All New Paladin Cards Revealed
Hearthstone on Twitter just revealed all Murder at Castle Nathria Paladin cards
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More like "Jury Dude" lolz (insert tv laugh here)
Paladin is dead in the water.
Still need more pure paladin upsides to justify running it in standard, in wild the lawyer is a welcome fit in that archetype.
Order in the Court seems really strong if played around like turn 6-7. Cap your curve with Denathrius, Cariel and you got an extremely powerful and consistent late game.
Jury Duty is fine, its just not that flashy, two 2/2s for 3 with potential pseudo-tribal scaling at worse with the potential for more buffs if there are more dudes on the board isn't the worst.
Glad Paly got more useful stuff than Warrior, these all fit into current decks, although this Spell version of Polkelt may be only for a very specific deck type. (or you can include it as a desperate Cariel draw lol)
Aggro Dude Paly seems really tempting now, but will be hard to get a piece of the cake in a world with Implock & Token Druid.
Class action lawyer doesn't seem like a good enough reason to run Pure Pally I'd say, much like the Countess
Exactly, such an out of place name. Racist because they only want Paladin cards yet Paladins are diverse internally (humans, elfs, adlors, mechs, dragons) yeah by what definition is it racist. Way to bring garbage labels into a video game.
Pure Pally is its rightful name if you ask me. Purity FTW!
Shirvallah, the Tiger + Northshire Farmer + Order in the Court + Holy Wrath = GG
Order in the Court draws you a card, so it doesn't work like this
My friend, Northshire Farmershuffles 3 copies so yes it does work :)
It's half true. With this combo u can do only 25 dmg but u can also play two Farmers into Shirvallah and deal 50 dmg next turn with two Holy Wrath's. This card Vitality Surge can also help u to survive to the next round if it's necessary. Shirvallah for 0 mana + 2 Farmers + Order + Vitality Surge is 10 mana if I'm right so.
I mean, you have Time Out!.
Shirvalla + 2 farmers + Time out is only 9 mana. You'll need to create a 1 mana discount somewhere to be able to play this as well, or you can discount one of the Holy Wraths with Prismatic Lens.
Great idea there! Didn't realize how consistent and powerful it can become late game. Its a safe haven for late game and a decently okayish after turn 5, but anything before turn 5 can become dangerous as you are limiting your plays early on.
Cards are good. But are they good enough?
Class Action Lawyer: A good two-drop is something that Pure Paladin is definitely missing. This may replace some filler cards as a decent removal.
Order in the Court: Topdecking Lightforged Cariel into The Countess consistently on curve would be quite sexy for Pure Pally. Because it's REALLY hard to win without those 2 cards. Sire Denathrius and Lightforged Cariel for all other pally decks speaks for itself.
Jury Duty: It's a 3 mana 4-4 kinda. Not too bad, can be a lot better when you have extra dudes out. Don't think it will be good enough to make SHR strong enough tho.
What bugs me about these cards is, where are the holy spells? Why do I have a completely useless Kotori Lightblade in my collection? I mean seriously.... There are litteraly 3 holy buff spells that would make sense to cast on this legendary. MAYBE four, if you count Flash of Light to get one extra draw, but that's kinda stretching it... Anyway, hopefully next expansion I guess..
Right there with you, these 3 cards for Paladin actually support 3 Archetypes, Big Paladin, Pure Paladin and Dude Paladin which is fair but we need finishers for Paladin. The Countess is the only one that feels amazing but its reward takes time and is heavily dependent on RNG.
you can use sire in a pure deck if you use this card, since you wont have your only neutral card in your deck if its your highest cost card
Class Action Lawyer will likely not be able to bail you out though.
Holy wraith pally meta? Might be completely broken in wild
This is the worst mini set so far. Mediocre legendaries and a bunch of reused mechanics, not even one game changing card so far.
The Jailer will be fun for a while until people realize untargeted hard removals exist and that's it, just a bunch of average cards that will barely see play in standard and non existent in Wild.
They all seem quite good. Order in particular will be a staple.