Patchnotes Coming Thursday - Changes to Theotar, Wildseeds and Harpoon Gun Teased
The Patchnotes are coming...on Thursday! It's unclear what might be in the patch, but a few balance changes were teased already.
Quote from BlizzardPatch Notes are coming this Thursday!
Look forward to updates on cards like Theotar, the Mad Duke, Stag Spirit Wildseed, Bear Spirit Wildseed, and Harpoon Gun
change to 5 or maybe 6mana (6maybe too much) and change stats based on mana, like 5mana still 3/3 or 6mana 4/4
Everyone is talking about theotar but what did the wild spirits bear do wrong? I feel none has complained about the taunt from wild spirits being OP
my prediction for the upcoming nerf for theotar:
pick a random card instead of letting the player to pick 1 from 3 cards
Theotar really ruined one of the core deck archetypes in the game: combo. Any nerf is good.
Tournaments are utterly irrelevant when it comes to balancing for ladder. Only Naga Priest is even remotely competitive in a non-tournament environment.
Warlock needs a big nerf way more than a hunter, I don't understand Blizz logic there.
Hunter has a significantly higher win rate at all levels of play.
You people do realize, i hope, that the broken versions of most cards will come back after a few rotations, maybe in an even more broken form.
Imagine theotar and denatrius existing in the first 2-3 years of HS. Just imagine it.
The bigger problem is not the cards but the designers. Also, the lack of care for the game's direction in terms of powercreeping. Stormwind was a clear example.
As long as they don’t change the stats, of course. It’s much harder to play a 5 mana 3/3 that has no immediate board impact than a 4 mana 3/3 that has no immediate board impact.
Golden wildseed epic, thanks blizzard!
The whole deck, huh? :-D
ops hahahaha discovery a card
Imo - Theotar - Discovery a deck in your opponents hand and get a copy of it, your opponent does the same.
I think mechanically they would have to implement this at the start of turn (the same as the mage and priest minions), otherwise your opponent could just stall out your turn discovering.
I also think getting a copy of the card (instead of stealing it) would obliterate him outside of theif priest decks (and maybe rogue). Even then, I dont think you would need to balance him by allowing the opponent to discover from your hand. A 4 mana 3/3 "Discover a copy of a card in your opponents hand" basically reads like a shit Priest legendary!
It would be a much worse version of Madame Lazul then, don't get me wrong I'm up for it, I hate the card. I would even settle for: "Discover a card from your opponent's hand, you keep it until your next turn". That way you would maintain some disruption potential, but you couldn't steal anything that you can't play immediately.
I would probably never play Theo again.
Good, let's put it in the drawer of 'cards that should have never been printed', together with Mindrender Illucia :)
This is 100% true, but for wild. For standard, no idea.
Seems quite likely. Although... would there be alot of difference if Theotar costed 5 mana?
It would be impactful yes, because it would delay when you can do the brann-theotar thing, and it's gonna be harder to play it just in terms of tempo the later it is and the more mana it costs.