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Windfury Shaman , consistent 20+ lethals. (all ...

  • Last updated Nov 12, 2014 (Naxx Launch)
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  • 16 Minions
  • 12 Spells
  • 2 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 5060
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 11/2/2014 (Naxx Launch)
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 Watch The Video Inculdes Having Lethal while The Other Player is at Full Health



 i 've been playing Shaman A LOT lately. i 've tried most if not all major/common builds and other than Priest overall who is a bad matchup the reasons why shaman is losing are the following:
- falling behind on turn 1 and 2 happens a lot, resulting to totems being slayed,Haunted Creeper being overwhelmed and on top of that Lightning Storm rolling low 
-Defender of Argus ,Nerubian Egg andUnbound Elemental are liabilities when you fight for board early
- If your opponet has the coin most starts stastically will be bad. I repeat that applies for most builds, not all

The logic behind the "odd" cards #


These decklists  manage to prevent you from running out of steam, counter snowball opening rounds and get you safely to midgame where you can  generate huge waves of burst and do it in a very mana efficient fashion, 20+ lethal turns are sth that happens consistently. Being able to dish so much damage in 1 turn make you more tollerant to face damage, also your board most of the times will look really deceptive and lures  your opponent to go face intead of clearing your board (if you check the videos my point will come across better , soon i ll upload a motage that includes a 30 damage lethal!!)

 WINDFURY is the most mana and resource efficient damage mechanism in the game imo but minions that utalize it have are not good picks and Shaman is the only Class capable to  grant windury to minions.
Windfury would be one more spell in an already spell heavy deck ,hence it can lead to really bad openings and  does nothing to improve your board condition. Thats why we opt for Windspeaker. This card is very efficcient resource wise for this  type of deck since you pay 4 mana and in my mind it breaks down to: 2 mana for Windfury and the rest 2 mana for a 3-3 drop.The problem with Windspeaker is that it requires a good body on the board to grant  WINDFURY  to in order to get good value.The deck has adequate means to buff even the weaker minions so they can become worty of  WINDFURY.  BloodlustFlametongue Totem and Rockbiter Weapon are the afformentioned means.

 Shade of Naxxramas is the MVP of the deck!  Shade of Naxxramas is your number 1 target when you play Windspeaker. starts as a very weak body but it can grow into sth really stong if your are patient and play around aoe. This card is the most efficient way to introduce Windspeaker on the board since you get the value of the Windfury and 3-3 body by playing one single card(thats a good 2 for 1). In contrary to other minions Shade of Naxxramas allows you to play Windspeaker whenever you need a minion on the board if Windspeaker is your only available option ,if its not a turn you have lethal you keep Shade of Naxxramas stealthed. If your are forced to summon Windspeaker most the times the minion you grant WINDFURY  will be  cleared ASAP on your opponents turn. Though keep in mind you try your best to keep Windspeaker in hand and summon it the very moment you want to pass WINDFURY  to sth ,cause even if you play around aoe, there are cards like Ragnaros the Firelord and Deadly Shot that you cant play around with 100% success
Sludge Belcher other than his obvious use which is taking damage instead of you and buying you time , he can fit the role of the bait. In many many occasions my opponent sits, from his ignorantly blissfull prespective, on a safe amount of health while i just miss lethal because of overload, i am 1 mana short or Shade of Naxxramas needs to grow 1 more turn etc... By slaping Sludge Belcher on the board he makes defensive plays like taunts or healing up  seem unappealing  because everyone wants to get rid of Sludge Belcher , so he  encourages removals and generally a more offensive approach from your opponent the following round.

Earthen Ring Farseer [/card] othet than healing your self he can provide some crucial healing to [card]Shade of Naxxramas and get it out of aoe range
Voodo doctor fills the same role ,his healing is one short, much weaker body on the other hand for the same mana you pay for Earthen Ring Farseer [/card] you can summon [card]Voodo doctor and roll a totem , on top of that early game he can trade  with small minions and hinder snowballing

Fire Elemental and Loatheb (on variants that dont use him) were really painfull yet necessary cuts

Finally double 
Doomhammer cause Harrison Jones  is a trend in control decks and not only. WINDFURY  is how we roll!!!
the second weapon pretty much replaces Al'Akir the Windlord because it is more vesatile since 5mana is forgiving if you overloaded the previous turn, and you can play more things if you are a hight turn. Doomhammer carries 16 damage and most likely you are gonna deal all of it. 
It clears almost everything Cabal Shadow Priest can steal from your deck and it can just sit by your side with 2 charges and wait for you to gather the rest pieces for your lethal combo, on the other hand Al'Akir the Windlord  is a hideous body if you have to pop divine shield on you turn and most likely he will be removed from the board easily! Not to mention despite being an 8 mana drop, really unforgiving for  a deck with so much overload, you still need  Rockbiter Weapon  to do any significant damage 

#Resource War:
Alexstrasza obviously can be used to heal yourself . Though no deck is invincible , against  Handlock , Priest and against any control deck in generall if things go south there is a good chace that you will run out of steam and the enemy player will at really high health. Alexstrasza gives you an out if you have an active Doomhammer and a Rockbiter Weapon  you can get your opponent down to 5 health and 5 damage is (way more)possible no matter how bad you situation is.
The Black Knight the raeson is very obvious, everyone runs Sludge Belcher, he saves you cards and spell power. The Black Knight must be in every ladder deck , no debate. 
Big Game Hunter is optional, you already have more that enough removal against Handlock, anyway BGH will never be a liability.


beyond that:
1) every 3 or less  mana card but Shade of Naxxramas is here to help fight for board early game , Rockbiter Weapon should be used as removal on as the very very last option!!!
2) Flametongue Totem should be played with caution, dont just slap on the board because it fits the curve , keep it on your hand use it  when you need to get good trades, or if you have a good board around it.
3) play around aoe in order to keep 
Shade of Naxxramas healthy i.e. make sure by turn seven it winn at 5 health at least, if not intenttionanly leave your board weak enough so its not worthy for a  Flamestrike ,the  turn before your opponents turn 7 is the best to drop the Doomhammer 
4) you can allow more face damage than you normaly should due to the high damage output you can instantly. As i said 15 damage wih deceptively weak looking board is waht this build does! so luring your opponent to push damage to your face and neglect your minions is sth that you actually want. And in case you want more time to draw into sth thats
why Alexstrasza and  Sludge Belcher are here for.
5) Aways opt to clear board than go face till turn 6 and beyond


Hunter:  Earth Shock and Lightning Bolt early game in a heartbeat keep hex for Hymaine, keep in mynd they have Flare a card that can break STEALTH
Mage: Shade must be able to survine Flamestrike. Against freeze mage if they have an ice block or not when they play  Alextrasza decides the winner most of the times.
Priest: Priest is cheap and OP , Lightning Bolt , Nortshire cleric and  Injured Blademaster. He has many tricks against you ,  deny  him drawing into all of them!
Handlock: you cant afford to hex anything but giants, stacking spell damage minions is important,save Bloodmage Thalnos for a strong Lightning Storm .
Generally it is a pure resource war.
Nuke their Ancient Watcher ASAP ,an early shadow flame can be devastating!
stack your burst in you hand and wait keep them above 15 health so the wont drop Molten Giant, this deck can finish anyone in 20+ health ,so be patient, when Molten Giant is uplayable you have more that enough resources to deal with Mountain Giant , Sludge Belcher and Twilight Drake
ZooEarthsock and Lightning Bolt  in a heartbeat. Preffer to take damage so you can get some spell damage minion on board next turn. before you use Lightning Storm, many 2 rolls will lose you  the game