New Neutral Legendary Card Revealed - Astalor Bloodsworn just revealed a new March of the Lich King card: Astalor Bloodsworn
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Probably the best time to play this card is when you have 7 Mana. Like, topdeck this guy on Turn 7 --> play a 2/2 and deal 2 damage --> Play a 5/5 and gain 5 armor.
Decent board reload, finishes off a minion from the previous turn, stabilize a little with 5 extra HP, and then give you a guaranteed Turn 8 play, or if you draw/are holding something better for Turn 8 then it can still be banked to an even better Turn 10 swing.
I think this takes too many steps to get done, have to play semi optimal turns just to play these Step minions.
Another Downside is that your opponent will know what's coming and can prepare for the Payoff card.
Denathrius is far superior.
pyros is crying in a corner
Bolnor is very interested in this card as are the shaman birds. Shaman is going to thoroughly abuse this card.
Are you guys all forgeting that Brann Bronzebeard exists? Multiple damage/armor and more importantly, more copies of the 5 and 8 Astalors.
more copies, yes. the dmg/armor won't be doubled since it's not part of the battle cry. but yea,...devs must have forgotten about Bran. can't wait for the Alexandros Mograine combos
Kinda like a quest on it's own
I like this kind of cards, but nowadays, Denathrius it's just a better version of this one
Kind of weird. If you play it on curve it sucks. If you play it later it's disjointed. Finale is a crappier Denathrius most of the time.
Basically he leaves me 2 mana for hero power every time.
You could also drop the first two on T7 and gain both effects.
Great card for Arena mode, bit meh for standard, wild, and duels.
As if big Daddy isnt enough lol
The first two stages are mediocre even with the manathirst, and the third is good but not enough so that it's worth the burden of the first two stages. The only decks that may want this is Ramp Druid and Control Shaman, because they can repeat/double the battlecries.
Oh, and any attrition deck as well, if they by slim chance do exist.
Reserved for my Shudderwock deck
Every time you play Shudderwock it would add two of the mid phase versions to your hand and prevent you from getting the shudderwock back.
This doesn't belong anywhere near a Shudderwock deck.
ppl be comparing it to Pyros, well pyros also serves another purpose which is to provides you elemental to be played to trigger "if you played elemental last turn"
also pyros does nothing when played
There is little reason to play the first two parts on curve of it as they their stats aren't good enough. The last part is Sire Denathrius but without lifesteal but you can weave in a Hero Power and you don't have to play a minion focused deck.
Cool card. Would like it to have different stats like 3/1, 3/6 and 10/5.