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[BRM] Viable Mill Rogue (Beats Face Hunter)

  • Last updated Apr 4, 2015 (Blackrock Launch)
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  • 15 Minions
  • 15 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 2320
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 4/3/2015 (Blackrock Launch)
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New Mill Rogue deck using Gang Up to copy your oracles and get 8. This deck has a great matchup against control decks that like to draw cards, and it even has a good matchup against Face Hunters due to the amount of healing and taunts.

When to use Gang Up?

Against Control: Use Gang Up on Coldlight Oracle almost 100% of the time if possible. You need the extra Coldlight Oracles to mill their deck while gaining 6 cards in your deck.

Against Aggro: You absolutely need to use Gang Up on either Antique Healbot or Sludge Belcher. Deathlord is alright as well, especially against Face Hunter. This matchup actually works better if you do not try to pull of the Coldlight combos, instead just try to deal with their minions and eventually you will be able to win.

Class Matchups:

Face Hunter:

Mulligan: Deathlord, Backstab, Deadly Poison, SI:7 Agent, Preparation, Eviscerate
Strategy: Just respond to their board efficiently. Eventually you will just run them out of cards with your healing and stalls and then you can finish them off.

Combo Druid:

Mulligan: Coldlight Oracle, Sap, Deadly Poison, Eviscerate, SI:7 Agent
Strategy: This is a hard matchup because they only need to have a few things on board to finish you off with the combo. Try to clear their board as much as you can and last until when you can coldlight oracle them to death. They will be quite a few cards ahead of you due to Ancients of Lore.


Mulligan: Blade Flurry, Deathlord, Backstab, Preparation, Eviscerate, SI:7 Agent, Deadly Poison
Strategy: Mech mage is a difficult Matchup. Try to control the board as much as you can. Freeze mage is super easy as you can just make them overdraw and most likely burn Alexstraza.


Mulligan: Coldlight Oracle, Backstab, SI:7 Agent, Deathlord, Vanish, Preparation, Deadly Poison, Blade Flurry
Strategy: Save your Blade Flurry and Vanish for a Quartermaster combo. Vanish into Clockwork Giant is a strong play and their hand will be filled with garbage 1/1s.


Mulligan: Coldlight Oracle, Blade Flurry, Backstab, SI:7 Agent, Deathlord, Vanish, Preparation, Deadly Poison
Strategy: Vanish totems to fill their hand with garbage. Prep + Vanish is good to keep. Control the board so they cant get too much value from Flametongue Totem


Mulligan: COLDLIGHT ORACLE!!!, Shadowstep, Sap, Clockwork Giant, Blade Flurry, Backstab, SI:7 Agent, Deadly Poison, Eviscerate
Strategy: Since most warlocks are Handlock or DemonLock, mulligan for as much card draw as possible unless you know it's Zoo. If it's Zoo, mulligan for the second half of the cards listed. Playing a clockwork giant turn 3/4 against Handlock is hilarious.


Mulligan: Coldlight Oracle, Youthful Brewmaster, Gang Up, SI:7 Agent, Eviscerate, Sap
Strategy: Mulligan for all the draw cards, and that should give you enough options to hold back his minions until you can just fatigue him through excessive Oracle spam. Try to give him as many draws off Acolyte of Pain as possible.


Mulligan: Coldlight Oracle, Youthful Brewmaster, Gang Up, Deadly Poison, Eviscerate, SI:7 Agent, Sap
Strategy: Priests like to draw cards, so let them. If they play a turn 1 Northshire Cleric, you can try to save your draw cards for after they already have a full hand. A Fairly easy matchup.


Mulligan: Coldlight Oracle, Youthful Brewmaster, Gang Up, Deadly Poison, SI:7 Agent, Eviscerate
Strategy: Try to race them to fatigue. Vanish is useful for after they've played Tinker's Oil on a minion. This is a difficult matchup because Rogues have so much burst it will be hard to stay at a high enough life total.