Patchnotes: Third Time's the Charm - Wait Nope, Still Just An Announcement of an Announcement.
The Balance patch we have been hearing about since early January will have the official patchnotes revealed on Thursday. For now we have to make do with these Twitter Images which showcase the cards being buffed and nerfed.
The Constructed images are (best as we can make them out):
- Wildpaw Gnoll
- Sinstone Graveyard
- Final Showdown
- Sinful Brand
- Glacial Advance
- Shockspitter
- Astalor
- Unholy Frenzy
- Battlefield Necromancer
- Boneguard Commander
- Vengeful Walloper
- Wither
- Vast Wisdom
- Energy Shaper
- Time Warden
- Haunting Nightmare
- Basaleph
- Bonecaller
- Infantry Reanimator
- Darkhan Drathir
- Asvendon
- Last Stand
- Disruptive Spellbreaker
- Remornia
- Nellie
ok let me guess about warlock:
the legendary guy is coming to 7 mana and now pretty much a life steal leeroy specially you dont need that 5 mana stupid ooze anymore.
the common lady coming to 5 mana and this goes again into implock for burst dmg and on turn 8 you can play it with 3 mana spell (resurrect).
overall they filled Sire's empty spot for implock and those 5 card are really nice set of burst for warlock
Shadow essence... SHADOW ESSENCE? Ress priest for another 10 years WoW how fun
Unfortunately they don't give a rat's ass about Wild. And even if they did, they are so incompetent and lacking adequate people, that they can't even cope with Standard, yet alone Wild.
shadow essence isnt on the list
That was exactly his point. He hoped for a shadow essence nerf.
no one seriously cares about WILD, and if someone is bothered by Shadow Essence, let them change the mode to standard and they won't have a problem with it :P
I think they will lose the undead tag, making them alot harder to reborn (from hero powers only pretty much).
Hope they don't need to nerf Basaleph down the line because I've already disenchanted the golden copy I had and I'll feel very bad if they did that— so knowing my luck Undead Priest will become to oppressive it will be nerfed lol
But yay!! maybe this will bring back favor with relics again, I loved them even when it wasn't exactly a great deck but more a high tier 3 in early Natrhia. I have only 100 wins on either DH or Rogue before I get my golden portrait and will get those at least next expansion so these nerfs don't really bother me.
Side Note: When I crafted Final Showdown back in January last year for the fun of it— because then the deck was high skill-cap and I don't have skill that high— I was honestly not expecting to get THIS much value down the road xD
Abysmal game development, there should be sackings, in my honest opinion.
So basically as predicted pretty much the entire reborn-package of Battleground being nerfed, with the two main offenders being downright removed if I read that image correctly. I'd say it was fun while it lasted, but honestly it'll be nice to play against anything but the same two comps every single time again.
Without anub arak and summoner, there is only deathwhisper at the top end to go for and she is getting a nerf. I think this may just kill undead as a tribe. They are broken when summoner and anub has reborn, but think about how crappy they are at tier 4. The strategy now is to power level to 6 for the broken cards, but if you scale fairly, undead loses to everything else with earlier scaling.
Nice, Warlock Buffs. I like it!
such failures
Y'all wanna know the really fun part? TECHNICALLY if they bring out the patchnotes on Thursday and the Patch on next Tuesday it will still fulfill their promise of having a balance patch in January. It would be on the very last day of it, but STILL JANUARY.
I suspect it will be patched on Thursday though, but the mind goes funny places sometimes.
That's basically two full months of the Astalor shit-show, and they are still acting like Shadowstep is a perfectly balanced card.
In a slightly less horrible world, they would have addressed the glaring balance issues and given the meta time to settle a bit before bringing on the mini-set, but guess what -- the mini-set is due in early February, and the balance issues aren't even remotely fixed.
I don't see this doing much aside from knocking rogue and shockspitter hunter down in the meta. Frost DK is still going to be a problem since only 1 card is being nerfed. DH still has their broken relics package, it's hard to deal with a board of huge minions they get from their relics. Jace is 8 mana recast half your deck.
Warlock will just keep using the curse and imp packages since those are broken. Priest and Warrior buffs look like nothing as the problem with them has always been how overpowered all the other classes are. Priest can heal sure, but healing does nothing with mass face damage. Warrior is lacking the armor package (and mana ramp) that keeps druid alive and in the meta.
honestly i dont see the removal of stealth stopping miracle rogue from still being S+ tier deck
Nellie needs a buff? Is the only warrior deck they are able to come up with since stormwind pirate warrior?
Nellie was run in every Warrior deck at its peak. Lot of value for Control decks, and synergized really nicely with what Pirate Warrior wanted to do lategame. Makes sense if you want to make Warrior better you buff a card which has a place in multiple archetypes.
I know, what I’m saying is that there have been multiple new archetypes for classes since sunken city, but warrior is still pirate tribal. It was so annoying to see multiple Mr. Smite from discover.