All New Remaining Druid Cards Revealed
Hearthstone on Twitter just revealed all remaining Murder at Castle Nathria Druid cards
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It depends on the meta. If ‘big’ decks are a thing, it’ll be a good card. It’s already very good against Shaman.
Attorney-at-Maw is going to be so annoying lol.
2 mana 1/3 silence is a playable tech card by itself. The second mode makes it even more interesting. But you need some aggro druid for this to work.
3 turns so it mostly use for opponent's minion!
3 Turns is actually.... a lot. Pretty legit Hard removal here for Druid, a class that traditionally had little to good Hard removals. Remember even Naturalize saw play... so this should.
Naturalize Saw play because It is a one cost card that destroys a minion, now one cared that it draws two cards for your opponent, hek they still do not care.
Incarceration seems awful. It's decent removal for big stuff but Druid already has Insatiable Devourer and other ways to deal with that. It's very rare that Druid wants to remove big stuff early rather than ramping. The only reason I can see to run it would be that it's sort of silence removal, so you can deal with certain deathrattles.
Attorney seems to lack a good target for the second effect, and if you want single target silence there is the tradeable.
These seems like cards you'd rather discover than run.
I dunno, these cards just confuse me and seem so.. random? They don't seem to fit into any current druid deck and I'm not seeing anything new that could be created with them. Which is weird because mini-sets typically just increase the power level of meta decks that already exist, not create anything new.
Attorney-at-Maw gives druid two options they don't have but is it something they actually need? Druid seems to be doing just fine without silence and what minions are they even giving immune to? Token druid maybe? Probably a decent card for Prestor druid since its cheap and has a decent effect.
Incarceration i'm struggling to see what you're doing with this. It's not hard removal and it's not like druid has decks that need to use it to gain lethal through a taunt or something before it re-awakens. Even token druid wouldn't put a 3 mana quasi-removal in their deck, they'd just use the attorney silence. I don't get it.
And then the double card draw benefits your opponent first while giving more power to the one thing that craps on druid: aggro. It's a dead card against aggro which is the whole meta right now.
attorney is a beast druid card; i mean a midrangish aggro deck and 2 mana 1/3 is not end of the world.
felxible midrange card
Orrrr love him ;) It's one of the most fun classes in the game, contrary to the opponent's feelings
Most people do not like druid because it is tedious but there are some people who defiantly like the class……. Like me!
2 mana 1/3 which gives choice from a previous 2 mana 2/1 or 3 mana 2/4. Very nice.
Errrrr, Attorney at Maw is one of those that you do NOT want to use with a "combine both Choose One effects" card... LOL
What if it's an 8/8 frozen giant??? Checkmate, mate.
Got 'em xD
True though, I hadn't considered freeze effects. Maybe that's why Druid is getting a silence in the first place...
Druid shouldnt have access to a card like Incarceration. This bullshit annoys me a lot.
Corrupted Gandalf?
They sure seem to like Immune this set.
Attorney-at-Maw is a more versatile Deathspeaker, which I'm really happy about. I don't know why you wouldn't silence the minion instead, but you can give an enemy Taunt immune to bypass it for one turn ;)
Crying at how Incarceration is a more powercrept Maiev. Maybe this one will see play, maybe?