All New Mage Cards Revealed
Hearthstone on Twitter just revealed all Murder at Castle Nathria Mage cards
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I was hoping for more Secret Mage support in the mini set I'm happy. I like running Secret Mage in standard but I feel it's not good enough at this moment. The minion and new secret will definitely push its power level higher and hopefully make it viable.
These are all super annoying and may require running shitty Anti Secret tech minions if Mage becomes the "overpopular class" again.
Imagine a Meta with 60%+ Secret Mages, everyone running the same two-of-Counterspell , two-of-Objection shitlist, imagine each of your Turns gets negated, ooph ...toxic as hell.
This is arguably the strongest class package in the Mini Set so far, 0 Mana 6-6 (most of times), Polymorph Powercreep and the mindless introduction of arguably the strongest Secret in the game right now. I guess this was Ayala's final dump of Creativity, the last gift to make for a un-fun Hearthstone experience. I wasn't sure about these "Good riddance" comments back then...but seeing this horrific stuff now, yea....GOOD FVCKING RIDDANCE !!
Bro relax, these cards aren't that strong. The earliest the "0" mana 6/6 comes out is like turn 4 and can be easily dealt with then. You have to "control" 2 secrets to get that discount not just have played.
The secret you just have to make sure you're tossing out a cheap useless minion 1st and 4 mana single target removal is probably too slow. Hex and polymorph aren't even played that often.
ducking BroFist. I'm gonna start a go fund me project for you to find something else to do apart from hanging on this forum.
Exactly what mage needed counterspell for minions this game i was actually excited for this mini set until I saw that card
This card reminds me another game similar to this, in which the effect "Remove" was clearly different from "destroy/kill/similar":
Destroy/kill/etc as a effect, let you the possibility to USE AGAIN with spell, skills, triggers, abilities, whatever the card destroyed;
Remove means that this card has been banish from the game (in which you are playing into), so you can not summon from death or play again with other cards!
But, if thats the correct way to discuss It, It means that against legendary cards Is POWERFUL, but with Just x2 in your deck Will be rarely a card that brings you to Victory!
So we can finally use Life Sentence on Neptulon turn 3/4 in Wild.
Doesn't remove the one in deck, just the copy cheated out.
I refer to Reno hero card that makes minions "disappear" from game. Having same effect with different wording isn't really great for a card game.
"Pray forgive the discourtesy of throwing your minion into the public gallery"
Life sentence should remove the minion and all its copies from the enemy's hand/deck or even graveyard
If it had done so, it would've been specified in the card text. It would also become best single target removal card in the game with considerable margin.
Just removes the card from Hearthstone for the remainder of the match, no resurrection, no discovering, no random summoning
So Objection! doesn't trigger the battlecry, right? Heard that, Kidnap?!?
Even still kidnap should counter the minion just give it a chance to be taken back.
imagine life sentence actually uninstalls any minion from the hearthstone, the game itself lol
Wording actually makes sense in that aspect.
Damn Blizzard. Removing minion from the game so players have to spend dusts crafting cards again. Next patch will introduce 'Card Lock' that costs you $0.99 per lock.
Why is nobody talking about how we finally got a card called Objection?
Paging Dr. RaptorWithWings...