Patchnotes Coming Thursday - Changes to Theotar, Wildseeds and Harpoon Gun Teased
The Patchnotes are coming...on Thursday! It's unclear what might be in the patch, but a few balance changes were teased already.
Quote from BlizzardPatch Notes are coming this Thursday!
Look forward to updates on cards like Theotar, the Mad Duke, Stag Spirit Wildseed, Bear Spirit Wildseed, and Harpoon Gun
I'm really confused why people think theotar exists just for denathrius? Every deck has many key important cards that ruin them if stolen, and the fact that the best theotar steal is theotar himself speaks volumes about how broken it is. Yes denathrius is a really stupid card but let's not pretend theotar is bad in a theoretical word without him.
People steal Theotar so that they can steal something else and not have the stolen things stolen right back! It's less about how broken he is and more about the value! He is absolutely useless against aggro decks and basically cements the loss if played from behind.
Only bad players think Theotar is just for Denathrius, but everyone is happy to grab Denathrius if they can.
Can't wait until im not able to counter my opponent's Denathrius anymore!
Looking forward to it
Thank you! Finally someone saying what I always say. Nerf Denathrius and you won't see Theotar anymore.
Theotar is not the issue, Denathrius is. But people keep failing to see that.
Playing Theotar as aggro: remove their board control, you win
Playing Theotar as control: remove their combo, you win
Playing Theotar as ramp: remove their tempo, you win
stop pretending
What does theotar do against aggro ?
It depends on the deck, but usually you want to grab their burst, such as a board-wide buff or the Vile Library.
The least. But I would group aggro in the current meta with combo. You remove their pieces. See: imp, token druid, pirate. There are no aggro decks which simply pump early value unlinked cards.
You must be out ya damn mind. Say what you always say wrong. There are all kinds of good cards to steal to prevent your opponent from winning.
Priest heavily depends on Theotar to be able to even have a chance against Deniathrus decks. Nerfing it will be a direct nerf to Priest, which already is in a bad state.
If you feel the need to nerf Theotar, also have the balls to nerf Deniathrus! But this won't be typical Hearthstone if they dindn't think furhter than their nose is long.
There is a lot of room for nerfs to priest, nerf to theotar won't stop them from playing
How is Priest in a bad state? They have 3 competitive decks including arguably the second best one in the game.
Priest has the second lowest winrate in the game...
By 3 competitive decks you mean Naga, Quest and Thief priest?
If so, Quest and Thief are far from competitive.
Are you aware that recent tournament winners pros decklist included boar and quest priest. Nevertheless Blizzard knows the moment Priest gets to the top game would feel unbearable. Much worse that it is with Hunter at the top which I'm not a fan either
Good, since theotar is getting nerfed, it's probably safe to keep denathrius in hand from the start.
theo will be - swap two random cards. and will still see play.
Lol this should of happened a week after the expansion came out not a month later!
The stag speared wildseed is a little bit powerful I suppose.
Why are they being coy about revealing the nerfs? What’s the point? It’s too late to change their minds about it anyway.
I’ve found this expansion to be one of the most horribly balanced in hearthstone’s history. I’m hugely dissatisfied with that, and the fact that it’s taken the devs months to try to rectify the problems. The quality of design and response to the issues is abysmal.
This expansion has been particularly bad for FTP players like me. Only a few classes like hunter are genuinely playable, and their decks contain an absurd number of legendaries and epics, which means that if you haven’t spent a lot on packs you are likely to be shut out of playing any good deck. There are no good budget decks, unless you count aggro druid, which I don’t think is that great. I feel like I’ve been denied participation in this meta, and I blame that on the poor balance among classes.