All New Warrior Cards Revealed
Hearthstone on Twitter just revealed all Murder at Castle Nathria Warrior cards
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Bailiff is the only appealing one because the condition seems pretty easy to get out.
Call to the Stand looks really bad in this meta, but Im sure it will find a home if and when they decide control warrior can exist again after they killed it in Sunken City.
Warrior is dead and I am sad :( I miss control warrior
These are pretty lackluster for Warrior, like none of those really fit in any current Archtype and won't help the class to move itself into a better position.
The draw a weapon draws the best card in enrage warrior?
The taunt card seems strong. 4 armor is pretty easy to have
Regardless of the power level of the cards, I actually like this court theme of the mini set right after the murder mystery theme of the expansion.
I don't know why they didn't just add dirty rat to the core set for everyone to use instead of giving 1 class the effect.
Because no one wants to see it in every deck they go up against.
cause people cry about disruptive engine
In Dirty Rat times there was not nearly as many "I win" cards. Call to the Stand is made entirely to help control warrior through one of his worst tasks: winning against classes that use cards like Denathrius or Kazakusan.
Also, Weapon Expert, even if not an auto-pick, is a pretty sweet card. Tutors weapons, and is also competent if you draw the weapons, since it can upgrade them.
Kinda funny how every card is Odd. Baku the Mooneater is quite happy.
Deck now has (worse but Odd) Rat, Bulwark tutor/upgrade, and a 4-5th turn 8/8 Taunt. Not bad.
Having that 8/8 battlecry with taunt on turn 5 is gonna be nice for bomb warrior duels lovers!
I like the Dirty Rat, the others are pretty mediocre. The 5 mana 8/8 in particular seems awful, stat sticks don't cut it in 2022 and this one might be stuck as a 4/4 if you can't get the armor.
Maybe control warrior can use these cards? Not sure pulling sire from hand isn’t bad same with brann and other combo pieces 5 mana 8/8 isn’t bad but it’s conditional maybe if control warrior ever returns this will be good otherwise not so much
I am so dissapointed that there is no Enrage synergy cards added - Sadge
Weapons Expert can get Imbued Axe, one of the best cards in Enrage Warrior.
captain green on roid? ahahahah could be
At least weapons expert curves nicely into outsiders axe?
Dirty Rat, is that you?
No, it's the Tarragrue akchually... :P
(it's totally Dirty Rat)