March of the Lich King Theorycrafting December 1st - With Drops! - Other Festivities!
The date for Theorycrafting streams is here, and it is Thursday December 1st, from 9am PT/ 12pm ET/ 18:00 CET/ 17:00 GMT. Read all about it and the other festivities below!
Quote from BlizzardJoin us starting on December 1 as your favorite content creators take the first steps into Hearthstone’s next expansion, March of the Lich King! In these theorycraft livestreams, Standard and Wild content creators will be coming together to give rise to what the new expansion has to offer.
- Standard format: At least 10 or more March of the Lich King cards in each deck (this can be 10 unique cards, 5 duplicates, or anything in between).
- Wild format: At least 1 Legendary and at least 5 additional March of the Lich King cards in each deck (for a total of 6+ new cards in each deck).
How to Watch:
Invited players will be streaming their participation on their own personal streams, so make sure that you’re following your favorite Hearthstone content creators and tune in when they go live during the following time periods:
- Japan’s Standard players: December 1, 1:00 a.m.-7:00 a.m. PST
- Europe and Americas Standard players: December 1, 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. PST or 3:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. PST*
- Other APAC Standard players: December 2, 1:00 a.m.-7:00 a.m. PST
- Wild players (all regions): December 1, 3:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. PST
* Players in these categories will choose one of the two six-hour time slots.
Twitch Drops and More!
From 9:00 a.m. December 1 to 6:00 p.m. PST December 2, watch a total of 2 hours of any Twitch steam across the Hearthstone category to earn 1 March of the Lich King card pack! Watch for another 2 hours and earn a second March of the Lich King card pack! Card packs will be locked until the expansion launches on December 6. You must link your Twitch and accounts for your watch time to award drops.
In addition to category-wide Twitch Drops, players participating in the theorycrafting event have been given Pre-Purchase Mega Bundle codes to give away to their respective audiences during the theorycrafting event. So, make sure that you tune in to your favorite streamer during the time period listed for their region!
Improved Redundant Card Handling
We often include specific non-disenchantable cards as part of Reward Tracks, Events, Achievements, and Shop purchases. Starting with 25.0, if you claim one of these, but already own a lower quality copy that’s disenchantable, you’ll get a popup that offers to re-roll the lower quality copy to a different card of the same rarity from that card set.
For example, Diamond Grand Magister Rommath is on the March of the Lich King Tavern Pass. If you already own Golden Rommath when you claim the Diamond, you’ll immediately get a popup offering to reroll Golden Rommath into a different March of the Lich King Golden Legendary (which, of course, respects duplicate protection). Furthermore, this feature also applies when you find a Signature card in a pack! Happy collecting!
Pre-Release Weekend
You can open your Pre-Purchase packs early at a private pre-release Fireside Gathering before March of the Lich King goes live on December 6. Private Pre-Release Fireside Gatherings can take place between Friday, December 2, 10:00 a.m. (PST) and Monday, December 5, 10:00 a.m. (PST).
Head over to to register your private event!
In light of the ongoing health risks associated with in-person gatherings, the ability to create public in-person events is still disabled at this time.
Private Fireside Gatherings will:
- Be eligible to receive Nemsy Necrofizzle if they fulfill all hosting prerequisites. This means having an established Tavern. Learn more about establishing your Tavern here.
- Be eligible for the Fireside Gatherings card back.
- Allow event listing creation the same day as the event is meant to be hosted.
- Have the same Fireside Brawls as public Fireside Gatherings.
- Be visible on the website only to the Innkeeper hosting it. The Fireside Gathering itself will be visible in the game client and participants will be able to search for it and find it in the client as well.
Private Fireside Gatherings will NOT:
- Be visible on Tavern or upcoming event pages.
- Show up in the search function on the upcoming events page.
- Count towards any Tavern or Innkeeper progression. They will not count towards establishing your Tavern. You will still need to host public events in the future as part of establishing your Tavern.
March of the Lich King Card List & Expansion Guide
Learn more and see all the cards in our dedicated Card List.
This event revealed a lot of things
1)DKs are going to be broken. Patchwerk is especially broken. Because of the small DK card pool, the cards that discover rune specific cards have a huge chance of discovering the game changing legendary cards. The Scourge is unplayable because there's a good chance it summons Bonelord Frostwhisper which ends the game in 3 turns. That should've been a battlecry.
2)Denathrius is still going to be in every deck.
3)Even if they nerf Denathrius, ramp druid has found a new OTK in Astalor Bloodsworn, and a lot of slower decks are running it cause it's too much value.
4)Wild will continue to be even totem shaman, cancer priest, pillager rogue, and secret mage.
5)Priest got nothing of any value.
how are duels people getting access to new cards?
Oh man I thought the expo was releasing today, silly me. Got hyped to play :(
at this point only woke propagandists will try to make you believe in a danger associated with in-person gatherings
its twitch so you have to watch 8 more ads before you can leave
hmm this is interesting.. I thought this was a good thing because the free cards demotivated me to open packs as I can easily open the free golden rares and the free epics given in the reward track from packs on day1. This felt like a waste of a epic or even a rare slot in packs.
however Tarious actually has a point though. when it comes to legendaries, you'd hope to get the track pass legendary etc. in packs to get the full dust refund. So I cant really conclude if this is a net negative or positive for players. Well, it is being implemented anyway so Imma think positive, I no longer need to hesitate to open my packs on launch day.
Well, the original comment is wrong in assuming that you can "disenchant for the golden dust and get multiple legendaries".
That is only the case for the two free legendaries from the track (normal + paid) and only in the first few days IF you got lucky enough to pull a golden version of those cards. Every other day you would be dusting for 50%.
But yes, in this niche case you would be be able to spend the dust as you see fit (and without being limited to other legendaries).
For a FTPlayer it's mostly advantageous than not. The only case it's not so is aforementioned "got a golden drop of a leg from the reward track". However rare it still could happen to anyone. But there is a source of a 'free' legendary which is very hard to obtain not as a dupe: 25 leg/expansion achievement reward. One had to hope it doesn't drop as a plain/golden until counter hits 25/29 (or earlier if one had enough dust). I had luck only once.
And now I finally claimed those achievements :)
I just hope they can release a list of undead minions before the expansion so players can theorycraft for wild and standard decks. Thanks Bllzzard
Here you go:,name:asc,classes:asc
That should be everything.
The card library is already updated to include Undead minions. You can see them here.
Note: Some card images are not updated to include the Undead tag, because Small Indie Company. But if they appear there, it means they will be considered Undead when the expansion launches.
Oh damn, I didn't know they existed already. Thanks peeps!
Can I re-roll when ever I want or just only when the popup appear? because I want to keep a good legendary in case of a nerf so I can craft a legendary of my choice instead of random
Dont pick it when you gain lvl in battlepass. When you get all you want, pick from reward list and reroll.
Well it does say it offers you a popup. So theoretically speaking, you could probably hit no, and keep your lower quality copy.
The "Improved Redundant Card Handling" is actually a negative for players. It was previously better to disenchant for the golden dust and get multiple legendaries than just a single other golden.
Only on the first day, where that dust refund is applied. Every other day, this system is strictly better, because it provides a chance for your redundant card to be turned into something more desirable, which wouldn't be the case otherwise.