24.0 Known Issues & Hotfixes - Guff Not With Drek'thar in Duels - Collateral Damage Fix - Arena Balance Changes
A hotfix and Other Game Modes patch is going out and should deploy in your area soon if not already. This patch is NOT the Balance changes patch that was hinted at earlier tonight. That one is being written up for publication and will see the light on Monday or Tuesday.
Daniel's right, I misunderstood the note. Guff is banned from ALL Duels deckbuilding. https://t.co/cyQqBDWyTe
— Nicholas “DeckTech” Weiss (@hsdecktech) August 11, 2022
Quote from Blizzard8/11 Update: The team is currently in the process of rolling out a server-side hotfix with the following updates:
• In Duels, banned Wildheart Guff from deckbuilding.
• In Arena, the appearance rates of many cards across all classes and neutral have been adjusted.
• Fixed a bug that occurred for players who triggered the free new/returning player deck condition before Patch 24.0, but then did not claim the deck until after Patch 24.0.
• Fixed a bug where Collateral Damage would deal the wrong amount of damage if copied (such as by Twinbow Terrorcoil).
• Fixed a bug where playing and attacking with the weapon selected from Suspicious Pirate would result in your opponent being offered a version missing one Durability.
• Fixed a small visual bug with Decimator Olgra’s intro animation.We will continue to update this post as we get more information.
Why not solve the bug whereby you cannot steal mister D with the Harvester of Envy?
I honestly think guff is fine, it's the stupid amount of card draw and card tutoring druid has that makes every game the same. Right now they have no weaknesses wihh Flipper Friends and Scale of Onyxia compensating for their historically bad removal
Guff definetly going to 6 Mana in Constructed, can't see the card escaping the Nerf Bat after this pre-course.
I kinda feel like i'd like all Hero cards banned from Duels. Most of them feel powerful, and they take away from the fantasy of two characters dueling (if that makes sense?)
Guff down unfortunate day
Collateral Damage is now not working when it's doubled it is just one Collateral Damage, if there are only 3 or 2 or 1 Minion. Don't really understand what they had to fix, because Piercing shot is still working that way, if the minion goes to 0 hp the second cast get 6 dmg. Then "fix" both cards, but over one year Piercing shot worked that way so why it is called a bug?
Collateral damage used to add the first cast's face damage to the second.
For example if it hit a 2 health minion twice, it would deal 4+4+6 damage to the player, instead of the 4+6 that it should. As a result you could basically oneshot people who had small minions on the board.
If what you are saying is true, it means they broke the spell the opposite way instead of fixing it.
Hero and quest cards should've been banned in the first place from duels.
Yeah if we could get hero specific bans that would be great. Wildfire only deserved it because of Reno and that still sucks.
Cant believe Duals got an updated. Guess standard is in a good place.
they should make guff 5 mana battlecry set maximum mana to 20 this game. yes it will take some time but you could have both players with 20 mana.
Maybe give the Druid the ability to set both players mana crystals to 20 mana with a different card (if anything.)
Can Blizzard spend an ounce of resources on Duels and code hero-specific bans in the game mode? Twig and Mycelium were already hit, and Guff is now banned only because of Drek'thar. The other 2 Druid heroes are only going to suffer more because they can't make hero-specific bans. Another example of this is Wildfire being banned for Mozaki simply because Reno abused it.
No they can't. Its too big for their tiny brain