25.2 Patch Notes - Battlegrounds Season 3, Lunar New Year Event, Heroic Brawl & More
Blizzard just published Patch Notes 25.2 featuring new Battlegrounds Season 3 content, Lunar New Year event & more.
EDIT: Blizzard edited the patch notes with the following: "Correction: the Ghoul Queen Scarlet skin legendary quest will require 3 wins in this Heroic Tavern Brawl across all runs, not necessarily in the same Tavern Brawl run."
Quote from BlizzardPatch 25.2, launching today, brings Battlegrounds Season 3 and more!
Battlegrounds Season 3 is Here!
Good news, everyone! Battlegrounds Season 3 brings Professor Putricide’s new Hero Power, Undead and dual-type minions, and tons more new and updated heroes and minions!
General Updates
- On January 17, Battlegrounds Season 2 will end and Battlegrounds Season 3 will begin. That means that rankings will reset, Battlegrounds Quests will be removed, minion pools will update, and the Battlegrounds Track will switch over. All rewards that were earned, but not yet claimed, from the Season 2 Track will be automatically claimed.
- The 15-damage Damage Cap will now persist until both a hero has died and the game has reached turn 8 (the 10 Gold turn).
- Armor will now appear overlayed on health bars on the scoreboard.
- Undead and dual-type minions have been added as a regular part of Battlegrounds. The same number of minion types will be in each Battlegrounds game (meaning an additional minion type will be excluded each game after this change). If either type of a dual-type minion is in a game, the dual-type minion will be in that game.
- Undead will appear in every lobby for 2 weeks after the patch; they will then appear in 75% of lobbies for an additional 2 weeks. Then they will be part of the regular rotation of minion types.
- For a short time after the launch of Undead, turns 5+ will be 5 seconds longer to allow players time to learn the new cards. This is expected to be reverted in a planned hotfix following the patch.
New Battlegrounds Track
When the new Battlegrounds Season begins, rewards on last Season’s Battlegrounds Track will no longer be able to be earned, all rewards that were earned and not yet claimed will be automatically claimed, and a new Battlegrounds Track will begin. The Season 3 Battlegrounds Track features 40 new Battle for Silvermoon themed cosmetics, including 4 Legendary Hero Skins, 3 Epic Hero Skins, 8 Rare Hero Skins, 1 Rare Board, 1 Rare Bartender, and 9 Rare Emotes!
For more details about the Season 3 Battlegrounds Track, see our Season 3 Announcement Blog.
Hero Updates
Professor Putricide has been reworked with new art and a whole new Hero Power for his return to the Hero Pool!
Professor Putricide
- Build-An-Undead
- [4 Gold] Craft a custom Undead. (3 Creations left!)
Dev Comment: When you build an Undead, you’ll be offered two sets of 3 minions to merge together. One set tends to have persistent in-combat rules while the other set tends to have keywords and in-shop effects. All minion offerings will be at or below your Tavern Tier. The Build-An-Undead pools include both minions that are available in Bob’s Tavern and minions that are unique to this effect. Putricide’s creations are unnatural, so they can’t be tripled.
Professor Putricide will be available in all games for two weeks after launch.
Millificent Manastorm (Tinker)
- Old: Passive. Mechs in Bob’s Tavern have +1/+1.
- New: Passive. Whenever you summon a Mech, give it +2 Attack.
Lord Jaraxxus (Bloodfury)
- Old: [1 Gold] Give your Demons +1/+1.
- New: [1 Gold] Choose a friendly Demon. It consumes a minion in Bob’s Tavern to gain its stats.
Pyramad (Brick by Brick)
- Old: [0 Gold] Give a minion +2 Health. (Gains +1 Health each turn you don’t use this!)
- New: [0 Gold] Give a minion +1 Health. (Gains +1 Health each turn you don’t use this!)
Galewing (Dungar’s Gryphon)
- You can no longer choose the same Flight Path twice in a row.
- Westfall
- Old: Passive. In 1 turn, give your left-most minion +2/+1.
- New: Passive. In 1 turn, give your left-most minion +2/+2.
- Ironforge
- Old: Passive. In 3 turns, Discover a minion of your Tavern Tier.
- New: Passive. In 2 turns, gain 2 Gold.
- Eastern Plaguelands:
- Old: Passive. In 5 turns, your next Tavern Tier upgrade costs (6) less.
- New: Passive. In 3 turns, Discover a minion of your Tavern Tier.
Updated Hero Armor Tiers
Many heroes have had their Armor Tiers adjusted for the new season. All armor tiers are as follows:
- Arch-Villain Rafaam
- Captain Hooktusk
- Cookie the Cook
- C’Thun
- Elise Starseeker
- Forest Warden Omu
- Galewing
- George the Fallen
- Lady Vashj
- Maiev Shadowsong
- Master Nguyen
- Millhouse Manastorm
- Murloc Holmes
- Mutanus the Devourer
- Pyramad
- Scabbs Cutterbutter
- Silas Darkmoon
- Sire Denathrius
- Tamsin Roame
- The Lich King
- The Rat King
- Trade Prince Gallywix
- Xyrella
- Vanndar Stormpike
- Vol’jin
- Ysera
- Al’Akir
- Cariel Roame
- Dancin’ Deryl
- Death Speaker Blackthorn
- Deathwing
- Fungalmancer Flurgl
- Ini Stormcoil
- Galakrond
- Guff Runetotem
- Jandice Barov
- Lich Baz’hial
- Lord Barov
- Millificent Manastorm
- N’Zoth
- Patchwerk
- Professor Putricide
- Reno Jackson
- Rokara
- Sir Finley Mrrgglton
- Tess Greymane
- The Great Akazamzarak
- Tickatus
- Varden Dawngrasp
- Dinotamer Brann
- Enhance-o Mechano
- Heistbaron Togwaggle
- Infinite Toki
- Malygos
- Nozdormu
- Patches the Pirate
- Shudderwock
- Skycap’n Kragg
- Sylvanas Windrunner
- The Jailer
- Yogg-Saron, Hope’s End
- Alexstrasza
- Ambassador Faelin
- Bru’kan
- Kael’thas Sunstrider
- Onyxia
- Ozumat
- Ragnaros the Firelord
- Sneed
- Y’Shaarj
- Zephrys, the Great
- Captain Eudora
- Chenvaala
- Edwin VanCleef
- Greybough
- Queen Azshara
- Rakanishu
- Tavish Stormpike
- Illidan Stormrage
- Kurtrus Ashfallen
- Mr. Bigglesworth
- Sindragosa
- A.F. Kay
- Aranna Starseeker
- King Mukla
- Overlord Saurfang
- Queen Wagtoggle
- The Curator
New Minions
Risen Rider [Tavern Tier 1, Undead]
- 2 Attack, 1 Health. Taunt, Reborn.
Rot Hide Gnoll [Tavern Tier 1, Undead]
- 1 Attack, 4 Health. Has +1 Attack for each friendly minion that died this combat.
Thorncaptain [Tavern Tier 1, Quilboar/Pirate]
- 4 Attack, 1 Health. After a card is added to your hand, gain +1 Health until next turn.
Scarlet Skull [Tavern Tier 2, Undead]
- 1 Attack, 2 Health. Reborn, Deathrattle: Give a friendly Undead +1/+2.
Eternal Knight [Tavern Tier 2, Undead]
- 4 Attack, 1 Health. Has +1/+1 for each friendly Eternal Knight that died this game (wherever this is).
Nerubian Deathswarmer [Tavern Tier 2, Undead]
- 1 Attack, 3 Health. Battlecry: Your Undead have +1 Attack for the rest of the game (wherever they are).
Blazing Skyfin [Tavern Tier 2, Dragon/Murloc]
- 1 Attack, 3 Health. After you play a Battlecry minion, gain +1/+1.
Corpse Refiner [Tavern Tier 2, Undead/Pirate]
- 2 Attack, 3 Health. Avenge (4): This sells for 1 more Gold.
Jelly Belly [Tavern Tier 3, Undead]
- 3 Attack, 5 Health. After a minion is Reborn, gain +3/+3.
Ghoul of the Feast [Tavern Tier 3, Undead]
- 2 Attack, 4 Health. Avenge (1): Give a friendly minion of each type +3 Attack.
Lich Doctor [Tavern Tier 3, Undead]
- 3 Attack, 2 Health. Taunt. At the start of your turn, give your minions that died last combat +1/+1.
Felemental [Tavern Tier 3, Elemental/Demon]
- 3 Attack, 1 Health. Battlecry: Minions in Bob’s Tavern have +1/+1 for the rest of the game.
Soulsplitter [Tavern Tier 4, Undead]
- 4 Attack, 2 Health. Reborn. Start of Combat: Give a friendly Undead Reborn.
Handless Forsaken [Tavern Tier 4, Undead]
- 2 Attack, 3 Health. Deathrattle: Summon a 2/2 Hand with Reborn.
Possessive Banshee [Tavern Tier 4, Undead]
- 2 Attack, 7 Health. Battlecry: Give an Undead +2/+7.
General Drakkisath [Tavern Tier 4, Dragon]
- 2 Attack, 8 Health. Battlecry: Add a 2/1 Smolderwing to your hand that gives another Dragon +5 Attack.
Peggy Sturdybone [Tavern Tier 4, Pirate]
- 6 Attack, 5 Health. After a card is added to your hand, give another friendly Pirate +1/+1.
Chronormu [Tavern Tier 4, Dragon]
- 4 Attack, 4 Health. While this is in the Tavern, gain the stats of any minions sold.
Magmaloc [Tavern Tier 4, Elemental/Murloc]
- 1 Attack, 1 Health. At the end of your turn, gain +1/+1. Repeat for each minion you played this turn.
Pufferquil [Tavern Tier 4, Naga/Quilboar]
- 2 Attack, 4 Health. After a spell is played on this, gain Poisonous until next turn.
Sin’dorei Straight-Shot [Tavern Tier 4]
- 3 Attack, 4 Health. Windfury. Divine Shield. Whenever this attacks, remove Reborn and Taunt from the target.
Anub’arak, Nerubian King [Tavern Tier 5, Undead]
- 5 Attack, 3 Health. Deathrattle: Your Undead have +2 Attack for the rest of the game (wherever they are).
Hungering Abomination [Tavern Tier 5, Undead]
- 3 Attack, 4 Health. Avenge (1): Gain +1/+1 permanently.
Cyborg Drake [Tavern Tier 5, Mech/Dragon]
- 2 Attack, 8 Health. Divine Shield. Your Divine Shield minions have +10 Attack.
Sinrunner Blanchy [Tavern Tier 5, Undead/Beast]
- 4 Attack, 4 Health. Reborn. This is Reborn with full Health and enchantments.
Titus Rivendare [Tavern Tier 5]
- 1 Attack, 7 Health. Your Deathrattles trigger an extra time.
Eternal Summoner [Tavern Tier 6, Undead]
- 8 Attack, 1 Health. Deathrattle: Summon 2 Eternal Knights.
Colossus of the Sun [Tavern Tier 6, Undead]
- 6 Attack, 6 Health. Divine Shield, Reborn.
Sister Deathwhisper [Tavern Tier 6, Undead]
- 4 Attack, 11 Health. After a friendly minion is Reborn, give your Undead +1/+3 permanently.
Felstomper [Tavern Tier 6, Demon/Beast]
- 3 Attack, 7 Health. After you summon a minion in combat, give your minions +3 Attack.
Mecha-Jaraxxus [Tavern Tier 6, Mech/Demon]
- 3 Attack, 15 Health. Battlecry: Add a random Mecha-Demon to your hand.
- Rusted Reggie: 5 Attack, 5 Health. Winfury. Can Magnetize to Mechs and Demons.
- Magtheridon Prime: 1 Attack, 10 Health. Taunt. Can Magnetize to Mechs and Demons.
- Baltharak: 10 Attack, 1 Health. Reborn. Can Magnetize to Mechs and Demons.
MagtheridoGreta Gold-Gun [Tavern Tier 6, Naga/Pirate]
- 2 Attack, 9 Health. Spellcraft: Make a different friendly Naga or Pirate Golden until next turn.
Minion Pool Updates
- Icky Imp and Budding Greenthumb have been returned to the minion pool.
- Peggy Brittlebone, Baron Rivendare, Saltscale Honcho, Glyph Guardian, Yo-Ho-Ogre, Stasis Elemental, Majordomo Executus, Bonker, Mechano-Egg, Baby Krush, Palescale Crocolisk, Imp Mama, Tony Two-Tusk, Draconid Enforcer, Razorgore the Untamed, Witchwing Nestmatron, Imprisoner, Khadgar, and Mythrax the Unraveler have been removed from the minion pool.
Other Minion Updates
- Micro Mummy has gained the Undead minion type.
- The Golden version of Amber Guardian will now hit two minions with the effect (giving each +2/+2 and Divine Shield), instead of doubling the effect on one minion (giving it +4/+4 and Divine Shield).
Mercenaries Update
- Sir Finley can now be acquired through all normal means.
Special In-Game Event: Lunar New Year
The Lunar New Year is right around the corner and this year we’re doing it in style with the new in-game Event System. From January 17 to January 31, you can complete daily and special Event Quests to earn Event XP towards the event Rewards Track. Complete the event Rewards Track to earn three Battlegrounds Hero Skins!
Heroic Tavern Brawl Returns!
On February 1, the fan-favorite Heroic Tavern Brawl (Standard format) is back for more grueling competition! This time, there will be a new special Legendary Quest tied to the Brawl for those who want earn something they can use to show off their skill. Win 3 games in one Heroic Tavern Brawl run and you’ll get the new Ghoul Queen Scarlet Death Knight Hero Skin in addition to your other prizes! There will also be a Legendary Quest for players to win one game of any type in order to get a Standard Pack, so there is something for all players, even those who don’t want to participate in the Heroic Tavern Brawl.
Correction: the Ghoul Queen Scarlet skin legendary quest will require 3 wins in this Heroic Tavern Brawl across all runs, not necessarily in the same Tavern Brawl run.
Bug Fixes and Game Improvements
- [Progression] Quests requiring you to deal damage of a particular spell type have been updated to require damage with one of two spell types.
- [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where Heart Strike was not affected by Spell Damage.
- [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where Anachronos’s effect interacted inconsistently with effects like Power Overwhelming, Habeas Corpses, and Goblin Prank. All these types of effects will now be removed when the minion returns from its journey through time.
- [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where Anachronos’s effect could cause a temporary disconnect in certain circumstances.
- [Mercenaries] Fixed a bug where Chromie’s Chaos Theory used the wrong effect animation.
- [Cosmetics] Fixed a bug where the Lor'themar Hero Skin used the wrong hero power animation.
- [Cosmetics] Fixed a bug where certain Mal’Ganis voicelines were incorrect.
- [Cosmetics] Fixed a bug where some of Ebon Assassin Garona’s voicelines and speech bubbles were swapped.
- [Cosmetics] Fixed a bug where certain card backs were automatically marked as “Favorite” when acquired.
- [Cosmetics] Corrected the “Obtained by” portion of the descriptions for the Scourge Coin and the Tinker Town Takeover Battlegrounds Board in the Collection Managers.
- [Shop] Fixed various shop presentation/visual bugs.
- Misc. other bug fixes and game improvements.
Eternal Knights so idiotic, ones summoned during combat are stronger than the their actual warband.
At least beasts have to pump them up during combat with Macaw & Baron
EDIT: Nice downvotes, without reading upcoming nerf to Eternal Knights and reworking Eternal Summoner
ah yes the fans favorite scam brawl.
you know its a pretty scummy move to put a skin behind heroic brawl so that some more people would fall for this scam. and oh boy some people will have to pay 1000 gold multiple times before they can get their 3 wins.
"There will also be a Legendary Quest for players to win one game of any type in order to get a Standard Pack"
well thats a good move tho. they finally made it so at least people would not lose a pack for heroic brawl week.
the last part is the only good part of this heroic brawl
Dissapointed with the update. bring back toxfin to tier 4. and make more murlocs, we need more inclusivity. this is disastrous
actually i agree with this
they listened !
MRGLGLLLL (I love murlocs and these dual class ones are nice)
i like magmaloc
Magmaloc is my favorite tbh
The total scam for the Scarlet portrait aside, sucks because I would have really wanted her since base Arthas is awful and I'm still 960~ wins away from something good— wasn't it well known that this patch was going to be heavily Battlegrounds focused? It's been like this for the last 4 expansions, they've mentioned how the roll-outs are done. That standard will be either given a surprise small balance patch between now and the mini-set or will get it's own patch with the mini-set as they've been doing for the past 4 expansions?
Why is everyone surprised? Are you all that excited to be thrown to Hunter and Druid when Rogue and Demon Hunter are finally nerfed beyond oblivion til next expansion so you can complain that it's druidstone or hunter/facestone. Or worse, when Mage, Priest, Shaman and Warlock finally claim their usual time of the year and they're the classes being complained about.
Free stuff is nice and always appreciated but why would you completely exclude non battlegrounds players from this event?
That's like saying "Yup, this mode is almost dead. We don't want to waste too many resources on it." regardless of whether it's true or not.
battleground only yearly event reward? this is ridiculous
ironically lunar new year is an event known for giving money
More about wishing good luck. The money thing is just a byproduct like giving gifts at Christmas.
I don't get how anyone enjoys Battlegrounds. It just seems like a complete RNG fiesta. How is that fun?
Stop wasting time and resources on this garbage.
Whelps, I couldn't even care less about annual event for the first time...
So they know Standard is dieing with Roguestone, they decide to push for Battleground events and exclusive rewards so nobody can complain about Standard, great job Blizz.
Wait wait hold on, I didn't realize they were REPLACING the yearly event with battlegrounds ONLY garbage rewards.
Battlegrounds is actively sabotaging people who just play Hearthstone at this point.
didnt they say bgs are like the most overwelmingly popular mode in the game?
Personally I enjoy both game modes, but it seems to be consensus here on Hearthpwn that Battlegrounds are the spawn of the devil and stating anything positive about them means you've been bought by Blizzard. Also no one plays them, it's a dead game mode, etc.
Since Blizzard refuses to release any tangible stats about which mode gets played how much, this topic will most likely always remain a shouting match based on "I heard", "I think" and "I wish". *shrug*