As is tradition by now on HearthPwn, the first day we scour the web for lists of the best and most fun decks the pros have been playing on the day of the release. These are the best Festival of Legends decks that we found, with the common factor being that the pros had fun playing these decks. Check them out and see if you do too!
Demon Hunter
The pros seem to be dancing around the subject of nerfs a little, but it's clear that the Outcast Demon Hunter archetype is very strong. We have 2 versions here, largely the same, 1 by Meati, 1 by DabsHS who played his version through Legend ranks and into the Top 200. Many versions will be tried to refine the deck to the Perfect 30, but these seem like a good overture.
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Death Knight
The second act today are the Death Knights. Not much has changed for them. Their lists were already solid and their complimentary pieces seem more successful than the new Deathrattle archetype. Two of their new jams, are actually old jams, with 1 new card. Meati brought us a Frost DK deck and the other is an Unholy DK deck that NohandsGamer put out there.
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Hunter & Paladin
Here we start going from more aggro to more midrange with Hunter & Paladin. The first little ditty is from LawfulDogHS, who went on a 28 win streak with it. It combines the Wildseed rhythm with the Mister Mukla beat to make something new that feels like the old Hunter tunes of the past. The Paladin deck is from NoHandsGamer who said Groove is in the Heart, and that Spotlight is bait.
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If you don't like the more aggressive side of the game, then these Control decks will be music to your ears. We have for you here: Metal from the grave with NoHandsGamer's Blood DK deck, a Control Warlock classic and a polished Priest deck that is popular against Aggro. These decks all won at high legend (Top 50) or had a 65% win rate while played over 40 games.
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Fun Decks
I can hear the Hipsters among you complaining that these decks are all too tryhard and that you were promised FUN decks. Alright. Maybe these decks will spark some inspiration? It's a Warrior deck utilizing Blackrock 'n' Roll from the Hearthstone World Champion himself, mr. Bunnyhoppor and a Druid Hero Power deck that Jambre went 6-2 with. Far out, dude.
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They do: just click on the link to the deck and it'll say in the card listing "sideboard." Those are the cards in etc.
I wish decks which had etc in them showed what's in etc.
We are still working out some minor details with ETC implementation and just minor graphical stuff in general since release.
For those unaware, we have ETC support now, which works as follows:
1) put ETC in your deck
2) You get the above shown toggle in your deckbuilder
3) set toggle to Sideboard like shown to add cards to sideboard and they will get the "sideboard" text. This is also seen when you open deck lists.
4) set toggle to Main to add cards to your main deck.
5) Can import and export decks with ETC and they will work.
We hope to have a visual indication instead of the text for "sideboard" Soon™, but still deliberating on what the best form for that would be, and if we should have both or not. Opinions on this welcome!
Does not work for me. As soon as I put cards in the sideboard the save button greys out and can't be clicked.
An error message says: You cannot put more than 40 cards in a deck.
I cannot seem to reproduce this. When I put Renathal and ETC in a deck things seem to function as they should.
I will message you to get to the bottom of this, so as to not clutter up the news post.