New Shaman Legendary Card Revealed - Overlord Drakuru
Gamespot just revealed a new March of the Lich King card: Overlord Drakuru
Cards that were leaked during the Death Knight showcase event and are now officially revealed:
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Oh look big minions that are good and effective. Only to be stolen form hand by Theotar or Patches or eaten by a certain murloc or....yeah the list goes on as to why big minions are a bad idea in the game right now.
But Devourer can be ignored by you opponent and is only one body (easier removal) while this can kill two taunts and give you some protection.
I think the card will be used in a different archetype than Devourer, I can already imagine some 'big shaman' list with spells for early game and then lots of big minions cheated with various spells.
So for 9 mana, you can get either a 6/8 Rush Windfury which kills 2 things with 6 or less health and summons them for you, or a 4/4 which destroys 3 minions and gains stats equal to the destroyed minions'. Insatiable Devourer, makes this look pathetic. Add in the ability to copy Devourer with Brilliant Macaw, which Drakaru can't, and the gap only widens.
The only reason this would ever see play is if Big Shaman is an actual deck.
Basically a version of the new Kel'Thuzad (from Scholomancy), but i think it depends on how this will affect the other board (against control decks, could be a 9 mana mind control).
This will probably slot into the current "Control Shaman" because it's removal and gives you more bodies to fuel Denathrius.
Big shaman with no support
I like the concept for the legendary but the other 3 shaman cards I'm on the fence about will need to see more of the shaman package to decide if it will be anygood.
This is it for shaman.
Effect is great and can be game changer but is it really better than Insatiable Devourer ?
I guess with From De Other Side it is
Big shaman ? Cool.
Al'Akir the Windlord just got cancelled.
The text it's missing is Battlecry: Next turn die.
Not really. Devolve is much bigger counter. This one still adds killed minions to priest res pool.
huge counter for Big Priest, let`s see who will end up with more 5/5`s on the board :)
My first impression is that seems OP but it will turn out being just ok and great from evolution
Big shaman, huh