Double Decker - Festival of Legends Multitype Wild Decks

Welcome back to another Double Decker article. Another year begins, where all the Questlines and Hero cards left Standard, and we enter a whole new rotation. As with every new expansion, we dove into past decks and added some new cards, as well as combined archetypes to try making interesting new deck ideas.

These decks are mostly for fun, but they can work well if you’re dedicated to it. If you’re looking for a fun challenge for yourself, try out one of these decks! 

Hero Power Stormwind-Quest Druid

Here at Hearthpwn there is a particular member of the news team that has an affinity for Gonk and other members of the Raptor variety. So whenever any cards that allows any sort of increase in power for Gonk combos, there’s more than likely gonna be a Double Decker entry for it. Not only do Druids get the likes of Groovy Cat and Free Spirit, they recently got Rake from the latest mini-set! Zok Fogsnout also rewards you for all the Attack gaining effects that you never got to use on your Gonk turn. Is this enough to make a deck that uses these kinds of tactics viable? That’s not really what’s important here. The main thing is giving Raptors the representation they deserve!

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It helps that the hero is almost half the Quest Reward at this point too.


Arcane Spell Damage Lightshow  Mage

Lightshow gives players an unspoken challenge; Try to play this as much as possible. While spells are harder to spam than minions, there are still enough ways to do it. It also happens to scale relatively well off of Spell Damage and Arcane support. Once you cast the spell a bunch of times, Grand Magister Rommath is your Ace in the Hole!

Strobe Lights
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I don't think they were ready.


Divine Shield Libram Paladin

Paladins started getting support for Holy spells, but only after Librams left standard (thankfully). The Divine Shield provided by Starlight Groove can be infinitely regenerated using Libram of Wisdom. Past Libram Paladins have made use of Divine Shield minions too, so they could potentially work alongside the new support for it.

Kangor's New Groove
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Not a board state older players haven't seen, but it is strangely nostalgic.


Overheal Uldum-Quest Priest

The biggest problem Activate the Obelisk had was the lack of having targets to damage and heal. Now that Overheal is a mechanic, that situation might not be such a bad thing. Of course completing the Quest is what you’re trying to do. But now you’re not stuck with empty healing effects if your opponent doesn’t want to hit you.

Obelisk the Mentor
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When a Heartthrob is on board, every board you make is unique!


Pogo Rogue

Many have made decks built to make their Pogo-Hoppers as big as possible. The new cards meant to make Combo Rogue work is fantastic for such things. Bounce Around (ft. Garona) lets you replay the Pogos as well as any cards that duplicate the effects like Lab Recruiter or Spirit of the Shark. Breakdance is an amazing card for this deck. Not only can you bounce a bunny back to your hand to ramp up those numbers more, you get to keep the stats on the board with Rush too!

Bounce Around (ft. Pogo)
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                              Need help damaging your hero?                                                                Lifesteal: The act of fully healing while dealing lethal damage.


Overload Stormwind-Quest Nature Shaman

A lot of Nature spells happen to come with Overload, and there’s room for a few Elementals in the deck too. Choosing your cards to make Primal Dungeoneer works pretty well. E.T.C., Band Manager can hold a couple non-nature spells too. Ancestral Knowledge can be useful draw and Quest progress, Overdraft for when unlocking Mana crystals is important in the moment, and Bru'kan as a finisher with spells that can hit face directly. Doomhammer plus a doubled Stormstrike is also some great game closing burst damage.

Jazz Hands
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I finally get to use this weird Diamond Legendary!

We hope you like these ideas for updated decks and combination archetypes to try out in Wild. We plan to continue presenting ideas for these kinds of decks whenever new cards are released. If you ever want a break from using the same decks everyone else built, try to challenge yourself by merging archetypes and making a successful combination of cards that can rival the power of decks in the meta!



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