× Rarity
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The Runespear

After your hero attacks, Discover a spell
and cast it with random targets.

When asked what the runes do, the tauren smith smiled: "A little of this, a little of that..."


After your hero attacks, Recruit a minion.

Turn that frown into TWO frowns!


Battlecry: If your deck has no minions, fill your hand with Hunter spells.

Rhok'delar is ready to Rhok'de'casbah!


At the end of your turn, draw 3 cards.

PHENOMENAL ARCANE POWER…itty bitty living space.


Deathrattle: Give a minion in your hand +4/+2. When it dies, reequip this.

Recently unearthed in one of the deepest kobold caves. Traded for a large candle.

Skull of the Man'ari

At the start of your turn, summon a Demon from your hand.

Don't trust the skull.

Twig of the World Tree

Deathrattle: Refresh your Mana Crystals.

For druids who want to branch out.

Dragon Soul

After you cast 3 spells in a turn, summon a 5/5 Dragon.

Crafted by Deathwing's goblin horde, but the dragon added the rainbow sparkles himself.


Always keeps
Deathrattle: Shuffle this
into your deck.

But it has a soft spot for emperors.