This week's brawl is Blood Magic!
How much are you willing to sacrifice for power? All your spells will cost health instead of mana!
This is played with Wild deck building rules.
If you have a great deck for this brawl, create it in our deckbuilder, and share it with the world! Just make sure to label the Deck Type as a "Tavern Brawl" while saving and it might show up on the front page!
A Standard Card Pack for winning the Brawl once.
This is a good brawl to quickly finish the weekly requiring you to win 5 games with any mode other than ranked ladder
Ah, the monthly brawl that lasts half a turn. Classic.
oh no no no
not this again
### Druid
This is not my package, but its update to current brawl.
WOW, copy+pasted this deck, won the first game in 20 seconds, got the pack, had a legendary in it. Best ROI ever.
Dude! Exactly the same here, copy pasted this deck, won first game in a round, then opened a pack with a legendary - Rotgill xD 10/10, would recommend
I feel thoroughly dirty after using this deck.
Great, more OTK from Druid and DH. They just don't care anymore.
I see the same fucking demon hunter and druid cards that always turn this brawl into a turn 1 kill still aren't banned!
The list of cards you'd need to ban to make this brawl not FTKstone is frankly stupid.
If you want to avert the FTKstone with this brawl, don't bother banning anything. Limit cards to Standard.
They did that once. It was just big spell mage and token druid
Step one: go first
Step two: win
If you are wondering "Didn't we have this not long ago?" then the answer is yes, mid November.