The complete Demon Hunter skins guide

The complete Demon Hunter skins guide

Inside this guide, you'll find all the current Demon Hunter skins that can be owned.
Almost all the images/animations are taken straight from the game (4K resolution) and edited by us for the best viewing experience possible.
Because it's not a simple and automated process, updating all these skin guides might take some time, so please be patient.

If you want to see a full description on how to navigate in this guide, click on this text

There are currently -21- Demon Hunter skins in the game.

Illidan Stormrage Released in April 2020 Obtained by unlocking the Demon Hunter class
Demonic Illidan Released in April 2020 Obtained by winning 1000 games with this class
Aranna Starseeker Released in June 2020 Originally obtained from a Fire Festival bundle
Demonbane Illidan Released in November 2020 Obtained through Rewards Track at level 100
Initiate Kurtrus Released in March 2021 Obtained through Barrens paid Rewards Track at level 20
Adept Kurtrus Released in March 2021 Obtained through Barrens paid Rewards Track at level 60
Trainer Kurtrus Released in March 2021 Obtained through Barrens paid Rewards Track at level 100
Felravager Illidan Released in May 2021 Obtained through Tavern Regular achievement
Skullbearer Illidan Released in August 2021 Originally obtained from Demon Hunter's BoH bundle
Ember Court Illidan Released in September 2021 Originally obtained from Shadowlands bundle
Infernal Armor Illidan Released in November 2021 Originally obtained from Rusted Raiders bundle
Illidan the Naughty Released in December 2021 Originally obtained from Winter Veil Cheer bundle
Sha Illidan Released in February 2022 Originally obtained from Evil from Pandaria bundle
Sabertender Illidan Released in February 2022 Originally obtained from Ferocious Fur Ball bundle
Vengeant Kurtrus Released in March 2022 Originally obtained from Vengeant Kurtrus bundle
Nightborne Aranna Released in April 2022 Obtained through Sunken City paid Rewards Track level 100
Mrrgillidan Released in May 2022 Originally obtained from Mrrgillidan bundle
Illhoof Illidan Released in June 2022 Originally obtained from Illhoof Illidan bundle
Felfirework Aranna Released in June 2022 Originally obtained from Blaze Bringers Bun bundle
Songstress Aranna Released in August 2022 Obtained through Nathria paid Rewards Track level 35
Apple Aranna Released in October 2022 Originally obtained from Seriously Sweet bundle

Here's a quick explanation of the features & buttons that you can see in this guide:

  • Portrait image - when clicked, it's going to show you a full resolution image (cropped from 4 K in-game resolution)
  • Skin name - a name of the skin under which you can find it in your collection manager
  • Release date - this is a date when that specific skin got released (you could get your hands on it)
  • Obtained by - how you can obtain this specific skin or how you were able to obtain it in the past
  • Artwork - when clicked, it's going to show you the biggest resolution image of the artwork that we could find
  • Visuals - when clicked, you are able to see:
    • Hero skin + Hero tray
    • Mobile phone Hero grounds (that are displayed in the bottom right and top left corner of your screen if you are playing on mobile/tablet)
    • Later on, we'll also add the start of the game animation and the hero power animation
    • Show (Golden) Hero / Hide (Golden) Hero (these two buttons are going to switch between the animated portrait + (Golden) Hero tray and the non-animated Hero portrait and non-golden Hero tray)
  • Sounds - when clicked, you are able to see:
    • Hero skin + basic emotes (you can click on these images for a quick preview of the basic emote voice lines)
    • Shared voice lines notification bar (this bar divides the sound files into sections based on if the voice line is specific for that skin or if it's shared with some other skins)
    • At the bottom of each sound pop-up window, you can see and hear all the special voice lines that trigger when you FACE or PLAY specific Hero skins or cards
    • Audio containers
      • At the top, you can see a voice line title
      • In the middle, you can see an audio player (on the left you can click on the play icon that is going to play that specific voice line sound, in the middle, you can see a timer + timer bar, on the right you can mute/unmute the audio and if you click on the three dots, you can change the playback speed or download that specific voice line audio file in MP3)
      • At the bottom, you can see the written voice line text

New Hero Banner Symbols

These icons indicate a unique trait for a skin.

Special Mobile Grounds Mana Gem skin that appears when you're playing from a Mobile Phone.

Unique Hero Tray, Hero Animations, and Mobile Grounds.

The first unique Hero character or has more than 11 unique voice lines compared to the base Hero Portrait.

Can be crafted in your skins collection or can be bought from the in-game shop.


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