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[RANK 1 LEGEND] Rage's Tempo Rogue

  • Last updated Mar 1, 2018 (Patches Nerf)
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  • 24 Minions
  • 6 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Tempo Rogue
  • Crafting Cost: 11560
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 1/12/2018 (Kobolds Patch)
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            Hey guys, I'm back with another deck and this time around I'm writing about Rage's Rank 1 Legend Tempo Rogue. Now, the reason why this list is so good and how he managed to hit top 1 by only playing this list from the beginning of the season is this list is insanely good against Highlander Priests and Jade Druids. Not surprisingly, this deck is also really good against hunters and mirror-matchups while being decent against aggro and murloc paladins. However, it does slightly struggle against Control and Cube Warlocks. 


+75 upvotes= Video.

I'll make a new deck guide on more decks that crush those pesky little priests and warlocks once this deck reaches 110+ upvotes!

Here is a cool video that spotlights the high-end potential of the deck presented to you by our dear friend KadakHS. Make sure to checkout the video and subscribe to his channel for more awesome content!


Link to KadakHS' channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh3e-X9yI7aLXwq1k_11_hA

    Please feel free to ask anything about the deck in the comments section and I will try to answer as many as possible. Don't forget to leave a like, as it greatly helps. If your having some trouble against the current meta decks and you want to try other lists you can check out my previous decks of this season, miracle rogue and face hunter.

Face hunter list: http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/1017046-rank-1-legend-face-hunter

Miracle rogue list: http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/1018657-top-50-legend-miracle-rogue

Zoolock list: http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/1028099-top-3-legend-enders-zoolock.

Combo dragon priest list: http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/1028200-rank-1-2-legend-combo-dragon-priest.

Post-Patches nerf decks: 

Ender's [Top 10 Murlocadin]https://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/1035183-top-6-7-legends-enders-murlocadin

Muzzy's Top 150 Legend Zoolock: https://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/1035199-top-150-legend-muzzys-zoolock.

Bullseye's Legend Spiteful Priest: https://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/1036881-legend-bullseyes-spiteful-priest

If you guys show any interest in the deck, I'll write a full deck guide spotlighting on how to pilot the deck as efficiently as possible. 

+25 upvotes= Mulligan and replacements guide.

     NEVER SHOULD YOU EVER KEEP: Patches the Pirate, Leeroy Jenkins, Bonemare or Saronite Chain gang in your opening hand. On the other hand, you should always keep: Prince Keleseth, 1x or 2x Shadowstep with Prince Keleseth, Sonya Shadowdancer with Prince Keleseth, 2x Corridor Creeper with the coin or a good curve, 2x Corridor Creeper with Keleseth, Edwin VanCleef with 2x or 1x counterfeit coin, or a one drop if you go first and don't have anything better to keep.

VS Control (Druid, Priest, Warrior or Warlock):

If you go first: Counterfeit Coin alongside a Southsea Captain, Edwin Vancleef or Elven Minstrel and an aggressive hand, Southsea Captain, Firefly, Swashburglar, Edwin and Backstab.

If you go second: Edwin Vancleef, 1 drops, Southsea Captains, Elven Minstrel with keleseth.

VS Aggro/Midrange (Hunter, Mage, Paladin, Rogue or Shaman):

Always keep: backstab and 1x Corridor Creeper.

If you go first: 1 drops, Edwin if you can pair it up with a backstab and/or counterfeit coin, SI:7 Agent with a 1 drop and counterfeit coin and Southsea Captain with 1 drop or Keleseth.

If you go second: 2x Corridor Creeper, Edwin VanCleef, 1 drops, SI:7 Agent, Southsea Deckhand and 1x Counterfeit Coin with Edwin or if it can work as an activator for 2x SI:7 or somehow help you curve out better in the early to mid-game transitioning stage. 

If your missing Sonya Shadowdancer, cut 2x counterfeit coin and add 1x Cobalt Scalebane, 1x Tar Creeper and 1x Firefly. If your missing Leeroy Jenkins, cut 2x shadowstep and add 1x Tar Creeper and 2x Cobalt Scalebane. You have a wide variety of tech decisions when it comes to deciding whether you'd want to have a Cobalt Scalebane or a Sonya. At the end of the day, they are all good within their own context -where one may be better than the other in a certain meta. Unfortunately for the f2p out there, the other Epics/Legendaries in the are irreplaceable. I would also heavily advise against replacing Leeroy because it provides a lot of burst potential and is therefore a core in the deck IMO, although not as heavily as the other cards, which is why I don't think that you can really replace him. If you really don't want to craft Leeroy, just substitute the recommended cards.

+50 upvotes= Matchups and plays.

This deck is really good against jade druids, highlander priests, hunters, shamans, zoolocks, mages and warriors. It is somewhat 50/50 against paladins, where the fate of the game is dependent on who gets a corridor creeper the fastest or whether the paladin can snowball hard enough that the rouge finds it impossible to deal with the board unless drawing like a god.

Most people in the HS community usually rant about how unskilled and luck dependent archetypes like tempo rogue and zoolock are, but they've got it all wrong. Tempo rogue isn't as simple as just playing on curve like face hunter and calculating what play can create the most stats or deal the most damage to your opponents face. When you play as Tempo Rogue, you should try to take it slow a weigh out your options and not over-commit into your board. You should space out your threats against control and try to keep your tokens as Combo activators in most scenarios. In an aggro matchup, you should try to keep the board under control while not wasting all your resources and develop as much as possible while removing their threats. Most importantly, you should try to play it calm in the mirror match-up and keep key cards like vilespine slayer if you've got a read on a bonemare sitting dead in their hand early on and don't try too hard to keep a Leeroy in your hand if you are you can't deal with a huge threat on an empty board in any other way. So play smart and keep your cool.