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Snacks for Mini-Rags

  • Last updated Jul 19, 2018 (Spiteful Nerf)
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  • 23 Minions
  • 7 Spells
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Feed Me, Insect!

Yes, Ragnaros sent his mini-incarnation to grace us all during the Midsummer Fire Festival.  How gracious of him, right?  Well, at least the brawl he's participating in is fun.  So, let's get right into it, shall we?

The Brawl's Gimmick:

Mini-Rag will attack at the end of the turn with a number of random shots for 1 equal to his attack power.  He starts at 2, and gains 1 for every minion he kills.  So when he shoots the minions and kills them on your opponent's side of the board, he's going to hit you that much harder.  Try to deprive your opponent of their board, and build one of your own to feed the Mini-Rag!

The Plan:

Create a board of small, reasonably easy to ping off minions with high value for replenishment or tech.  Use the tech minions to disrupt your opponent.  And if you can manage it across the mid-game, drop Gurubashi Berserker for potentially huge damage.  Getting him from 2/7 up to 8/5, or even 14/3 is not hard!  Even if he only gets in one shot, that can be enormous in swinging the game to your favour.

Choices and Reasons:

Equality and/or Consecration - Make everyone's minions smaller.  Use it with a Consecrate to blow theirs out and make your life easier, not to mention safer.  And of course, leave any minions you have up nice and easy for him to pop next turn.  (Keep in mind, your opponent will get a shot at it first!)

Muster for Battle - Bonus weapon swings and 3 cheap minions for Mini-Rag to pop.  Nice!

Dragon Egg - This minion spawns the Whelps as the damage is happening.  So you might get 3 for the price of 1 card.  Sweet.

Leper Gnome - While 2 is a chip, that's 2 damage to face while you're getting Mini-Rag buffed in your favour.  

Eggnapper and Haunted Creeper - Easy to knock out minions that provide even more of the same.  Value!

Murloc Knight - A minion that provides not one, but two minions for hero-powering. 

Argent Horserider, Bluegill Warrior and Mind Control Tech - Disrupt the opponent with charging and theft. 

Other Good Options / Replacements:

Bloodmage Thalnos would be card draw to go with your cheap, easy to kill minion.  Might be worth it.

Murloc Warleader would be solid if you want to go full Murloc.  At that point, I'd shuffle out some other minions and probably build more to support it.

Harvest Golem for the budget builder.

Grim Patron is good for board flood if you want to try that tactic instead.  I'd swap it in for the Berserker.  On the up side, you can easily have a wide board of 3 attack minions.  The down side is that Mini-Rags is far less likely to kill any minions and buff himself up.