New Mage Epic Card Revealed - Energy Shaper
Kranich just revealed a new March of the Lich King card: Energy Shaper
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Kranich just revealed a new March of the Lich King card: Energy Shaper
Learn more and see all the cards in our dedicated Card List.
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Seriously? A half baked attempt to bring back Deck of Lunacy? No one likes this kind of mechanic. Stop it.
Regurgitating old archetypes, not a fan. There's so much potential in this game yet they keep recycling the same content but with bigger numbers.
This guy gets it!
Here we go again... Blizzard out of ideas
You really don't have proof. Try again.
I really love that you wrote "the other noob". Good to imply that you are a noob as well.
Excuse me Blizzard..., where is the garbage can?.... That's why they invented the dust system to dust cards like this ^^. +100 DUST please.
It's interesting combo with Evocation. I think it shouldnt discard the changed spells so you can get lot of value (with questionablw powerlevel
it definitely has more interesting potential in wild v standard
This looks like a nice 1-of in the Arcane Blast mage, so you can try to get value spells if opponent is out of burn range.
My wild casino mage is super happy with all those reveals. Fuck tryhards, I'm playing this for fun.
I feel like every class is getting some lackluster cards just because death knight is being released this expansion, like who wants to play a standard version of Random Mage when they could have played a better version in wild for the past 5 years or so. The meta is going to be 50% death Knights with newly released cards looking like that
Or maybe every expansion just has cards that aren't immediately tier 1
Hand of Lunacy lol
Could be alright, could also backfire badly.
I don't... think this is gonna be as broken as Deck of Lunacy (there's no good spell thresholds... maybe upgrading your flame strikes and mass polymorphs), but I just hate the whole concept.
Men, can we stop with this? Mage is really imposible to dealt with in late game for not reason at all. Why we need to keep making the "yu gi oh" class retain this gameplay forever?
Fuck this archetype
Oh God, not again...