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[BRM] Extremely Cheap Heroic Nefarius Warrior

  • Last updated Feb 25, 2017 (Gadgetzan)
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  • 16 Minions
  • 12 Spells
  • 2 Weapons
  • Deck Type: PvE Adventure
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Boss: Lord Victor Nefarius
  • Crafting Cost: 240
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 4/29/2015 (Blackrock Launch)
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  • chumly
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**UPDATE**:  It's been a long time but this deck is still good.  Some of the new warrior spells can throw a couple of speed bumps into the mix, but nothing that will render this deck unusable.

Can't Beat em?  Fatigue em!

The meta is pretty simple for this fight, and I'd say this deck is the easiest way to beat him if you're on a budget.  Due to his hero power drawing class cards, after his transformation into the dragon, Nefarian will end up milling himself after he runs out of minions to play.  He will literally stop playing cards if he has no target.

Early game (1-3):

Mulligan for Charge, it will help you on turn 3 with whichever card Ragnaros throws you.  The other cards don't really matter with this play style.  If you don't get Charge it is still worth playing if you can remove a few of Nef's minions before they take you down too low.

Mid Game (4-?):

After you've nuked a few minions with your beastly Charge combo you start playing pure removal.  The key point to remember is to never have a minion for the next round.  If you play a card, it must attack and die.  If you pull Explosive Sheep hold onto it for another Charge combo.  The Ironbeak Owl is used with Charge as well, to mitigate Twilight Drake if they are played against you early (Ironbeak Owl + Whirlwind/Revenge is also great against Twilight Drake).   Also, I suggest trying to avoid drawing more cards, because you will be winning by fatigue.  If you use Slam, try to make it a killing blow.

Eventually Nefarian will run out of minions to cast.  His hand will be full of spells he cannot cast because there are no targets.  As soon as you see him draw a card and it burns because his hand is full switch to late game.

Late Game :

With a full hand Nefarian will just sit there and do nothing.  It is important not to play a targetable minion at this point, because he will resume drawing cards if he has something to play against.  At this point in the game you want to play ONLY one Shade of Naxxramas and continually cast your hero power.  Nefarian will run out of cards (usually before you do) and will start taking damage.  Finally, let him burn to death.  If it's looking like it's going to be a close call, hit him with your extremely buffed Shade of Naxxramas.


Card Substitutions:

Death's Bite and Arcanite Reaper are both decent replacements but you may take more damage by attacking minions and you will be cutting it close as it is.

Crush, Brawl, Bouncing Blade, and Mortal Strike are all good replacements for Explosive Sheep or Ironbeak Owl.  They are each probably better stand-alone cards and are more likely to be successful because they don't rely on a combination.