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Name Type Class Cost Attack Health
Kabal Crystal Runner Minion Mage665
Kabal Crystal Runner Minion Mage665
Kabal Trafficker Minion Warlock666
Kael'thas Sunstrider Minion647
Keli'dan the Breaker Minion Warlock633
Khartut Defender Minion634
Khaz'goroth Minion Warrior645
Kidnapper Minion Rogue653
King Bagurgle Minion663
King Bagurgle Minion6126
Kingpin Pud Minion667
Kodorider Minion635
Korth'azz, Deathrider Minion666
Krag'wa, the Frog Minion Shaman646
Krag'wa, the Frog Minion Shaman646
Kresh, Lord of Turtling Minion Warrior639
Kronx Dragonhoof Minion666
Kurtrus Ashfallen Minion Demon Hunter654
Kurtrus, At Peace Minion Demon Hunter673
Lady Anacondra Minion Druid637
Lady in White Minion Priest655
Lady Prestor Minion667
Lady Prestor Minion667
Lady Vashj Minion654
Lady Vashj Minion654
Lead Dancer Minion Paladin642
Leatherclad Hogleader Minion666
Legionnaire Minion693
Lightfang Enforcer Minion688
Lightfang Enforcer Minion644
Lightshower Elemental Minion Priest666
Li'Na, Shop Manager Minion633
Loken, Jailer of Yogg-Saron Minion Warlock633
Lord Godfrey Minion61280
Lord Godfrey Minion61280
Lord Godfrey Minion61280
Lord of the Arena Minion665
Lor'themar Theron Minion Hunter655
Luckydo Buccaneer Minion Rogue655
Lumbering Golem Minion666
Mad Summoner Minion644
Madam Goya Minion643
Maexxna Minion628
Maexxna Minion6416
Majordomo Executus Minion6126
Majordomo Executus Minion663
Marrow Manipulator Minion Death Knight655
Marrow Manipulator Minion Death Knight655
Marrow Manipulator Minion Death Knight655
Masked Reveler Minion644
Master Jouster Minion656
Master of Realities Minion Shaman658
Maxima Blastenheimer Minion Hunter644
Mecha-Jaraxxus Minion6315
Mecha-Jaraxxus Minion6630
Mechanical Whelp Minion622
Mech-Bear-Cat Minion Druid676
Meteorologist Minion Mage633
Mi'da, Pure Light Minion Priest646
Midnight Wolf Minion Demon Hunter666
Millhouse Manastorm Minion6669
Millhouse Manastorm Minion6669
Minotauren Minion Warrior655
Missile Launcher Minion644
Mister Mukla Minion Hunter61010
Moat Lurker Minion633
Mogor the Ogre Minion676
Mogor's Champion Minion685
Mojomaster Zihi Minion655
Moorabi Minion Shaman644
Moorabi Minion Shaman644
Morgl the Oracle Minion6983
Morgl the Oracle Minion6983
Morgl the Oracle Minion6983
Morgl the Oracle Minion6983
Moss Elemental Minion666
Mossy Horror Minion627
Mossy Horror Minion627
Mothership Minion654
Mothership Minion654
Motley Phalanx Minion644
Motley Phalanx Minion688
Mukla, Tyrant of the Vale Minion655
Mukla, Tyrant of the Vale Minion655
Mukla's Big Brother Minion61010
Murgill Minion645
Murloc Menace Minion622
Nadina the Red Minion6168
Nadina the Red Minion684
Naga Commandant Minion61535
Naga Trapper Minion61060
Nalaa the Redeemer Minion656
Nalaa the Redeemer Minion61012
Nalaa the Redeemer Minion699
Nathanos Blightcaller Minion666
Nathanos Blightcaller Minion61212
Necrotic Geist Minion653
Necrotic Geist Minion653
Nemsy Minion6310
Nemsy Minion6660