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S7 Mid(st)rangePaladin - FU hunter/zoo

  • Last updated Oct 21, 2014 (Naxx Launch)
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  • 20 Minions
  • 8 Spells
  • 2 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 4280
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 10/19/2014 (Naxx Launch)
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Hello guys! My name is xUt9pia, I'm an italian Hearthstone player and that's my first guide/deck ever published, even if I have been playing the game since the beta period. (I started playing in december and I quickly fell in love with the game) Also, i'm sorry because I know my english is pretty bad but I'll try to make it as comprehensible as I can.

I have always been fascinated by the Paladin class, but very few builds ever really shined lately: the only viable one right now is the fat-healadin-slow as fuck version that, don't get me wrong, is pretty strong expecially against control decks, but it has also been the same since the first 'kolento paladins' popped up months and months ago. Given the fact that I hate playing with the same deck everyone plays with like hunters and zoo, I tried to make this midrange-ish paladin version that works well against almost everything in the meta right now.

The gist is: make smart trades and avoid AoE spells.

The solid early game is as good as a zoo/hunter one, expecially because you can buff and protect all of your early drops with cards like Argent Protector and Avenge (easily brought to the field by Mad Scientists) to make more efficient trades. Also, the Paladin evergreens like Truesilver Champion and Consecration and the tech Zombie Chow help you seal the deal as far as mid-early stage is concerned. Traps are easy to activate thanks to your cheap minions and zoo generally bites the dust because of your sticky Harvest Golem and your Divine Shields. The only thing you have to be concerned against fast aggro decks is their direct damage output (you have to pay attention to stay at relatively safe health against Soulfire,Kill Command and even hunter hero power, so my advice is to establish board control with smart trades while also putting pressure on them).

Don't be afraid to go for face even with weapons: if your opponent has low enough health and you can't make obviously good trades, smack him with your sword and board because generally the pressure the deck can cause is pretty high and Avenging Wrath usually helps you finish your opponent off.

Against control decks, the deck does better then you expect: the fast start is comparable to a zoo one and when the late stage approaches you can kill or steal their stuff with Equality and Sylvanas Windrunner. Tirion Fordring is one of my favourite cards in the entire game so I couldn't leave him out and no player expect him: since you start so quickly most of the heavy removal will be used inefficiently on buffed annoying minions and often your opponent won't have answers to your Tirion.

Last but not least, Divine Favor replenish your hand against control, usually making you draw 3-4 cards if not more since Warriors, Handlocks, regular Paladins and Priests tend to have large hands.

Mulligan is pretty easy: against pretty much everything search hardly for Undertaker and cheap deathrattle minions to develop your board. Keeping a Truesilver if you already have some early game is a-ok. Also if you feel that's a right choice  keep Equality against Handlock or decks that lay big threats early (freeze mage, even control priest with injured blademaster + circle of healing) becase it's always useful, but you generally don't want to use it against a single threat and you save it for past turn 5.

The only grim matchup is Priest (every variation) and Warrior CTRL is a  bit unfavorable, but when I play I feel like I have a slight advantage against every other deck you encounter on the meta right now, expecially handlock and zoo. Hunter matchups are ok (currently 6/4) but they play out oddly and you MUST overpace them in the early stage without taking too much damage or you're doomed. Consecration is your best friend, removing small 1/1  (snakes, spiders) and destroying/damaging other minions is crucial.

EDIT: equality + swarming deathrattles just obliterates Handlocks, currently 5/1 and the one I lost had a majestic Jaraxxus comeback from 2 health by his side

Not fully convincing cards:

 Ironbeak Owl (useful to bypass taunts or silence buffed/threatening minions, but dead otherwise)

Acidic Swamp Ooze (super relevant against Warriors and hunters right now but meta depending)

If you have any questions or you feel like I'm doing something wrong or I forgot something, please tell me, help is very appreciated as I don't think I am the best deckbuilder around for any stratch of the immagination and I mostly posted this deck to receive feedback and advices to improve it.