This week's brawl is Heroic Brawliseum!
Make a Standard deck to compete with the best! Stakes are high, the competition is intense. More wins means more rewards. Can you make it to 12 wins?
This Brawl plays with Standard format cards only!
If you have a great deck for this brawl, create it in our deckbuilder, and share it with the world! Just make sure to label the Deck Type as a "Tavern Brawl" while saving and it might show up on the front page!
This is a special Brawl that costs 1000g or real money to enter, the rewards are therefore not just a simple pack! See just below for an overview of the rewards!
Quote from BlizzardHeroic Tavern Brawl Returns!
On February 1, the fan-favorite Heroic Tavern Brawl (Standard format) is back for more grueling competition! This time, there will be a new special Legendary Quest tied to the Brawl for those who want earn something they can use to show off their skill. Win 3 games in one Heroic Tavern Brawl run and you’ll get the new Ghoul Queen Scarlet Death Knight Hero Skin in addition to your other prizes! There will also be a Legendary Quest for players to win one game of any type in order to get a Standard Pack, so there is something for all players, even those who don’t want to participate in the Heroic Tavern Brawl.
Correction: the Ghoul Queen Scarlet skin legendary quest will require 3 wins in this Heroic Tavern Brawl across all runs, not necessarily in the same Tavern Brawl run.
Calm yourself with those random spouted metrics.
You're gonna have to breakdown WR frequency curve to prove such a stat.
No. You don't. Simple math proves it.
Scroll down to the statistics section. In order for 1 person to get 12 wins, that means 4 other people have to be kicked out of the running. The rest kind of extrapolate from there.
The chance of getting 5 or more wins (the break even point) mathematically, is only possibly for around 23% of players. There would not be enough opponents otherwise. And for 11/12 wins, it's about 1% of all players.
That means that overall, you have:
Approximately a .6% chance of making around 11k gold worth
.4% chance of making around 5.5k gold
.8% chance of ~3800
1.3% chance of ~2400
2.2% of ~1500
And then a 12% chance to lose 900, and a 19% chance to lose 800 or 700.
I went ahead and did the math for you. Out of every 100 people, Blizzard takes 100k Gold out of the ecosystem, and pays out about 68k. So yeah, that's a 32% house cut. Obviously there's a little fluctuation, maybe there's more good players going 12-0 and more bad players going 0-3 but it's not going to change it that much.
"Simple Mathematics"
I highly encourage Blizz to push p2w scenarios if it helps remove these sharks from casual play pools
I have never had interest in gambling in or out of gaming and thus enjoy earning rewards thru committed time.
And gold really isn't worth anything until you spend it, and thus using it on Mini-sets & cosmetics is personal preference.
I took an AP Statistics in high school so I was well in my right to ask for evidence for his spouted nonsense.
It's not really a company rake if you as the earner choose high push high reward scenarios
Cool matchup, reminds me of old HS where you fight for board control, but hyper tribe synergy
Let's talk about the limited-time quest for a minute: You have to win 3 games in this mode in order to get the hero portrait. You have to pay either 10 buck or 1000 of your F2P gold for a chance to complete the quest. This is potentially more than a hero portrait can be bought for in the shop (Which is still terribly overpriced).
That portrait was enough for me to throw 1,000 gold down and play this dumb tavern brawl (never bothered before). Since I had the gold piled up in anticipation of the mini-set (over 3k before this brawl), I figured "why not", made a murloc shaman, and am currently sitting at 2L/5W and not done yet. I do agree that it's pretty scummy, though, as it leans very hard into FOMO by making it only the SECOND Death Knight alternate profile, so why wouldn't folks want it (and a female, no less!). So yeah, I agree with what you are saying.
Heroic Scamuseum.
So yesterday I got completely obliterated again by Imp/Curse Lock and decided that's it. I netdecked and had to craft 4 legendaries and some epics as I don't play Warlock at all. Proceeded to win every single game. Today they did the heroic brawliseum so I of course copy pasted my imp curse deck and easily won the champion. I only lost one match to Rogue when my hand was uttershit and I guessed wrong all his secrets as it was some tempo potion secret deck. Props to him! Activision Blizzard loves me'.… Also my last game vs Shaman I luckily won thanks to buffed warlock smorf fireball legendary. Thx Blizz, Warlock needed this buff!!
Go with Implock. Luckily meet control DK first three times and win against slow. Next games was lost. All casino mage so i am happy that i done it+ signature legendary so worth it.
the average hearthstone player wouldn't bother making a deck even if they did offer a free ticket. and still, most players would be lucky to get 2 wins.
I feel like a free pass is totally justifiable, so every player could at least get their single pack for the week.
Also I think it's hilarious that you don't even come close to making your gold back unless you go a full 12 wins lol. The people who are capable of getting 12 wins don't need the packs and dust.
Don't bother. As usual, a complete scam where you don't break even for the entry fee.
Fan favorite? Is it really? More like a scam favorite from Blizzard's viewpoint I think.
...Can I get my 3rd quest back? I like stacking 3 quests so I can pump them out :\
12-2 with Murloc Shaman. (lost one against beast hunter who rolled me with colossal on turn 5; and the other loss was to a weird - but powerful UH DK #
Holy hell, I did one as a meme with Frost DK and won. 12-2
the predatory part is the 2 quests that appeared for this scammy brawl
burnt one daily quest because of that shit
Predatory practice detected.
Avoid. Avoid. Avoid.
But they want people to spend gold before the miniset.
Where are the normal brawliseums, btw? Wouldn't join them either, but I am curious. It is always heroic now.