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  • Last updated Aug 16, 2018 (Boomsday)
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  • 20 Minions
  • 10 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Shudderwock Shaman
  • Crafting Cost: 11520
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 8/8/2018 (Boomsday)
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Odd Baku Bomber

Version 1 - Ready for The Boomsday Project
Difficulty: medium
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Leolph
Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/leolph


 About this deck:

This was the first deck I played on release day of the expansion "The Boomsday Project" with a 63% winrate. However, that was a time where everyone was tinkering with the new cards, so the meta has changed a lot until now. The main focus in this deck was to play a Shudderwock deck with the new cards without the goal of the usual infinite Shudderwock combo. In this deck you will Bomb your enemy!

Moreover, with Baku the Mooneater you get the upgrated shaman hero power which is very underated! More about that in a possible upcoming guide for this deck.

This deck has so much RNG that you can not talk about a consistent deck. If you are a competitive pro-player you will not like this deck.  EVERY GAME WILL BE DIFFERENT! You need to think a lot how to use your random generated ressources. It's another playstyle than just playing cards on curve like you know from odd paladin or zoolock. Do not play this deck if you are used to fast games. This is a grinder deck, expect long games. You play this deck for the fun and yes, it has a very high winrate as you can see :)

If you are a streamer and play this deck (or a modified version of it) on stream please give credit! Thanks!


How to play this deck:

Baku the Mooneater gives you the upgrated shaman hero power which is currently very much underated.
Choosing the right totem in the right situation has won me so much games. Moreover, what a lot of people do not know:
when you choose your totems it does not matter what totem is already on the board, which is not the case when you do not play the upgrated hero power.
so for example you can choose 3x spell damage totem in a row if you want. without baku you are limited by 4 totems and all totems have to be different!
This will effect the gameplay so much, you will see it the more games you play with this deck.


Always try to find a 1-drop, even if it's a Glacial Shard, play it to get the early body on board.
If your opponent is midrange or control you get some chip damage in and can protect it with a taunt totem on turn 2, if your opponent is aggro you have some stats on the board.

Your turn 2 usually is a hero power and if your opponent played no minion I prefer a spell damage totem over a taunt totem. In some situations it also could be useful to play a healing totem, for example, when your turn 3 play is a Stonehill Defender and you pick a 4-mana-taunt of it's discover.

If you are on the coin and have a Mana Tide Totem then play it on turn 2, you want to find your other cards very fast. Be careful with Mana Tide Totem when you play against Druids because of Naturalize!
You will get a feeling when playing more games with this deck how to utilize your Mana Tide Totem and how much you should protect it or let it get killed by your opponent.


Essential cards in this deck:

Seaforium Bomber and Shudderwock - the baseline and idea of the whole deck

Earth Shock, Lightning Storm and Volcano - your removal package, Earth Shocks are very good against Twilight Drakes and nasty (mech) deathrattles, and with multiple spell damage totems on board you can get a huge swing turn with the Lightning Storms. Volcanos are your full board clear cards, especially with Electra Stormsurge you can kill nasty deathrattle boards (Treant Druid with Soul of the Forest or Deathrattle Hunter).

Electra Stormsurge - very underated card, it's so versatile in so many situations. The obvious ones are using her with Healing Rain or a Lightning Storm, but there are a lot of other scenarios where it can be useful. I had games where I got Bloodlust from Witch's Apprentice to get enough damage in that the Bombs finally killed my opponent. Another scenario: when I was out of cards I played her with Un'Goro Pack to get a 10 card refill. It also can be good with Blazing Invocation if you want more battlecry minions for Shudderwock. Evil persons could think that you use this play when you fish for a second Shudderwock :p

Zola the Gorgon - the obvious use for this card is to use it on the Seaforium Bomber to get another one and so at least 2 extra Bombs in your deck with your final Shudderwock, but this card can also be used for Electra Stormsurge and Elise the Trailblazer or one of your tech cards (Big Game Hunter, E.M.P. Operative, Gluttonous Ooze). Sometimes you get a The Lich King from your Stonehill Defender, so why not copy him or even when you are lucky enough why not copy another Shudderwock? If you don't have Zola the Gorgon I'd recommend to craft her, she will always be a good card in so much decks. Meanwhile, when you don't have the dust to craft her you might try a Baleful Banker.

Other cards you should not change in this deck:
Glacial Shard, Blazing Invocation, Witch's Apprentice, Healing Rain, Stonehill Defender, Mana Tide Totem, 1x Mind Control Tech, Elise the Trailblazer, Gluttonous Ooze

Tech cards you could change, depending on the meta you are facing:
1x Mind Control Tech
Big Game Hunter
E.M.P. Operative

Keep in mind when you play your Shudderwock to have a small handsize because you will get a lot of cards (Stonehill Defender, Blazing Invocation and maybe of other generated cards during the game).


More infos / footage:

Check out the VOD of my stream, I played this deck on day 1 of the expansion release in a 9 hour marathon!