Inven just revealed a new Festival of Legends card: Blackrock 'n' Roll
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Inven just revealed a new Festival of Legends card: Blackrock 'n' Roll
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Yes. Human mission 2. Tell me the name of the blademaster in that mission without searching online to prove that you are worthy.
I'm very skeptical of this card for various reasons:
1) There's a fair share of Warrior cards that have a cheap cost and strong defensive stats. I don't see the logic of a long haul deck (the kind of deck this is meant for) if you're deliberately gimping your weaker minions just to give your stronger minions a marginal buff. If I wanted to play something like what this card is shooting far, I'd just play Buffadin.
2) Remember the old adage *when the card breaks the rules, the card always wins*? Same thing applies here, only this time using other cards in combination with this sabotage your entire deck. Anyone dreaming of giant 20/20 Naga Giants needs to understand that Naga Giant (and Arcane Giant in Wild) have their own cost constantly reduced each time you're playing spells *while they are still in your deck*, so unless you're playing this on curve you get absolutely no value. Furthermore, Fires of Azzinoth reduces any card costing 5 Mana or more to cost 5, so playing this card after you played Fires of Azzinoth means that you have a deck full of 5/5 minions, defeating the purpose of Fires of Azzinoth (surprise fatties for cheap).
3) Board wipes. This card is a clarion call to any other control deck that you're trying to get stronger fatties out later, so all of the classes like Mage, Priest, Warlock and Warrior are going to save their removal options for when you want to get value off of this. Furthermore, even if you get the meme strategy of a board full of Giants, an opposing Warrior can slap down the Brawl in hand and just wait for you to hit concede.
I'd dust this card first chance that I can do it.
Except, you, like me initially, read the card wrong.
You don't get 5/5 minions, you get minions that all ADD 5/5. The card is an addition, not a "set to". Otherwise most decks would end up with a whole bunch of vanilla statted minions. 2/2 for 2 etc. But it's not, it's a 2 mana cost minion that now gets buffed by 2/2.
Cmon, they've printed this shit before for other classes and it never works. If you don't draw this card, you lose. You'll probably lose even if you draw it and tempo it out. Let's not forget how everyone is powercrept nowadays and most 3 cost minions have 3/4, which this card would downgrade.
Warrior is in such a sad state that this card is nothing short of a joke.
probably will be buffed to 4 mana after a month, does the fire tag add anything. Im trying to think of some potential synergy there.
It rezzes that phoenix legendary and that's it.
Feels like one of those cards that's gonna be useless in 99% of decks and problematic in 1% of decks
Deck of Chaos ... mh oh wait... Lady in White... mh oh wait
I don't think this compares to Deck of Chaos or Lady in White as it doesn't limit deckbuilding in any way. If I understand correctly, it basically adds stats to any minion in your deck, 1 mana 1/3 becomes 1 mana 2/4, 2 mana 3/2 becomes 2 mana 5/4, and so on, right? Because it doesn't say "set" or "change" but "give", like e.g. Vicious Bloodworm. So that looks super strong in a minion-based deck, like Survival of the Fittest, but better.
I'm guessing that's War Master Voone in the artwork, so we'll be getting a new Voone as the Warrior Legendary.
This means they'll push Dragon Warrior for sure this expansion (also the fact the card clearly refers to Blackrock Montain)
I bet we'll get dragons and dragon synergy cards in the core set as well as in this expansion for Warrior
Maybe a 10 mana 8/8 Dragon with Taunt and some cost reduction effect. Would work good with this card.
No other Warrior cards have been revealed yet, so postponing judgment. I do find build-around high risk high reward cards to be fun though.
This card seems like a bad design though, unlike Drek'Thar and Vanndar Stormpike that are actually high risk high reward cards.This does something similar to Lor'themar Theron but overall it looks worse. Even though its 2 mana less, i don't see why you would run this instead and The worst thing is that you can't run both since the buffs overlap
Ofc you could run both, you just have to play this before Lor'themar.
That should buff (for example) Grommash to 24 Base dmg.
But running both would make a very slow and clunky deck.
I feel like taunt warrior will come to next meta.
A disappointing card.
This is almost always a better Lorthemar. Sure, for 2 less mana you don't get the body, but the buff is going to be stronger on average, especially on battlecry and deathrattle minions, and you want these kinds of buffs as early as possible. Having both this and Lorthemar also makes it possible to build around the effect, since you can depend on drawing it consistently.
My concern is not that this is too slow, turn 5 is quite early, especially for a value control deck. No, what I'm worried about is that you won't be able to run enough minions for this to be consistent. Playing this and then not drawing a payoff soon after is devastating.
Also worth remembering is that this is coming after a rotation. This seems quite slow for the current meta, but the meta will slow down overall. You may recall Kazakusan being the win condition in Warrior for a long time, an 8 mana "do nothing" that often took several more turns to actually end the game.
Tell frost and unholy Dk to slow down, there losing so many cards this rotation. Also on what case is this card better then [card]Lor'themar Theron[/card] which has no condition , while this requires you to build a deck with non average stated minions ,against your opponents power creeps all along (praying that you somehow draw this card early on) .Playing both and not drawing the correct order makes this a dead card
Lor'themar costs more and requires minions with high stats, most cards with strong battlecries and deathrattles will receive greater buffs from this.
It's obviously incorrect to build around the assumption that you will draw this early. That doesn't make it bad. Any card is bad if you don't draw it.
Lady in white had arguably a better effect and was never used.
At the moment I can't see how this card is close to being playable.
1 Star out of 5
I think you misread the card, because lady in white doesn't have a better effect.
It's give, not set, so a 5 mana card will get +5/+5
dont know if it's good, but the effect is for sure stronger than the Lady in White