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Hooktusk's Happy Menagerie

  • Last updated Mar 7, 2024 (Pre-Rotation Buffs Patch)
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  • 19 Minions
  • 9 Spells
  • 2 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Pirate Rogue
  • Crafting Cost: 13680
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 3/3/2024 (Pre-Rotation Buffs Patch)
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Hello everyone, here my version of a deck using the recently buffed Pirate Admiral Hooktusk.

Here's a quick guide to help you with:



1. General Concept and Game Plan:


The deck is a drilling rogue deck using all the drilling package and the usual good cards that goes along side it that are here to support our build up towards our top ends, naming: Pirate Admiral Hooktusk and The One-Amalgam Band. While Hooktusk may seems obvious if we are building around her as a payoff to be run alongside a pirate package, I did realize after many experimentations that we were lacking actual proper good pirates in standard. I tried many, but they always felt in the scope in between meh and ok. Only a few felt mandatories. So I thought about the menageries payoffs since I realized we were already running a few tribes in the form of Pirates, Beasts and Undeads. So running both amalgams made sense. I tried other cards but they were not really good or doing anything so I ended up with this list.

So the game plan is pretty basic. Play drilling rogue+Velarok packages to support you while you set up Hooktusk and Amalgam by swarming the board with pirates and a few other tribes. If game isn't closed before turn 7, you start slamming the big boys.



2. Cards and packages breakdowns:


 Since Drilling Rogue is already well know, I won't explain the Drilly the Kid and the Velarok Windblade packages. I will focus on the other two.


-Pirate package:

 *Jolly Roger: your basic one drop. Try to play it on turn one to threaten swarming the board, or alongside a eapon later on to always get value. It is your fastest way to activate Hooktusk.

 *Swashburglar: your basic one drop. Gives fuel to Velarok.

 *Cutlass Courier: your most important pirae besides Hooktusk. It is the card that gets you targeted draw and allows you to fish for pirates. Never drop it if you can't attack with it. It serves the same purpose as Private Eye in the secret package.

 *Pirate Admiral Hooktusk: Your big payoff. Try to play her as possible with a shadowstep effect ready in hand to squeeze out her value, but don't tunnel vision on it either, you have other big cards. Don't underestime the stealing two cards effects. Having a 7/7 discards two draw two is a very powerfull effect in term of tempo.


-Amalgam package:

 *Amalgam of the Deep: gives you more pirates and fuel both Hooktusk and the Band. Be carefull with it as many of your pirates are undead first and pirates only as subtypes so you will get undead discover pool. This case matters the most if you are fishing to discover an extra copy of Hooktusk, vs Warrior for example to get more stealing effects. But don't sweat on it too much as you have access to many types pool in this deck.

 *The One-Amalgam Band: second big payoff of the deck. Generally, if you have fueled it to 5, you will almost always have access to a 7 mana 6/6 lifesteal rush and windfury, wich are the effects you generally want the most as it offers the biggest tempo swing. Very good to stabilize before starting to drop Hooktusk.



I hope you'll enjoy the deck and that this guide helps. All I ask you guys is to upvote this deck for visibility.

Have a nice day :)