New Mage Legendary Card Revealed - Vexallus
Languagehacker just revealed a new March of the Lich King card: Vexallus
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Languagehacker just revealed a new March of the Lich King card: Vexallus
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Quest Mage has broken Wild for over a year and hasn't been "banned". This card is perfectly fine in the realm of Wild.
Not saying Quest Mage is good in today's meta by any means, but it's a much better deck than this Arcane one ever will be.
This card is a glass cannon, and you have to pray that this doesn't get sniped out of your hand by Theotar, Mutanus, Dirty Rat, or Gnomeferatu. in addition, any control player seeing that your fetching Arcane Bolts is going to be immediately putting a mox nix to it with a Skulking Geist. The Magister's Apprentice will almost never see play out of the combo dump, because otherwise the enemy is going to immediately kill it.And since the strongest deck is going to be Token Druid (ample Armor, card draw, and enough fuel for Sire Denetharius, even with any nerf), this isn't going to cut it.
This is going to find a way to break wild and will end up banned
so best case scenario you have vexallus + apprentice and 8 bolts for 48dmg. so druid, warrior and dk should be able to have enough maxhp/armor to survive it. but we will see high rolls, where you have 6 bolts with vex and apprentice turn8 and you oneshot someone turn8. so you basically want tons of draw.
Best case is Vexallus + apprentice + spell damage and 7 bolts for 56 damage.....well, no, the best case is even higher than that if you discount things.
Doesn't Mage have enough ways to burst already...
Dumb package of card. Blizzard will nerf or ban card who can OTK but that require smart deckbuilding, ingame decision, reduce cost and all but are gonna print a package of card just to tell you how OTK turn 8 whitout even using a bit your brain ...
arcane bolt OTK incoming!
with all the cards revealed so far you can have a total of 8 bolts , 2 from main deck, another 2 from wyrms and 4 from deathrattle minion (clunky but is necessary)
each bolt dealing 3 damage is 24, if you double with the legendary is 48, enough damage to kill Renathal players or someone that bumped armor above 30 health
getting the bolts from the 3-drop can be an issue depending of the matchup, I hope there will be other ways to get more bolts
And yes, we have enough mana to combo at turn 8 if all bolts are in the hand, vex is 5, girl that discounts is 2 (doesn’t work at turn 7 because of manathirst threshold, which is turn 8)
They're doing reveals by package, so there's unlikely to be more bolts. There's always discovers, tho, I guess.
If you hit Siphon Mana on Arcane Bolts before you don't even need to play Apprentice on OTK turn (and play some spell damage thing instead needing less bolts maybe)
Lmao but lets give Paladin only board based minions (Fairest it can get) and try your luck against classes that can decimate your board and still have an OTK at the end of the day. Buck you Blizzard, Buck you.
Sigh. Obvious OTK enabler. Obnoxious.
Collect 5 Arcane Bolts from the cards that generate them and you can do a straight 30 damage on 10 mana. Include a Magister's Apprentice and any source of spell damage and now you're doing 40 damage.
It's so obvious otk that it's even shown in the reveal video 😆 Blizzard isnt really trying to deny it anymore
So a turn 10 Vex, he costs 5, the next Arcane Bolt is "Thirsted" so it'll be 3x2, and that would then play out the next three bolts ((3x2)x3), and a final bolt being a (2x2). So without any +magic damage or anything, as long as you generated 5 bolts and have Vex, and no other interruptions, that's 28 damage from hand.
This would be strung out a bit differently if it was Vex and an Apprentice, but a similar end. Toss in a little spell damage and it could get spicy.
Manathirst does not require you to have full crystals. All Arcane Bolts would deal full damage.
Oh God, really? I thought that was the "skill" portion of it, that you had to count when you'd be under a threshold. Wow, I totally overestimated the design of that mechanic. Oookay then! More damage, all the time!
They described the mechanic really wierdly in the notes. When I read it first I thought that: "you don't need to spend a Mana, you just need the access to it" means that Manathirst (8) will trigger if you're at 8-10 Mana. But apparently it's just like Rank/Omega cards and not new mechanic
It works exactly the same as Bogbeam
And here we go again... next year will be the return of OTK Spell Mage where they just ignore the board and everything goes face... the return of non- board interactive era, I guess the design is a counter to Denathrius meta..
Kinda hard to do that without mana discounts, though.
This is kind of just... spell damage +2 or spell damage +3 most of the time. But only for that turn.
Like there is a single arcane spell in standard that goes face and it's the new one.