Love it or hate it, but it's that time again. The Festival of Legends Theorycrafting Streams, from April 5th at 9am PT/ 12pm ET/ 18:00 CET/ 17:00 BST for EU/Americas until April 6th at 8am PT/ 11am ET/ 17:00 CET/ 16:00 BST for the APAC region. Come grab some drops and perhaps a Giveaway Bundle from your favorite streamer!
Quote from BlizzardCommunity Theorycrafting Streams – April 5-6
After all the cards have been revealed, join your favorite content creators as they rock the first jam sessions of the Festival of Legends! All participants will need to include 10 or more Festival of Legends cards in their decks (that can be 10 individual cards, 5 duplicates, or anything in between).
- Americas/EMEA players will pick one of two time slots on April 5, 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. (PT) or 3:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. (PT)
- APAC players will play on April 6, 2:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. (PT) / 6:00 p.m. - 12:00 a.m. (KST)
Invited players will be streaming their participation on their own personal streams, so make sure that you’re following your favorite Hearthstone content creators and tune in when they go live!
Twitch Drops will be enabled category wide during the theorycrafting streams, so you can watch whichever Hearthstone stream you’d like to earn up to 2 Festival of Legends Packs! Just make sure you link your Twitch and accounts for your watch time to award drops. In addition to category-wide Twitch Drops, players participating in the theorycrafting event have been given Pre-Purchase Mega Bundle codes to give away to their respective audiences during the theorycrafting event!
It was posted about last week, together in an article with the Card Reveal stream, the Music festival that also has drops tomorrow and Friday and the Early Pack Opening stuff that happens this weekend.
Yeah I skim articles with 3 different announcements
(assumed the drops were with the final reveal stream like last xpac)
Don't really watch the theorycraft streams because I feel it cheats a lot of the Day 1 variety
*Yeah I know most HS netdecks and yeah...drops, but I rather earn rewards thru in-game event's
NOT pre release functions that kinda spoil the fun of my fireside gatherings in the name of backseat hype
Sad I didn't know about this if not for this article.
I even have HS posts come to top on soc media
U should have bad beaches on social media not top stars decks