In this article, we'll try to point out as many unannounced things as we can find that got introduced in this patch. Let's get into it!
Unannounced card changes
Some cards got changed in this patch and weren't officially announced, let's take a look at them.


You can hover over the text describing the change to show the change as an image, additionally, you can left-click and hold the cursor on the text to zoom in on the picture if you need a bigger version of it.
Voice lines
In this part, you're able to see all the new voice lines and if there are any, also the changed ones
Lite Skin = no animations, only basic voice lines
Lite w/ Full VO = has no animations, might have a Hero Tray or not, and has completely new voice lines
Full Skin = has animations (Hero Power, Enterance), a Hero Tray, and completely new voice lines
Legendary Skin = has animations (not for Hero Power), completely new voice lines, and a 3D animated portrait
VO_HERO_05aa_Female_HighElf_Emote_Start_Sylvanas_01 Sister… What has become of you?

VO_HERO_10z_Female_Worgen_Emote_Concede_01 You win. It's over now.
VO_HERO_10z_Female_Worgen_Emote_ERROR_FULL_MINIONS_01 There's no more room for minions.
VO_HERO_10z_Female_Worgen_Emote_ERROR_GENERIC_01 Can't be done by anyone.
VO_HERO_10z_Female_Worgen_Emote_ERROR_HAND_FULL_01 Can't hold more cards, nor carry more burdens...
VO_HERO_10z_Female_Worgen_Emote_ERROR_I_ATTACKED_01 I can't strike again.
VO_HERO_10z_Female_Worgen_Emote_ERROR_MINION_ATTACKED_01 That minion already attacked.
VO_HERO_10z_Female_Worgen_Emote_ERROR_NEED_MANA_01 I would need more mana for that.
VO_HERO_10z_Female_Worgen_Emote_ERROR_NEED_WEAPON_01 Can't attack without a weapon.
VO_HERO_10z_Female_Worgen_Emote_ERROR_PLAY_01 I can't play that.
VO_HERO_10z_Female_Worgen_Emote_ERROR_STEALTH_01 That minion masks itself well.
VO_HERO_10z_Female_Worgen_Emote_ERROR_SUMMON_SICKNESS_01 Give it a turn to itself.
VO_HERO_10z_Female_Worgen_Emote_ERROR_TARGET_01 I need to find another target.
VO_HERO_10z_Female_Worgen_Emote_ERROR_TAUNT_01 I have to face the one that taunts me first.
VO_HERO_10z_Female_Worgen_Emote_FIRE_FESTIVAL_01 May the Midsummer torches burn away your pain.
VO_HERO_10z_Female_Worgen_Emote_Greetings_01 Welcome to my world of pain.
VO_HERO_10z_Female_Worgen_Emote_HAPPY_HALLOWEEN_01 Finally, a season for the darkness in my heart.
VO_HERO_10z_Female_Worgen_Emote_HAPPY_HOLIDAYS_01 Let the Veil of Winter fall and the cold embrace all.
VO_HERO_10z_Female_Worgen_Emote_HAPPY_NEW_YEAR_01 New Year, same life.
VO_HERO_10z_Female_Worgen_Emote_HAPPY_NEW_YEAR_LUNAR_01 New Year, same life.
VO_HERO_10z_Female_Worgen_Emote_HAPPY_NOBLEGARDEN_01 You can't get flowers without rain.
VO_HERO_10z_Female_Worgen_Emote_LowCards_01 I'm feeling low... on cards.
VO_HERO_10z_Female_Worgen_Emote_MIRROR_GREETINGS_01 Do you even want me here?
VO_HERO_10z_Female_Worgen_Emote_MIRROR_START_01 Even my reflection turns away from me.
VO_HERO_10z_Female_Worgen_Emote_NoCards_01 An empty deck, a hollow heart.
VO_HERO_10z_Female_Worgen_Emote_Oops_01 Not worth the tears.
VO_HERO_10z_Female_Worgen_Emote_Picked_01 The world is pain, but the fel heals all.
VO_HERO_10z_Female_Worgen_Emote_PIRATE_DAY_01 Us seadogs know: Each wavebreak brings heartache.
VO_HERO_10z_Female_Worgen_Emote_Sorry_01 I'll take the blame.
VO_HERO_10z_Female_Worgen_Emote_Start_01 No one knows the truth of my sorrow.
VO_HERO_10z_Female_Worgen_Emote_Start_ETC_01 E.T.C.!? I've been listening to your music for years.
VO_HERO_10z_Female_Worgen_Emote_Start_Hedanis_01 Here to torment me again, Hedanis?
VO_HERO_10z_Female_Worgen_Emote_Start_Inzah_01 The poetry of pain is in the lyrics.
VO_HERO_10z_Female_Worgen_Emote_Start_MCBlingtron_01 Is optimism part of your programming?
VO_HERO_10z_Female_Worgen_Emote_Thanks_01 Thanks.
VO_HERO_10z_Female_Worgen_Emote_Thinking_01_01 Umm....
VO_HERO_10z_Female_Worgen_Emote_Thinking_02_01 Alone with my thoughts.
VO_HERO_10z_Female_Worgen_Emote_Thinking_03_01 I have to make a choice.
VO_HERO_10z_Female_Worgen_Emote_Threaten_01 I see through your mask of lies.
VO_HERO_10z_Female_Worgen_Emote_Time_01 Time always runs out.
VO_HERO_10z_Female_Worgen_Emote_TRIGGER_AbyssalDepths_01 Always searching the depths of my soul…
VO_HERO_10z_Female_Worgen_Emote_TRIGGER_BoundSoul_01 Be free from the pain of loneliness.
VO_HERO_10z_Female_Worgen_Emote_TRIGGER_GoingDownSwinging_01 I'm numb to it all.
VO_HERO_10z_Female_Worgen_Emote_TRIGGER_InnerDemon_01 I can't hide from what's inside.
VO_HERO_10z_Female_Worgen_Emote_TRIGGER_RemixedRhapsody_01 Life's notes may change, but the song is the same.
VO_HERO_10z_Female_Worgen_Emote_TRIGGER_SkullofGuldan_01 To hold death in my hand…
VO_HERO_10z_Female_Worgen_Emote_Well_Played_01 ...that was actually pretty cool.
VO_HERO_10z_Female_Worgen_Emote_WOW_01 That's wicked!
VO_HERO_01ac_Male_Tauren_Emote_Attack_01 I will ROCK YOU!
VO_HERO_01ac_Male_Tauren_Emote_Concede_01 Peace! I'm out.
VO_HERO_01ac_Male_Tauren_Emote_ERROR_FULL_MINIONS_01 Can't fit any more minions onstage.
VO_HERO_01ac_Male_Tauren_Emote_ERROR_GENERIC_01 Nuh-uh.
VO_HERO_01ac_Male_Tauren_Emote_ERROR_HAND_FULL_01 Drums, merch, cards… sorry, my hand's full!
VO_HERO_01ac_Male_Tauren_Emote_ERROR_I_ATTACKED_01 Whoah, whoah, I attacked already!
VO_HERO_01ac_Male_Tauren_Emote_ERROR_MINION_ATTACKED_01 Hey, give it a rest!
VO_HERO_01ac_Male_Tauren_Emote_ERROR_NEED_MANA_01 Nope, outta mana.
VO_HERO_01ac_Male_Tauren_Emote_ERROR_NEED_WEAPON_01 Need a weapon for that.
VO_HERO_01ac_Male_Tauren_Emote_ERROR_PLAY_01 Now, that just isn't gonna work.
VO_HERO_01ac_Male_Tauren_Emote_ERROR_STEALTH_01 Aw, that fan's hiding from me!
VO_HERO_01ac_Male_Tauren_Emote_ERROR_SUMMON_SICKNESS_01 It needs another turn to practice.
VO_HERO_01ac_Male_Tauren_Emote_ERROR_TARGET_01 That target's no good.
VO_HERO_01ac_Male_Tauren_Emote_ERROR_TAUNT_01 Gotta kick a taunt minion offstage first.
VO_HERO_01ac_Male_Tauren_Emote_FIRE_FESTIVAL_01 Now we're REALLY gonna melt their faces off!
VO_HERO_01ac_Male_Tauren_Emote_Greetings_01 Hey! Wanna jam?
VO_HERO_01ac_Male_Tauren_Emote_HAPPY_HALLOWEEN_01 I'm gonna Hallow's End you!
VO_HERO_01ac_Male_Tauren_Emote_HAPPY_HOLIDAYS_01 Ho, ho, ho, I bet I could make a rockin' carol.
VO_HERO_01ac_Male_Tauren_Emote_HAPPY_NEW_YEAR_02 Happy New Year!
VO_HERO_01ac_Male_Tauren_Emote_HAPPY_NEW_YEAR_LUNAR_03 Happy New Year!
VO_HERO_01ac_Male_Tauren_Emote_HAPPY_NOBLEGARDEN_01 Noblegarden's not metal enough for me.
VO_HERO_01ac_Male_Tauren_Emote_LowCards_01 I've almost rocked my way through the deck!
VO_HERO_01ac_Male_Tauren_Emote_MIRROR_GREETINGS_01 You know it!
VO_HERO_01ac_Male_Tauren_Emote_MIRROR_START_01 Let's melt some faces!
VO_HERO_01ac_Male_Tauren_Emote_NoCards_01 What? No more cards!?
VO_HERO_01ac_Male_Tauren_Emote_Oops_01 Maybe we better take that again!
VO_HERO_01ac_Male_Tauren_Emote_Picked_01 Are you ready to rock?
VO_HERO_01ac_Male_Tauren_Emote_PIRATE_DAY_01 I said: ARRRR YA READY TO ROCK?
VO_HERO_01ac_Male_Tauren_Emote_Sorry_01 Ooh, my bad.
VO_HERO_01ac_Male_Tauren_Emote_Start_01 Time to get this show on the road.
VO_HERO_01ac_Male_Tauren_Emote_Start_Halveria_01 You got the music in you, Halveria.
VO_HERO_01ac_Male_Tauren_Emote_Start_Hedanis_01 Real rockers do it for the music, not the fame.
VO_HERO_01ac_Male_Tauren_Emote_Start_Inzah_01 Inzah! Hyped to rock with you.
VO_HERO_01ac_Male_Tauren_Emote_Start_MCBlingtron_01 You can kick it, little dude.
VO_HERO_01ac_Male_Tauren_Emote_Thanks_01 Yeah, thanks rocker.
VO_HERO_01ac_Male_Tauren_Emote_Thinking_02_01 What rhymes with "choices?"
VO_HERO_01ac_Male_Tauren_Emote_Thinking_03_01 Hmmm…
VO_HERO_01ac_Male_Tauren_Emote_Threaten_01 You mess with the bull, you get the horns.
VO_HERO_01ac_Male_Tauren_Emote_Time_01 I oughta start hoofing it.
VO_HERO_01ac_Male_Tauren_Emote_TRIGGER_BridgeRiff_01 This is where it gets good.
VO_HERO_01ac_Male_Tauren_Emote_TRIGGER_ChorusRiff_01 YEAH! Put this on repeat.
VO_HERO_01ac_Male_Tauren_Emote_TRIGGER_HeavyMetal_01 Get out here, the stage is yours!
VO_HERO_01ac_Male_Tauren_Emote_TRIGGER_Riot_01 Time to rile up the crowd.
VO_HERO_01ac_Male_Tauren_Emote_TRIGGER_StageDive_01 Time to crowd surf and turf!
VO_HERO_01ac_Male_Tauren_Emote_TRIGGER_VerseRiff_01 Now this is something I can rock to.
VO_HERO_01ac_Male_Tauren_Emote_Well_Played_01 You're hard core.
VO_HERO_01ac_Male_Tauren_Emote_WOW_01 WOOO!
VO_HERO_06ae_Female_Ancient_Emote_Attack_01 Step back, now!
VO_HERO_06ae_Female_Ancient_Emote_Greetings_01 Hello, little songbird.
VO_HERO_06ae_Female_Ancient_Emote_MIRROR_GREETINGS_01 I'm more of an old owl.
VO_HERO_06ae_Female_Ancient_Emote_MIRROR_START_01 What a beautiful tune!
VO_HERO_06ae_Female_Ancient_Emote_Oops_01 Just a little woopsie.
VO_HERO_06ae_Female_Ancient_Emote_Picked_01 The forest is alive with the sound of music!
VO_HERO_06ae_Female_Ancient_Emote_Start_01 Hear that song on the wind, dearie?
VO_HERO_06ae_Female_Ancient_Emote_Thanks_01 That brought me joy.
VO_HERO_06ae_Female_Ancient_Emote_Threaten_01 You're being a bit of a downer.
VO_HERO_06ae_Female_Ancient_Emote_Well_Played_01 You have strong roots.
VO_HERO_06ae_Female_Ancient_Emote_Wow_01 Ooh, how groovy!
VO_HERO_07ac_Female_Human_Emote_Picked_01 A chorus of souls cry out!
VO_HERO_07ac_Female_Human_Emote_Start_01 Clear the stage!
VO_HERO_07ac_Female_Human_Emote_MIRROR_START_01 Your star has arrived.
VO_HERO_07ac_Female_Human_Emote_Greetings_01 Well, where's my standing ovation?
VO_HERO_07ac_Female_Human_Emote_MIRROR_GREETINGS_01 <_sigh_> Nobody even asks for an encore anymore.
VO_HERO_07ac_Female_Human_Emote_Attack_01 Aaah!
VO_HERO_07ac_Female_Human_Emote_Threaten_01 You had better not leave at intermission.
VO_HERO_07ac_Female_Human_Emote_Oops_01 Uh... wrong note.
VO_HERO_07ac_Female_Human_Emote_Wow_01 A showstopper!
VO_HERO_07ac_Female_Human_Emote_Thanks_01 Why, thank you.
VO_HERO_07ac_Female_Human_Emote_Well_Played_01 You conduct yourself well.
VO_HERO_09ac_Male_Human_Emote_Attack_01 For the music!
VO_HERO_09ac_Male_Human_Emote_Greetings_01 The spotlight shines on us all.
VO_HERO_09ac_Male_Human_Emote_MIRROR_GREETINGS_01 Even in the darkest of venues.
VO_HERO_09ac_Male_Human_Emote_MIRROR_START_01 My fans will know the real me!
VO_HERO_09ac_Male_Human_Emote_Oops_01 Hmm, that didn't sound right.
VO_HERO_09ac_Male_Human_Emote_Picked_01 Honor the song in your heart.
VO_HERO_09ac_Male_Human_Emote_Start_01 To all my fans... this one is for you!
VO_HERO_09ac_Male_Human_Emote_Thanks_01 I owe it all to you.
VO_HERO_09ac_Male_Human_Emote_Threaten_01 Not all my songs are this upbeat.
VO_HERO_09ac_Male_Human_Emote_Well_Played_01 What talent! Have you considered going solo?
VO_HERO_09ac_Male_Human_Emote_Wow_01 Oh, catchy!
VO_HERO_01ad_Female_Valkyr_Emote_Attack_01 Let the music take you!
VO_HERO_01ad_Female_Valkyr_Emote_Greetings_01 Rock is eternal.
VO_HERO_01ad_Female_Valkyr_Emote_MIRROR_GREETINGS_01 We are in concert.
VO_HERO_01ad_Female_Valkyr_Emote_MIRROR_START_01 It is far more deadly in the crowd.
VO_HERO_01ad_Female_Valkyr_Emote_Oops_01 That was a mistake.
VO_HERO_01ad_Female_Valkyr_Emote_Picked_01 Rise and applaud the Angel of Rock!
VO_HERO_01ad_Female_Valkyr_Emote_Start_01 The stage is a battlefield.
VO_HERO_01ad_Female_Valkyr_Emote_Thanks_01 My thanks are more than words can say.
VO_HERO_01ad_Female_Valkyr_Emote_Threaten_01 Consider this your final countdown.
VO_HERO_01ad_Female_Valkyr_Emote_Well_Played_01 You put on a magnificent show.
VO_HERO_01ad_Female_Valkyr_Emote_Wow_01 Brutal!
VO_HERO_04ad_Female_Human_Emote_Attack_01 I will survive!
VO_HERO_04ad_Female_Human_Emote_Greetings_01 Are you ready to dance?
VO_HERO_04ad_Female_Human_Emote_MIRROR_GREETINGS_01 I draw my strength from the rhythm.
VO_HERO_04ad_Female_Human_Emote_MIRROR_START_01 Let's get this party started.
VO_HERO_04ad_Female_Human_Emote_Oops_01 Just... don't panic.
VO_HERO_04ad_Female_Human_Emote_Picked_01 Disco will never die.
VO_HERO_04ad_Female_Human_Emote_Start_01 All will shine on the dance floor.
VO_HERO_04ad_Female_Human_Emote_Thanks_01 You have my thanks… and the spotlight.
VO_HERO_04ad_Female_Human_Emote_Threaten_01 This will be a fight to stay alive.
VO_HERO_04ad_Female_Human_Emote_Well_Played_01 You were great out there.
VO_HERO_04ad_Female_Human_Emote_Wow_01 By the Light of the mirror ball!
VO_HERO_02ah_Male_Elemental_Emote_Attack_01 JIVE, INSECT!
VO_HERO_02ah_Male_Elemental_Emote_Greetings_01 THE VIBES CONSUME YOU!
VO_HERO_02ah_Male_Elemental_Emote_Oops_01 OUT OF TUNE!?
VO_HERO_02ah_Male_Elemental_Emote_Picked_01 THIS MUSIC IS FIRE!
VO_HERO_02ah_Male_Elemental_Emote_Start_01 EXPERIENCE THE MUSIC, MORTAL!
VO_HERO_02ah_Male_Elemental_Emote_Thanks_01 HAHA! THANK YOU!
VO_HERO_02ah_Male_Elemental_Emote_Threaten_01 HEAR THE TUNES OF SULFURON!
VO_HERO_02ah_Male_Elemental_Emote_Well_Played_01 YOU PLAY WELL.
VO_HERO_02ah_Male_Elemental_Emote_Wow_01 GOOD SHOW!
VO_HERO_02ai_Male_Murloc_Emote_Picked_01 *The waves make such wonderful music.*
VO_HERO_02ai_Male_Murloc_Emote_Start_01 *Listen to the rhythm of the elements.*
VO_HERO_02ai_Male_Murloc_Emote_MIRROR_START_01 *The melody is electrifying!*
VO_HERO_02ai_Male_Murloc_Emote_Greetings_01 *Hello little musician!*
VO_HERO_02ai_Male_Murloc_Emote_MIRROR_GREETINGS_01 *Nonsense, I am a seasoned saxophonist!*
VO_HERO_02ai_Male_Murloc_Emote_Attack_01 *Attack exertion*
VO_HERO_02ai_Male_Murloc_Emote_Threaten_01 *It is rude to interrupt a concert.*
VO_HERO_02ai_Male_Murloc_Emote_Oops_01 *That was not quite right.*
VO_HERO_02ai_Male_Murloc_Emote_Wow_01 *Music to my ears!*
VO_HERO_02ai_Male_Murloc_Emote_Thanks_01 *I am deeply grateful.*
VO_HERO_02ai_Male_Murloc_Emote_Well_Played_01 *Quite the performance, tadpole.*
VO_HERO_05ab_Male_HalfOrc_Emote_Attack_01 Now sight read!
VO_HERO_05ab_Male_HalfOrc_Emote_Greetings_01 Are you listening closely?
VO_HERO_05ab_Male_HalfOrc_Emote_MIRROR_GREETINGS_01 I hear music everywhere.
VO_HERO_05ab_Male_HalfOrc_Emote_MIRROR_START_01 They are crying all the time!
VO_HERO_05ab_Male_HalfOrc_Emote_Oops_01 Hmm, lost the rhythm.
VO_HERO_05ab_Male_HalfOrc_Emote_Picked_01 I'll track down the perfect harmony.
VO_HERO_05ab_Male_HalfOrc_Emote_Start_01 Let the hounds sing along.
VO_HERO_05ab_Male_HalfOrc_Emote_Thanks_01 Thank you for listening.
VO_HERO_05ab_Male_HalfOrc_Emote_Threaten_01 All is finely tuned... from my guitar, to my bow strings.
VO_HERO_05ab_Male_HalfOrc_Emote_Well_Played_01 You can hold your own... and a tune.
VO_HERO_05ab_Male_HalfOrc_Emote_Wow_01 What acoustics!
VO_HERO_11e_Male_Undead_Emote_Attack_01 NO RETURN!
VO_HERO_11e_Male_Undead_Emote_Greetings_01 Greet your eternal torment.
VO_HERO_11e_Male_Undead_Emote_MIRROR_GREETINGS_01 Dark hearts embrace it.
VO_HERO_11e_Male_Undead_Emote_MIRROR_START_01 We reap what we sow.
VO_HERO_11e_Male_Undead_Emote_Oops_01 No excuses, no regrets.
VO_HERO_11e_Male_Undead_Emote_Picked_01 All that I have destroyed, I can create once more.
VO_HERO_11e_Male_Undead_Emote_Start_01 You will know pain.
VO_HERO_11e_Male_Undead_Emote_Thanks_01 When all is forgotten, your acts will remain.
VO_HERO_11e_Male_Undead_Emote_Threaten_01 You will be torn apart.
VO_HERO_11e_Male_Undead_Emote_Well_Played_01 You are a master of destruction.
VO_HERO_11e_Male_Undead_Emote_Wow_01 A savage act!
VO_HERO_08aj_Male_Ethereal_Emote_Picked_01 Shall we transmogrify some tunes?
VO_HERO_08aj_Male_Ethereal_Emote_Start_01 Time for a remix.
VO_HERO_08aj_Male_Ethereal_Emote_MIRROR_START_01 The dance floor awaits us.
VO_HERO_08aj_Male_Ethereal_Emote_Greetings_01 Prepare yourself for the beat drop.
VO_HERO_08aj_Male_Ethereal_Emote_MIRROR_GREETINGS_01 Oh, I'll time it just right.
VO_HERO_08aj_Male_Ethereal_Emote_Attack_01 Technomagic!
VO_HERO_08aj_Male_Ethereal_Emote_Threaten_01 I can end this track whenever I want.
VO_HERO_08aj_Male_Ethereal_Emote_Oops_01 Nevermind that!
VO_HERO_08aj_Male_Ethereal_Emote_Wow_01 Out of this world.
VO_HERO_08aj_Male_Ethereal_Emote_Thanks_01 Hmm, thank you.
VO_HERO_08aj_Male_Ethereal_Emote_Well_Played_01 So... you've got some moves.
VO_HERO_10aa_Female_NightElf_Emote_Attack_01 Drown in the fel!
VO_HERO_10aa_Female_NightElf_Emote_Greetings_01 What would you ask of me?
VO_HERO_10aa_Female_NightElf_Emote_MIRROR_GREETINGS_01 Your heart could not bear it.
VO_HERO_10aa_Female_NightElf_Emote_MIRROR_START_01 Are you certain of that?
VO_HERO_10aa_Female_NightElf_Emote_Oops_01 Who could be blamed?
VO_HERO_10aa_Female_NightElf_Emote_Picked_01 I know darkness.
VO_HERO_10aa_Female_NightElf_Emote_Start_01 All are alone in the end.
VO_HERO_10aa_Female_NightElf_Emote_Thanks_01 Thanks for the memories.
VO_HERO_10aa_Female_NightElf_Emote_Threaten_01 Your end will as swift as any other.
VO_HERO_10aa_Female_NightElf_Emote_Well_Played_01 You have broken through the misery.
VO_HERO_10aa_Female_NightElf_Emote_Wow_01 I am in awe.
VO_HERO_03ac_Female_HalfOrc_Emote_Attack_01 Freestyle!
VO_HERO_03ac_Female_HalfOrc_Emote_Greetings_01 Listen closely to the music.
VO_HERO_03ac_Female_HalfOrc_Emote_MIRROR_GREETINGS_01 All the rest is silence.
VO_HERO_03ac_Female_HalfOrc_Emote_MIRROR_START_01 That's bound to sound sharp.
VO_HERO_03ac_Female_HalfOrc_Emote_Oops_01 Stumbling over the lyrics?
VO_HERO_03ac_Female_HalfOrc_Emote_Picked_01 A good assassin knows when to make noise.
VO_HERO_03ac_Female_HalfOrc_Emote_Start_01 I will carve out notes with every strike.
VO_HERO_03ac_Female_HalfOrc_Emote_Thanks_01 Thanks. The next bar's yours.
VO_HERO_03ac_Female_HalfOrc_Emote_Threaten_01 Are you feeling under pressure?
VO_HERO_03ac_Female_HalfOrc_Emote_Well_Played_01 You know how to rap things up.
VO_HERO_03ac_Female_HalfOrc_Emote_Wow_01 An impressive stunt.
GAMEPLAY_PlayErrors_REQ_HAS_PLAYED_SPELL_THIS_GAME Must have played a spell this game
GLOBAL_KEYWORD_FINALE FinaleGLOBAL_KEYWORD_FINALE_TEXT A bonus if this spends all your remaining Mana.
GLOBAL_KEYWORD_OVERHEAL_TEXT A bonus if restored past full Health.
GLOBAL_KEYWORD_BONUSEFFECTS_TEXT Divine Shield, Lifesteal, Poisonous, Reborn, Rush, Stealth, Taunt, Windfury

GLUE_DISABLED_DECK_CLASS_LOCKED_DESC Unlock this class to use this deck.
GLUE_GHOST_CARD_NEVER_VALID_DESCRIPTION This card is invalid and cannot be used in this deck. Click to find a replacement.
GLUE_GHOST_CARD_NEVER_VALID_DESCRIPTION_TOUCH This card is invalid and cannot be used in this deck. Tap to find a replacement.
GLUE_GHOST_CARD_BANNED_DESCRIPTION This card is banned and cannot be used in this deck. Click to find a replacement.
GLUE_GHOST_CARD_BANNED_DESCRIPTION_TOUCH This card is banned and cannot be used in this deck. Tap to find a replacement.

New Hero Skins
In almost every major patch we see new skins, so let's take a look at them and their textures, including their in-game artwork.
[Click on the image to enlarge it]
Right-Click on the video -> Open video in a new tab -> (if you want to see the full resolution or download the video).
Death Metal King
Obtained by reaching level 15 on the paid Festival of Legends rewards track.
Emo-rock Aranna
Obtained by purchasing in the shop.
Halveria Darkraven
Obtained by reaching level 50 on the paid Festival of Legends rewards track.
Dame Groovybark
Obtained by reaching level 100 on the paid Festival of Legends rewards track.
Rockabilly Rexxar
Obtained by reaching level 45 on the paid Festival of Legends rewards track.
Technomancer Saraad
Obtained by reaching level 60 on the paid Festival of Legends rewards track.
Disco Hammer Cariel
Obtained by reaching level 100 on the paid Festival of Legends rewards track.
Teen Idol Anduin
Obtained by reaching level 5 on the paid Festival of Legends rewards track.
MC Garona
Obtained by reaching level 65 on the paid Festival of Legends rewards track.
Jazznaros the Vibe Lord
Obtained by purchasing in the shop.
Smooth Jazz Morgl
Obtained by reaching level 100 on the paid Festival of Legends rewards track.
Opera Diva Tamsin
Obtained by reaching level 35 on the paid Festival of Legends rewards track.
Rock Angel Annhylde
Obtained by reaching level 85 on the paid Festival of Legends rewards track.
Obtained by purchasing in the shop.
New Diamond Legendary cards
New Diamond Legendary cards and their animations! Which one do you like the most?
Right-Click on the video -> Open video in a new tab -> (if you want to see the full resolution or download the video).
Obtained by completing the Festival of Legends Legendary Collector Achievement.
Obtained by reaching level 2 on the paid Festival of Legends rewards track.
Obtained by purchasing in the shop.
Obtained by purchasing in the shop.
New Signature cards
New Signature cards and their animations! Which one do you like the most?
Right-Click on the video -> Open video in a new tab -> (if you want to see the full resolution or download the video).
Obtained from Packs.
Obtained by reaching level 30 on the paid Festival of Legends rewards track.
Obtained from Packs.
Obtained from Packs.
Obtained from Packs.
Obtained from Packs.
Obtained by reaching level 75 on the paid Festival of Legends rewards track.
Obtained from Packs.
Obtained from Packs.
Obtained from an Event rewards track.
Obtained from Packs.
Obtained from Packs.
Obtained from Packs.
Obtained from an Event rewards track.
Obtained by reaching level 3 on the paid Festival of Legends rewards track.
New Card Backs
Let's take a look at new card back(s), shall we?
Brook and Branch - Obtained by Winning 5 games in a ranked mode, May 2023.
E.T.C. - Obtained by Purchasing E.T.C. Skin in the shop.
Halveria - Obtained by reaching level 15 on the free Festival of Legends rewards track.
Festival - Obtained by reaching level 4 on the paid Festival of Legends rewards track.
The Card Backs of Hearthstone
Learn more and see all the Card Backs in our dedicated guide.
New Expansion Card Art
We're only going to show just a few examples of of the full mini-set cards art, because you can see (or even download) the rest yourself from the Blizzard Press Center. Click HERE if you want to go there.
[Click on the image to enlarge it]
New Textures
We're only going to show examples that can be somehow useful or interesting.
[Click on the image to enlarge it]

New Battlegrounds skins, emotes & others
In this part, we'll show you all the in-game textures and artworks connected to battlegrounds (that might be at least a little bit interesting).
[Click on the image to enlarge it]
Randar Shredaxe
Bartender - Currently there is no information about availability.
In this patch Team 5 also added some new unfinished mercenaries, textures, etc. They probably won't be available ever (except certain minions that are supposed to be for solo content), because this mode is supposed to not get any updates in the future, but at least we can take a look at them and debate if they'd be good, right?
Magatha Grimtotem
- Type: Minion
- Rarity: Rare
- Set: Mercenaries
- Race: Tauren
- Faction: Horde
Grimtotem Subterfuge
- Grimtotem Subterfuge 1 - Shoot three missiles at random enemies that deal 1 damage each and apply Bleed (2).
- Grimtotem Subterfuge 2 - Shoot three missiles at random enemies that deal 2 damage each and apply Bleed (3).
- Grimtotem Subterfuge 3 - Shoot three missiles at random enemies that deal 3 damage each and apply Bleed (4).
- Grimtotem Subterfuge 4 - Shoot three missiles at random enemies that deal 4 damage each and apply Bleed (5).
- Grimtotem Subterfuge 5 - Shoot three missiles at random enemies that deal 5 damage each and apply Bleed (6).
Twilight Surge
- Twilight Surge 1 - Deal 4 damage to an enemy. If Health is restored this turn, they take damage instead.
- Twilight Surge 2 - Deal 5 damage to an enemy. If Health is restored this turn, they take damage instead.
- Twilight Surge 3 - Deal 8 damage to an enemy. If Health is restored this turn, they take damage instead.
- Twilight Surge 4 - Deal 10 damage to an enemy. If Health is restored this turn, they take damage instead.
- Twilight Surge 5 - Deal 11 damage to an enemy. If Health is restored this turn, they take damage instead.
Elder Crone's Curse
- Elder Crone's Curse 1 - Deal 3 damage to all enemies. Repeat for each Shadow ability you've cast this game.
- Elder Crone's Curse 2 - Deal 5 damage to all enemies. Repeat for each Shadow ability you've cast this game.
- Elder Crone's Curse 3 - Deal 7 damage to all enemies. Repeat for each Shadow ability you've cast this game.
- Elder Crone's Curse 4 - Deal 9 damage to all enemies. Repeat for each Shadow ability you've cast this game.
- Elder Crone's Curse 5 - Deal 10 damage to all enemies. Repeat for each Shadow ability you've cast this game.
Farseer Eclipse
- Farseer Eclipse 1-5 - Discover a Farseer Ability.
- Doomstone 1 - Grimtotem Subterfuge deals 1 more damage and 1 more Bleed.
- Doomstone 2 - Grimtotem Subterfuge deals 2 more damage and 2 more Bleed.
- Doomstone 3 - Grimtotem Subterfuge deals 3 more damage and 3 more Bleed.
- Doomstone 4 - Grimtotem Subterfuge deals 4 more damage and 4 more Bleed.
Festering Poison
- Festering Poison 1 - Passive: At the start of each turn, apply Bleed (2) to all enemies.
- Festering Poison 2 - Passive: At the start of each turn, apply Bleed (3) to all enemies.
- Festering Poison 3 - Passive: At the start of each turn, apply Bleed (4) to all enemies.
- Festering Poison 4 - Passive: At the start of each turn, apply Bleed (5) to all enemies.
Grim Totem
- Grim Totem 1 - Battlecry: Summon a 0/4 Grim Totem with "Counter the first ability cast each turn".
- Grim Totem 2 - Battlecry: Summon a 0/6 Grim Totem with "Counter the first ability cast each turn".
- Grim Totem 3 - Battlecry: Summon a 0/8 Grim Totem with "Counter the first ability cast each turn".
- Grim Totem 4 - Battlecry: Summon a 0/10 Grim Totem with "Counter the first ability cast each turn".
- Type: Minion
- Rarity: Rare
- Set: Mercenaries
- Race: Ogre / Orc
- Faction: Horde
Hunting Pack
- Hunting Pack 1 - Attack an enemy. Give your Beasts +1 Attack.
- Hunting Pack 2 - Attack an enemy. Give your Beasts +2 Attack.
- Hunting Pack 3 - Attack an enemy. Give your Beasts +3 Attack.
- Hunting Pack 4 - Attack an enemy. Give your Beasts +4 Attack.
- Hunting Pack 5 - Attack an enemy. Give your Beasts +5 Attack.
Territorial Trample
- Territorial Trample 1 - Your Beasts and Orcs deal damage equal to their Attack plus 1 to the characters opposite them.
- Territorial Trample 2 - Your Beasts and Orcs deal damage equal to their Attack plus 2 to the characters opposite them.
- Territorial Trample 3 - Your Beasts and Orcs deal damage equal to their Attack plus 3 to the characters opposite them.
- Territorial Trample 4 - Your Beasts and Orcs deal damage equal to their Attack plus 4 to the characters opposite them.
- Territorial Trample 5 - Your Beasts and Orcs deal damage equal to their Attack plus 5 to the characters opposite them.
- Tethik 1 - After a friendly Beast dies, gain +1/+1. (Starts as a 7/7 Beast Minion)
- Tethik 2 - After a friendly Beast dies, gain +2/+2. (Starts as a 10/10 Beast Minion)
- Tethik 3 - After a friendly Beast dies, gain +3/+3. (Starts as a 13/13 Beast Minion)
- Tethik 4 - After a friendly Beast dies, gain +4/+4. (Starts as a 14/14 Beast Minion)
- Tethik 5 - After a friendly Beast dies, gain +5/+5. (Starts as a 15/15 Beast Minion)
Lead the Stampede
- Lead the Stampede 1 - Attack an enemy. Your other Beasts Attack it.
- Lead the Stampede 2 - Attack an enemy. Your other Beasts Attack it twice.
Beastmaster's Horn
- Beastmaster's Horn 1 - Passive: After you summon a Beast, give it +2 Attack. If it was summoned during combat, it Attacks immediately.
- Beastmaster's Horn 2 - Passive: After you summon a Beast, give it +4 Attack. If it was summoned during combat, it Attacks immediately.
- Beastmaster's Horn 3 - Passive: After you summon a Beast, give it +5 Attack. If it was summoned during combat, it Attacks immediately.
- Beastmaster's Horn 4 - Passive: After you summon a Beast, give it +6 Attack. If it was summoned during combat, it Attacks immediately.
Ferocious Loyalty
- Ferocious Loyalty 1 - Passive: +2 Health. Territorial Trample gains "Deathblow: They repeat this."
- Ferocious Loyalty 2 - Passive: +4 Health. Territorial Trample gains "Deathblow: They repeat this."
- Ferocious Loyalty 3 - Passive: +6 Health. Territorial Trample gains "Deathblow: They repeat this."
- Ferocious Loyalty 4 - Passive: +8 Health. Territorial Trample gains "Deathblow: They repeat this."
Mok'Nathal Wildercloak
- Mok'Nathal Wildercloak 1 - Passive: When a friendly Beast Attacks, this Merc gains +1/+1.
- Mok'Nathal Wildercloak 2 - Passive: When a friendly Beast Attacks, this Merc gains +2/+2.
- Mok'Nathal Wildercloak 3 - Passive: When a friendly Beast Attacks, this Merc gains +3/+3.
- Mok'Nathal Wildercloak 4 - Passive: When a friendly Beast Attacks, this Merc gains +4/+4.
Serena Bloodfeather
- Type: Minion
- Rarity: Epic
- Set: Mercenaries
- Race: None
- Faction: Neutral
Claws of Fury
- Claws of Fury 5 - Gain +5 Attack and Attack an enemy. Deathblow: Repeat this against a random enemy.
Blood Howl
- Blood Howl 5 - Steal +3/+5 from all allies and gain Windfury. Attack a random enemy.
Quick Claw
- Quick Claw 5 - When this Merc is Attacked this turn, deal 40 damage to the attacker first.
Fallen Feathers
- Fallen Feathers 4 - When this Merc Attacks, restore 20 Health to it.
Siren Song
- Siren Song 4 - Passive: +10 Health. Negate all bonus Spell Damage while this Merc is in play.
Heart of Darkness
- Heart of Darkness 4 - Blood Howl steals from enemies instead and also gives its stats and Windfury to this Merc's neighbors.
Mercenaries Art

New improvement - Battlegrounds Battle Bash timer
Battlegrounds Battle Bash now displays a timer telling you how much time you have before this current Battle Bash ends.
[Click on the image to enlarge it]
New improvement - Pack-opening menu
After a long time we got the shop icon back in the pack-opening menu! This icon got removed a while ago and now it's back.
We now also have a new stone-like texture sitting in the slot for opening packs if you have no packs to open or you can't open them.
New improvement - Golden packs for gold
We are now able to buy golden packs as well as signature golden packs for Gold!
New improvement - Token cards or older expansions
You're now able to see token cards in the collection manager for older expansions as well as all the new ones! Now you can view over 600 cards and their token cards right in your collection manager!
Skaterbot in the Core Set?
It looks like Skaterbot somehow snuck its way into the core set, even though he shouldn't be there. He's probably going to be hidden in the game, but potentially could replace one of the lowest-playable magnetic cards in the future since now Team 5 are willing to rotate out and in cards mid-year.
Inzah's & Hedanis' Hero Power animation fixed
In this patch Inzah's & Hedanis' Hero Power animation got fixed, so if you're curious, here you can see how they look now.
New interesting cards?
A few new unknown cards got added into the game with this patch, probably for a Tavern Brawl, Puzzle or Solo Content, but they look interesting nevertheless!
April Fools joke
This year we got pineapple on the pizza card back as an April Fools joke. Should it get reverted or not? :-)
This is the 3rd article of this style, we're still trying to improve things and this time, for example, we manually rendered all the animations in 4K resolution and 60 FPS for the best possible experience! But if you have any ideas for improvements, please let us know!
Idol Anduin looks somewhat like Tracer from Overwatch.
Being able to buy golden packs with gold is an exciting change
Great job, @imik! Thank you!
Does anyone know how to get diamond ETC from shop? I don't see him there. Also how to get diamond Zephrys? I no longer even see him in collection manager. Anyone know when we will see other popular diamond cards such as Zilliax, sn1p, Brann, emperor and others?
If you don't see things, they're not available, easy as that. :-D
ETC is probably going to be available once the expansion launches, diamond Zephrys got removed, because he wasn't supposed to be available yet. And other possible diamond cards no one knows.
After all these years... Alleria finally received a voiceline against Sylvanas 😱!
Thanks for all the hard work compiling this info!
I appreciate it! Thank you! 💚
I think it might be a bit much for one post. I know there is a lot of more technical stuff in here that might not interest everyone but I feel like a lot of the more interesting stuff will be skipped simply due to the sheer amount of information.
Like the new art could be a post on its own and might be interesting for those who create their own card or just want to browse the images. It's a small section here that might be overlooked.
The voice lines is a long list that isn't super accessible. Maybe better in a table format? Also colours: the boring part (name string) is white on black and the actual line is green on black.
The tooltip glue could also be reviewed. Is going from 16 to 17 unlockable cards important? That it displays 1 hour instead of hours? The strings section is a whole page on my desktop without really saying anything. I mean if we had new information like the Immune change back in the other post, that would be something interesting, but without that I think it adds a bit to the "wall of text crits for over 9000" feeling.
Maybe a separate post (each) for skins, diamond + signature cards, card backs + april's fool, merc stuff?
Overall I like it though! Poking around a bit under the hood, checking for cool stuff.
Keep in mind that this is an expansion data patch, it has a ton of stuff to go over, normal patches have much less information. for example this last one. Also, I want to have all the information in one place so that people don't have to remember a ton of different article types like "Patch - Artwork, Patch - Voicelines, Patch - something...", it's much easier for people to search for one article with all the changes. I feel like if people are interested in something, they're going to read at least the headlines. Also, I'm trying to keep the same style and arrangement for all these posts so that people learn where they can expect certain information. (Card changes at the top -> Voice Lines -> Strings -> Skins -> Other cosmetics -> Card Backs -> Art and Textures -> Battlegrounds -> Mercenaries -> Features, Improvements & Other interesting changes -> The remaining stuff). I could see us for example making custom banners to better differentiate sections, would that make it better?
Is this better?

I know not all of you care about this stuff, but I really want to report everything that COULD be anyhow useful (I'm for example skipping if they add a space somewhere or remove it or if they add a comma or dot, etc, but if something is at least a little bit interesting to me, I add it to the list).
Thanks for the feedback btw, it really helps!
Yeah, I like that table better. The visual impact of the black/white contrast is reduced.
That is true, but I think that you need to know the content in order to later search for it again. Like if I wanted to reference the Gold Packs for gold or Skater Bot info, that I know I read somewhere in a news/patch article, but can't remember when:
Then I manually go and check the last few articles until I don't bother. That could of course be elevated by finding it in the search, but also if it were its own article. But I understand not wanting to flood the front page with a dozen posts on patch day where half of them will be missed as well.
Overall, what if: collapsible sections? With a table of contents at the top that links to each section?
I don't want to hide anything so that people have to open it manually, because they won't do that in these types of posts, but I could see a tree at the top.
wdym remixed rhapsody??? is this new miniset card!???
These hero skins are so lazy and boring..
I really like Jazznaros, the rest is kinda dull though
ETC Has super sick animations btw.😉
yep...besides the ones we gotta pay for in the shop ofc , like that E.T.C. one , fuck the rewards track ones tho..
I'm worried that Lich King is going to suffer from the Malfurion problem where all the portraits for LK look the exact damn same, just different poses and artstyles.
Can I have a different Druid portrait?
We have different druid portraits at home: