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Top 25 Legend Wild Beast Hunter

  • Last updated Oct 3, 2021 (Demon Seed Ban)
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  • 20 Minions
  • 8 Spells
  • 2 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Beast Hunter
  • Crafting Cost: 6560
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 9/22/2021 (Demon Seed Ban)
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Beast hunter was relevant for a very short period of time back when Barrens was released and pretty swiftly faded into meta irrelevancy (Didn't see any at all after the mini set was released and I was playing at like 100-300 legend at the time). However, and this may have slipped under the nose of quite a few of you, it actually received good support in the most recent set, and also got buffed in the most recent patch.

For starters, Devouring Swarm is an AMAZING card that adds so much to this deck. Removal, card advantage, extra reach on otk turns; the card provides it all. Leatherworking kit is also a great card that improves your consistency by a lot. Only having 4 good draw cards really hurt you because you would often get games where you wouldn't see them. And now at 1 it's actually reasonable to run. It was still good at 2 but it felt clunky to ever play it. You basically just had to burn a turn for nothing. At 1 you can drop it turn 1 if you lack a one drop and not feel that bad or just reasonably slide it into any other turn. This deck tends to have the opposite problem of most hunter decks; you actually have TOO MUCH draw. The last new card I'm running is Rat King. Many people will scoff at this but in a meta where pirate warrior is either the best or one of the best decks then rat king is always going to be solid. That deck often has wayy more steam than you anticipate so a 5/5 rusher that keeps coming back is really relevant. Admittedly, it is the most replaceable card though. I haven't given a lot of testing to substitutes but, most likely, your best bets are going to be timber wolf if you're seeing a lot of combo or Rats of Extraordinary Size if you're seeing a lot of control. Rust rot viper is easy to slot in as well if you don't like either of those options.

The goal of the deck is quite simple: apply early aggression with well statted cheap beasts (1 cost into razormaw is a very common curve I aim for especially if I know I won't be able to trade and get a hyena online), use your amazing card draw tools to refill, and then buff your entire hand with don't feed the animals and go for the finish with a combination of tundra rhino and any amount of penguins, reduced to 0 creepers, and whatever else you can afford (particularly hyena gives you a crazy amount of reach on turn 7 if you already had a few 1/1s from the turn before or wolpertinger being a lot of damage for mana spent). 

You have AMAZING matchups into board based decks. In my experience in the new patch so far, you farm pirate warrior, evenlock, and paladin, but you can pretty much extend this to any deck that needs to win through the board you can think of. I've also been mostly beating renolocks, of which I have seen a little bit of. Your worst matchups tend to be combo decks. Things like ignite mage, pillager rogue, quest hunter, and alignment druids. Ignite mage lists are suprisingly somewhat beatable just because they run minions to trade into. Still unfavored but they need to have the combo on 6 or you can pull through. I have not seen any pillager rogue recently luckily for us as it's a pretty hopeless matchup. Your one hope is poison dreadscale in response to them dropping spirit of the shark on four to try and stall for 1-3 more turns. Quest hunter and alignment druid are the most hopeless. Leatherworking kit helps a lot into quest hunter as it's way easier to fit in time to play it now and you can try to recover from them constantly clearing your board. Alignment druid is really poor. The only way you possibly win this matchup is if you do something crazy like tempo out a rhino and they just spreading plague pass. Shadow priest is a little unfavored because they tend to kill you from 15 without any minions on the board (also shadowcloth needle really hurts you if they start playing it again). However, early hyena plays can make any aggro matchup completely winnable. Most aggro decks have trouble clearing a 6/4 on 2 that continues to grow.

The TLDR mulligan guide is keep alley cat, wolpertinger, and buzzard always. If you have a 1 drop already, hyena, razormaw, and master's call are all good keeps.

Anyways, enjoy the deck. Any feedback is welcome.