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Boggspine Evolve Shaman

  • Last updated Apr 11, 2024 (Whizbang Paladin Changes)
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  • 9 Minions
  • 17 Spells
  • 2 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Evolve Shaman
  • Crafting Cost: 10800
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 4/11/2024 (Whizbang Paladin Changes)
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Zilliax Deluxe 3000: Twin Module, Ticking Module (9 Mana 4/6: Costs (1) less for each minion in play. Battlecry: Summon a copy of this.)

I had difficulty finding a modern evolve shaman deck that wasn't playing the excavate package, so I wanted to try to make my own. We're just trying to play Boggspine Knuckles on turn 5 (4 with coin) and smack with it on every turn we can play Doppelgangster, Tiny Toys, Pack the House, Zilliax Deluxe 3000, or any other combination of cards that gives us some sexy evolves.

Card Choice Explanations:
Convincing Disguise: 1 mana evolve your board by (2) when evolved. Self-explanatory, can maybe keep in mulligan with Schooling.
Muck Pools: One of the most powerful evolve cards ever printed. Self-explanatory.
Schooling: Cheap bodies, good aggro and anti-aggro, great to infuse Convincing Disguise.
Unstable Evolution: Helps to fill waiting turns, like turn 4 to turn a totem or Piranha Swarmer into a 5-drop. Also just good if you happen to low-roll with any of your swarm cards.
Ancestral Knowledge: Shaman as a class is usually pretty light on card draw, so having this is just generally good.
Cagematch Custodian: 2 mana 2/2 that draws the card this deck is pretty much based around. Self-Explanatory.
Devolve: Good if you're trying to push for lethal through some taunts, to remove deathrattles, big priest, etc. Good depending on the decks you're facing, but can be cut.
Desert Hare: 3 copies of a 3 mana minion, great for evolving. Essentially just a cheaper Doppelgangster, a staple for evolve shaman.
Primordial Wave: Evolve and devolve in 1 card, with the benefits of both at the cost of being fairly expensive at 3 mana. Solid enough, can perform well some games, not so much others.
Baroness Vashj: Great tempo when a Muck Pools is on the board, and can also be a board reload with Unstable Evolution.
Bandersmosh: Fun card. If you get lucky you can hit some insane high-rolls, but this is definitely more of a preference inclusion (but I have had lots of success with it).
Boggspine Knuckles: The card I wanted to make a deck around. Self-explanatory.
Doppelgangster: 3 copies of a 5 mana minion, great for evolving, and a staple in evolve shaman.
The Storm Bringer: Another preference inclusion, but can make a Desert Hare a (possibly) impressive card on 9 mana, or if your opponent leaves some totems or piranhas up it can be a game changer on turn 6. Again, mostly in here for fun, but can win you some games.
Tiny Toys: Can decide games if you play it on turn 6 after equipping weapon. Self-explanatory.
Pack the House: Can decide games if you play it on turn 7 after equipping the weapon. Self-explanatory.
Zilliax Deluxe 3000: With Twin Module and Ticking Module, this card basically just ends up being two Mogu Fleshshapers in one card, gives us a 10-drop when we evolve it. Self-explanatory.

Flex Spots:
Devolve/Primordial Wave: Depending on the decks you're playing against, you can replace these with cards like Hex for big decks, Evolve if you're playing against decks that don't run a lot of minions.
Bandersmosh/The Storm Bringer: As I mentioned above, these cards are mostly included for fun, and because I enjoy playing them. If you'd like, you can easily cut these for some stronger cards. One card I've been wanting to try but haven't crafted yet is Hagatha the Fabled. If you have the weapon equipped and have a Fairy Tail Slime that casts Tiny Toys or Pack the House, it's just a free 6/7 mana body that comes with the spells you're already playing. The downside, of course, is that it would be played on the same turn you want to play your weapon, and the tempo can be far too slow if you're playing against a hyper aggro deck. Another possible inclusion is Thrall, Deathseer, but again, he has similar issues to Hagatha.

Overall, I've been having a lot of success with this deck, but more importantly, a lot of fun. Try it out, swap some cards around, and let me know what you think! Good luck!