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Legend 10/24

  • Last updated Oct 25, 2014 (Naxx Launch)
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  • 18 Minions
  • 10 Spells
  • 2 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 880
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 10/24/2014 (Naxx Launch)
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  • Vamp
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Little late this season, but finally found one of the easier hunter decks to grind out legend. I started using this deck at around rank 3 and after 2 hours of grinding I was able to pick up another fairly easy legend.

The deck is pretty standard but just to go over a few points

1.Highmane is way too heavy, which is the main reason I only run one. It's too vulnerable to too many cards (sap/hex primarily) and since hunter is so naturally aggressive I see no point in having 2 cards that heavy.

2.Houndmaster is too inconsistent. Using only 1 houndmaster has been quickly recognized as the "new meta" but I still get questions on why I only use 1 or why I even run it in the 1st place. Houndmaster's stat allocation is insane (6/5 for 4). However there really aren't enough beasts in a hunter deck with this meta, there simply isn't enough room. The only sensible compromise is to run just  one.

3.Argus. Argus is a card that I haven't seen too many hunter's pick up. It's much easier to get value out of in comparison to houndmaster (albeit the stat allocation is slightly worse) but it seems to round out the curve really well. The deck focuses on taunt. I can't tell you how many times I've hidden behind taunts and spammed steady shot to scrape out a win. 

*The Trap Debate*

This is one of the few areas  that hunter's can change based on situation. A few people have asked "why not snake instead of explosive?" and the answer is quite simple. Snake trap sucks. Unless there is some deck synergy built around it (knife juggler/buzzard) the card will fail to get value because of all the board clear classes are picking up to deal with the annoying deathrattles. I actually tried snake for a good dozen games and found that only extremely early snake traps (early enough where they can't get a value clear) are effective.

Hope this helps someone. Please comment!

Edit: I got some more questions about traps and different deck variations and I just wanted to clear one thing up. Explosive trap is extremely good. It is by far the most consistent trap and the the most difficult trap for your opponent to play around. The face value is actually borderline unfair as well. Worst case scenario your explosive trap hits no minions and deals 2 damage to their face for 2 mana (sound familiar? hint: steady shot). To be completely honest I wouldn't be surprised if it were to get nerfed (you heard it here first).