New Neutral Rare Card Revealed - Translocation Instructor
Hearthstone Reddit just revealed a new March of the Lich King card: Translocation Instructor
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It's Yumemi Okazaki ^_^
Yes.... crazy unplayable
Trash could literally pull the biggest minion from your deck and give it to the opponent
You could pull out one of their big minions, but you would likely play it on an already big minion and you could use it to ruin their combo.
Yeah, Sire Denathrius is a bad card also. He deals damage to your minions and the same amount to your hero. What a trash card!
another arena card
Hop I swap it with a battlecry.
This Card is much more versatile than soul keeper…
Soul seeker is disruption.
This card can be disruption and removal while still getting a body on board.
The abysmal stats unfortunately make it unplayable, except against very specific combo decks that runs mostly spells, and you probably would rather run hand removal against those.
Let's hope my oponent isn't running BARNES and BLOOD OF THE ANCIENT ONE
I mean it has a chance to kill a combo especially something along the lines of the last card in their deck combo. But its quite too late for that to work.
This could go very, very badly for you.
No, that’s not a whelp, its denathrius.
Can't wait to swap their Blood of G'huun with Neptulon the Tidehunter.
This one is crazy imo
Ideal scenario would be a minion light deck that runs few early game minions and then expensive Battlecry minions with low stats that are then also part of the win condition.
Like you don't want to swap Denny into the game on T5 or just swap some small minion that does nothing.