Constructed Balance Changes Next Week
Blizzard Dev Aleco, Lead Final Design, posted on twitter about some upcoming Balance changes. They are planned for next week! Read his messages below!
Quote from BlizzardHey everyone!
I know a lot of you have been asking about Standard balance changes. We're putting together a pretty big patch for ~1 week from now.
In all honesty, I wish we could have shipped this patch a little sooner.
Quote from BlizzardThe holiday break pushed our patch schedule, but the meta doesn't take a holiday, so I empathize with players who feel like this patch is coming late. Though I can't promise anything right now, we're chatting as a team about if we can adjust our patch cadence next holiday break.
Quote from BlizzardHope you all enjoy the upcoming patch!
1. Why?
2. Brann will go to wild in 2 months anyway.
3. Why?
Its neccesary to explain? Lmao
1.being able to play 3-5 cards in early per tur has being an issue since classic, not fair, its op and in the last years its obvious, indeed for the last year miracle roge easily kills you in turn 4 because of that CERO COST card. It makes tempo, antiaggro,value and combo much better. Thats why rogue had since 2014 the best basic cards.
2.makes combo decks that ignore field op, sire was nerfd because of brann, the armor druid legendaria was nerfed because of brann, astalor is going to be nerfed because of brann...lmao
3. Same as number one, miracle and combo is toxic, having a meta with 1-2 combo decks its ok, havng a meta with all tier 1 and 2 decks being combo is a really bad game desing.
4. HONORABLE MENTION: people are asking for astalor nerf, in my op its not needed, astalor is a pretty good card but its fine, the problem of playing astalor is not itselve, the problem is playing more than 1 astalor o playing it with double battlecry (shadowstep,brann) .
(Putricide is another card that have no sense and should only count enemy minions)
If you still dont understand when i have time i could send you a coloured power point for better comprehension.
Shadow Essence banned in Wild. Its so fun dying turn 2. I love it
Shadow Essence is already a wild card. Banning wild card in wild makes no sense.
They will make all DK cards cost zero because not enough people are playing DK yet, and they need to sell more path of Arthas sets.
When will the Arena Leaderboards for september and october come? Quite late...
"Can we make money on arena leaderboard skins? No? Oh then we don't care"
Shadowstep to wild (7 years late)
Brann to wild
Discounted cards cant cost less than 1 mana (7years late)
Its very very easy, just 3 changes that make the game PLAYABLE, not losing against a 15/15 in turn 2 or to a retarded hunter with 30 face damage directly from hand
I would prefer just kill the shockspitter
The ability to discount things to less than 1 has been an issue in the game for forever, and it's all caused by how Hearthstone has completely uninteractive opponent turns. It feels like absolute garbage to just sit there and watch the opponent spam cards initiated by multiple 0-cost mana cheating and discount.
If Hearthstone had a real counterspell system like other card games you could actually do something to interrupt their solitaire, but until that happens they really need to stop people from being able to play 8 cards a turn.
I was talking about reduction to 0 mana problem. 2 years ago. I suggested Duels treatment where most passives have effect ,,but not less than 1". And the answer from people was ,, Who hurt you " ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
This is a bad idea. That's the reason people reacted that way
while 15/15 stealth minions on turn 3 are ok
It's like OG Van'cleef
Actually they are worse than OG Van'Cleef. They got stealth and cannot be silenced. KEKL
OG Van'cleef had stealth too. But yeah, he could be silenced
"In all honesty, I wish we could have shipped this patch a little sooner." - yeah no shi* captain obvious
Just delete Astalor Bloodsworn and Theotar. Meta fixed.
Guff still rolling out...
I don't know, I think Brann and Shadowstep are the larger culprits moreso than Astalor.
Shadowstep has definitely been an insanely overpowered card for a long, long, long, LONG time now, but always dodging any nerfs whatsoever. Pretty much ALL zero cost cards in Hearthstone have proven to be problematic or downright broken, and more often than not have been nerfed at some point.
Yet a 0 cost card that does mana cheat, enables insane combos, cheats powerful battlecry effects, acts as card draw, and as buff/damage enabler somehow has never been touched and is OK according to Bli$$ard.