New Signature Cards - What Are They and How Do I Get Them?

New Signature Cards - What Are They and How Do I Get Them?

Signature cards, a new collectible card type, are coming to Hearthstone! How do you obtain them, what are the drop rates compared to Golden Legendaries and other questions are answered below!

What is a Signature Card?

Signature is a new cosmetic quality that cards can have (like Golden or Diamond), with stylized full-art images.

**Note, the Lor'themar card shows Runes, like a Death Knight card. The card is not a Death Knight card however and this must have been an oversight with mocking up the cards for the stream they were shown on.

Is this how Signature Cards will always look?

Every expansion is going to have its own look and feel to the Signature cards. For the first iteration in March of the Lich King Blizzard chose an icy sepia style, evoking the Lich King’s powers over Frost and the Undead.

The art style of Signature cards within each expansion will match their respective expansion’s style and the card frame for future Signature cards might also change from time to time. That means Signature cards from future sets will look different from these ones, to evoke different tones and styles.

How do I get Signature Cards?

Signature Cards can’t be crafted or disenchanted; they can only be opened in packs or earned through special means. They can be opened in Standard Packs, Class Packs, March of the Lich King Packs, and new March of the Lich King Signature Golden Packs.

How many Signature Cards are there?

There are a total of 18 Signature cards coming with the launch of March of the Lich King, including 15 Legendary cards. Two of the Legendary cards will be available on the Tavern Pass, and the three non-Legendary cards will be earnable for free as part of an event with the expansion launch. The 13 remaining Signature Legendaries come from packs or bundles.

So what are the Drop Rates on Signature Cards?

In normal packs, the drop rate of a Signature Card is the same as that of a Golden Legendary, meaning you have a 1 in 181 packs chance, on average. For the new Golden Signature packs (that replace the normal Golden Packs moving forward), the chances of getting a Signature Card are much higher, 1 in 7 packs, on average. These do not replace other drops. They are purely bonus (Apart from replacing a normal common in the pack).

Source: Celestalon on Twitter.

Card Quality Drop Rates
Signature Legendary 181 packs on average
Golden Legendary 181 packs on average
Golden Epic 71 packs on average
Golden Rare 15 packs on average
Golden Common 13 packs on average
Normal Legendary 20 packs on average**
Normal Epic 5 packs on average
Remaining cards will be Normal Common cards Average of 3.5 cards per pack

**One Legendary card is guaranteed within the first 10 packs of a new card expansion, then subsequent Legendary card drops will follow the above rule.

Card Quality Drop Rates
Signature Legendary 7 packs on average
Golden Legendary 20 packs on average**
Golden Epic 5 packs on average
Guaranteed at least 1 Golden Rare card or better Every Pack
Remaining cards will be Golden Common cards Average of 3.7 cards per pack

**One Golden Legendary card is guaranteed within the first 10 packs of a new card expansion, then subsequent Golden Legendary card drops will follow the above rule.

Information taken from the Official Blizzard Support page, found here.

Is there Duplicate Protection on Signature Cards?

With many players wanting Signature Card versions of cards they already own, Blizzard has made the duplicate protection for Signature Cards work in reverse! A Signature Card version can drop of a card you already own, but when it does you’ll get a popup that asks if you’d like to reroll your existing normal/golden copy for free. Say yes, and it rerolls to a different card of the same set, rarity, and quality, while respecting duplicate protection!

Wait, Re-Roll? Can I get that on other cards too?

Yep! This reroll offer happens any time that you are awarded a non-disenchantable version of a card that you already have a disenchantable version of. Reward Tracks, Achievements, Signatures in Packs, Bundles, etc.

Source: Celestalon on Twitter.

What happens if I already own all Signature Cards?

Once you own all Signature Legendary Cards in a card expansion set, you will start receiving Golden Legendary cards in place of Signature Legendary cards!

This means that once you own all Signature Cards, the drop rate for Golden Legendaries goes up. It will be 2x the rate in normal packs and 4x the rate in Signature Golden Packs (90.5 packs on average in Normal Packs and 5 packs on average in Signature Packs).

Do Signature Cards Count towards getting the Golden Coin?

Yes, Signature Cards do count toward Golden Coins, just like Diamonds Cards do.

Source: Celestalon on Twitter.


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