combo. If you think the board needs to be cleared immediately, dont hesitate to throw double doomsayer in if you have them. The biggest problem would be healadin. What is a healidin? Ive seen paladins running two Antique Healbot and a Lay on Hands. They can possibly out heal your damage and kill you if you are not able to clear their board before you set off your combos.


Huntards: Man, 9 out of 10 hunters out there are facehunters. No joke, you can argue that for a thousands years, and it would still be true. You tell me that facehunters dont exist in legend. Im sorry, but the majority of ranked players are not in legend, else it wouldnt be called legend. That being said, Ill tell you how to beat facehunters. Do not be greedy, Do not think that I can wait one more turn to clear these minions with frostnova and doomsayer, NO, THAT IS WRONG. You use it whenever you feel pressured. You dont have healbot, icebarrier, iceblock, you clear that board. You have fireball in your hand and they have a big minion on the board, you Fireball that minion. Hero Power whenever you can. You see a turn one gnome, you coin+hero power and kill it. Do not play the preservation game with facehunters. You can play big minions, you play it, chances are they wouldnt trade for that big minion. Alexstrasza, ok you dont clear it, 8 damage to the face, 15-8= 7. Dont tell me you do not have 7 damage spell in your hand with all these spells. Antonidas, ok you dont clear it, No problem, I provide endless fireballs, play Frost nova without doomsayer, gives you fireballs. Thats how you deal with facehunter. Rule of thumb, DO NOT PLAY like how a mouse stores its foods everywhere in the chamber. You throw it out there to deal with cancer.  Hybrid hunter, or Midrange hunters. Samething, do not play conservation game with them. And all you can do is pray that they dont run kezan or Flare. Or else, You most likely dont stand a chance. Watch out and try to counter play Loatheb.


Druid: As there are more and more Mech Druids out there, I think the real challenge when facing Mech druid is surviving the early game and save Iceblock for combo. Keep Ice Barrier and other stalling cards in your hand and keep on drawing until you have answers to Druid's board. Midrange druids is easy to deal with, because since these druids will drop big minions later in the game, that means you most likely will have answer to their big cards like Ancient of War, Ancient of Lore or even Druid of Claw. The biggest threat would be Ragnaros, because Ragnaros can ignore your Iceblock and it can one shot doomsayer. But if you can combo Druid faster than they grind your secrets down, you will bag this Victory quite easily.


There are lots of different priest decks out there right now. Dragon Priest, japanese control priest, or velen priest. If its a minion heavy deck then as a freeze mage, you shall be fine. Since the whole point of playing a freeze mage is to control the board early on with removals and keep the board frozen mid game so you can burst the enemy down in late game. One thing that every Freeze mage out there should pay attention to is "what can you play after you play Alexstrasza?" You have to close up the game right after you play her. Or else it would be a big waste of 9 mana. There are priests out there, like myself, who likes to play Light of Naruu, and this card is a 1mana 3 heal spell that can possibly let the priest stay out of your lethal range. So be careful, if you can play Alex correctly, or you can use Thaurissan to give Malygos and your Frostbolt+Icelance x2 a deadly combo. 


With the introduction of MalyLock, there are more and more spell based warlock deck that's rising in ladder. But most of them are still minion-heavy warlock deck due to their natural advantage in card draw. Which is why freeze mage is a viable deck against warlock. But be careful out there, there are people who run two Kezan. Zoolock, like every other zoo deck, really depends on the card draw. Sometimes they can draw lethal before you have you combos in your hand, all you can do is just move on to next game. Otherwise, Ice Barrier and Healbot should help you with extending games into late game, which is where you shine. As for handlock, Handlock is harder to deal with. Their minions are bigger and out of your spell removal's reach. The best you can do, assuming your opponent just throws whatever minions they like on the board, is to wait until two Mountain Giant being played, then toss your doomsayer out there. Mountain Giant are the only minions you should look out for, because they can be played easily and have really strong stats. Whereas, Molten Giant is not what you should be worried about. Being a smart player, You do not want to drop a Handlock's hp down to where they can play Molten Giant freely and heal up right afterwards. Freeze mage is all about control, control the board, then you should surmount a typical warlock deck.


Thoughts on more theorycrafting: 

 I'm also thinking about putting in Molten Giant in a freeze mage deck because this would be a really big surprise to anyone who thinks that they are playing against a typical freeze mage without minions. But so far I can't find a substitute for these two minions without sacrificing either card draws or damage.

As there are more and more decks running Kezan, Im also thinking about adding one Kezan in just to steal that secret back. I personally do not mind getting my Duplicate and Ice Barrier stolen. But if its Ice Block, then the value of this Kezan would be marvelous. In this case, i'm thinking about replacing one Ice Barrier, or Blizzard. This is one way to play around decks with Kezan, but if I run into a hunter who runs two Flares, i think there is just no way you can play around that because not many hunter would run two Flares....

Thank you guys so much for checking this freeze mage deck out, I will gather more information in some actual game plays myself to provide other insights I've learned with this deck! I will keep updating this deck of mine, I really enjoy writing these thoughts of mine down and sharing, and i hope you enjoy this deck as much as I do. If you have any criticism or ideas to share, please do not hesitate to leave it down there at the comment sections :)