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There be Dragons! (Standard.)

  • Last updated Oct 16, 2016 (Yogg Nerf)
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  • 24 Minions
  • 4 Spells
  • 2 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Dragon Paladin
  • Crafting Cost: 13160
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 4/23/2015 (Blackrock Launch)
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So. I've been trying to make Dragon Pally work for too long. As soon as BRM was dropped, and we got all the fun stuff in forms of Dragon Consort and Blackwing Technician etc etc I was deckbuilding and testing. The issue back then was with lack of taunt dragons, it was hard. Then, of course, TGT was released, and with it came Twilight Guardian and Chillmaw. So those gaps were suddenly filled. But the deck was still hit and miss. Good games, or awful games, no inbetween, no general consistency. Well, I'm excited to announce that that is no longer the case. Its been a long time coming, and this guide was a million paragraphs long before, with all the updates, and notes on why. I figured to save time and space, I'd delete the whole thing and rewrite it, so. Here we go, I guess!


This deck is a midrange deck focused on fat amounts of dragons. Thanks to the most recent set, we've finally been given the tools to make a viable Dragon Paladin deck work. And not JUST because of the Dragon cards that were released. This IS a standard deck, naturally. The deck is built around a rather fun early game, combined with the tools and means to faceroll through mid to reach the endgame. So far, and I wish I was kidding, but I've played twelve games, and won all twelve. Granted most of them were against C'Thun priests which are damn near awful, but so far the deck is really showing promise.

Pros and cons:


  • The deck has enough tools to deal with pesky agro decks.
  • Thanks to the new dragons, the dragon count is high meaning that you always get triggers on the Blackwing cards.
  • Most of the deck is pretty cheap in mana cost now thanks to all the new cheap dragons.
  • The mid to late game is madness.
  • There's a ton of room for experimenting if you want to switch cards out.
  • With the new Ragnaros, Lightlord and Forbidden Healing, you have insane amounts of heals.
  • Dragons.


  • Its a pretty heavy deck to craft.
  • Lacks card draw. 
  • Silences can screw you, but then again, silences screw alot of cards/decks, so.
  • That's...... Sort of it, for now. Like I said, I'm yet to drop a game with it so I'll add to this accordingly, but as far as it plays, its been a gem.

 Card Choices

Paladin Cards:

  • Forbidden HealingCard Name: This card is too good to not have a one of. I mean I used to run things like Tuskarr Jouster, or Antique Healbot, but thanks to this, there's no need. Can be played at any stage in the game. Has saved me a couple of times.
  • Equality: I mean.... Its Equality... I don't need to go into detail as to why I use it. Everyone should be using it. In every deck. Even Shaman.
  • Aldor Peacekeeper: Another Paladin Staple, this card will always be an auto-include in Paladin decks. For me, atleast.
  • Consecration: Four mana to most of the time clear board, or atleast dent it, whilst also comboing with Equality for a wipe? Yes please.
  • Truesilver Champion: *Sighs* Its a Truesilver Ch- ya know what, you get it.
  • Dragon Consort: Five mana for a 5/5 that makes the next dragon two less? Its an obvious include, and makes that Ysera/Deathwing, Dragonlord play all the tastier.
  • Eadric the Pure: I like him alot. Stalls the game out should they be overwhelming you a bit, and helps with trades. Plus the stats are nice.
  • Ragnaros, Lightlord: Oh good GOD I love this card. He can actually swing at face. He can heal himself, you, or someone else in play I had a game with just him and Ysera in play. Kept punching dudes with Ysera, whilst Rag applies bandages. Ugh.) I can see this becoming one of those cards that finds a spot into most Pally decks. 
  • Tirion Fordring: Still my favourite class legendary in the game, and still an absolute tank of a card. Literally.

 Neutral Cards:

  • Sir Finley Mrrgglton: The hero power we have is pretty useless. 1/1 dudes don't do a lot for a deck trying to push out giant flame breathing monsters. So this guy is nice. Plus good stats for a one drop.
  • Wild Pyromancer: Equality's best friend.
  • Blackwing Technician: Thanks to the high dragon count, this card almost always gets its trigger.
  • Mind Control Tech: The tech card of choice for this deck so far. Can be switched out accordingly.
  • Midnight Drake: One of the new dragons, this guy is a pretty heavy hitter early on. At minimum he's always had atleast six attack for me. For four mana, that's pretty damn good.
  • Twilight Guardian: A nice, tasty, Taunt dragon. With decent stats. 
  • Blackwing Corruptor: Again, with the dragon count this almost always gets its trigger. Good stats, plus three damage. Value.
  • Scaled Nightmare: Finally something for the six drop spot, and stat wise, its actually decent. The base stats are great, but its one of those things where, if not addressed, it gets out of hand very quickly.
  • Chillmaw: Now I love this card, so I included it. A fat dragon body, with a pretty nasty effect combined with taunt is pretty decent. However its not a MUST have. I simply included it because it fit the curve, and its still a good card.
  • Ysera: Easily the best dragon in the game. The constant value, plus the fat body is awesome. She's won the majority of my games through the dream cards.
  • Deathwing, Dragonlord: I just had to. The effect is awesome, depending on what's in hand. The body is massive. And the fact that after a Consort you can make it for eight mana is madness. Naturally, any fat dragon can replace this one but. This has done me well so far so it'll be sticking around for me.

 Possible switches:

  • Deathwing, Dragonlord: Generally any other fat dragon will do, though it might be best to stick to either Alexstrasza or Nefarian. They'd do more for you in the long run.
  • Ragnaros, Lightlord: Lay on Hands. The purpose of Rag is to heal you into oblivion, whilst being able to punch face. Should he not appeal to you, or if you don't have one, Lay on Hands does the job.
  • Mind Control Tech: Any other tech card you feel appropriate. If you're dealing with a ton of weapons, then naturally include Harrison Jones. If secrets, think about Eater of Secrets etc etc etc.
  • Chillmaw: To be honest, I'd go with Chromaggus. Effect is nice, the body is fat, and the mana cost doesn't eat the curve too badly.
  • Eadric the Pure: The purpose of this card is to stall. You make all of the opposing minions weak so you can trade off and be fine, so really to replace this you'd want something like Enter the Coliseum. The end result is the same.

 Anyway any questions at all, slap them in the comments. Its been a long time coming, and I'm so happy to see this deck finally doing insanely well. For me, atleast. 

Any questions, suggestions, or comments are welcome. Enjoy!