25.4.2 Patch Notes - Mercenaries & Duels Bug Fixes
A server-side Hotfix Patch will be deployed worldwide later today. Read the details below!
Update - The Shop fix apparently needs a client update, so it won't be fixed in this patch
Quote from BlizzardPatch 25.4.2 is a server-side hotfix patch deploying today with the following updates:
- [Mercenaries] Fixed a bug where Chromie portraits could be obtained from packs and crafting while they were supposed to be exclusive to the Rewards Track. We have repaired the timeline so that those portraits won’t appear in packs until Patch 26.0.
- [Mercenaries] Fixed a bug where Lilian Voss’s Blades of the Anointed would not unlock upon Bounty completion as intended.
- [Mercenaries] Fixed a bug where Mythic Boss Rush bosses could get out of order.
- [Mercenaries] Fixed a bug where the Cast them Overboard! Treasure did not grant Windfury as intended.
- [Duels] Fixed a bug that allowed ineligible cards into card buckets under certain circumstances.
Correction: the bug fix to the closed shop is expected in the next client patch, not this server patch.
You're stupid for not using it to farm XP while AFK.
addicted as fk
Fixes to a stupid mode that should’ve never been made and no one plays. Got it.
Duel is still great, I mean if you don't care ignore it. I use it to farm gold for f2p and to add variation to standard.
Meanwhile The Purator is still not a mech.
That requires a client side patch I assume which this was not.
With the shop fix being quite important to Blizz I'm going to assume we will see a client side patch this week though, which might include Purator change too.
Good point. Thanks
When y’all fixing standard . Make this game more unique . All mages are rng mage . Rogue and warrior are dead . Shaman broken
ok but what about the celestial mercenaries abilities not scaling like they should be yulon and chi ji both don't get benefits from their equipment in mythic boss rush
Thank God you fixed the shop! I can’t live without it.
O oh.🤣
addicted <_<
wow! People really get sarcasm here...