No Balance Changes Until After Masters Tour Event This Weekend
With a short and to the point tweet Blizzard confirmed there will be no Balance changes until after the Master Tour event this weekend. Maybe next week!
Confirmation: no balance changes before MT.
— Nicholas “DeckTech” Weiss (@hsdecktech) August 8, 2022
How about you hire QA, playtest and identify things that are very clearly busted before release and stop releasing expansions in such miserable states???
Make Neptulon the Tidehunter gain Rush and Windfury as a Battlecry. That way he's still good when played ethically and not summoned endlessly in Wild.
So another week of a complete broken game
1. Buff relics, xy'mox to 6 mana 6/6
2. vile library to 3 mana, or give attack only
3. Guff to 7/8 mana
4. Revert mage buffs, location nerf
5. Give warrior some love
6. Kael'thas is not the problem, Brann is. Brann banned from standard
7. Pelagos to 4 health
Guff needs to cost 10 mana, full stop. His Battlecry and abilities are way too powerful at 5 mana.
It sure would be a shame to ruin the credibility of an e-sports competition with some balance...I wonder who will bring warrior to the Masters tour?
Better yet - test the cards before you release them maybe? I know it's a weird thought, but maybe worth trying.
(Just before someone chimes in - many cards are obviously broken. Not in some janky "I couldn't possibly have forseen this combo" kind of way, more in a stright up, obviously broken, kind of way.)
wild is unplayeable with neptulon priest
I'm finding standard pretty balanced but I always like changes and dust :)
So Millions and Millions of Players who spent Money on this Game had to wait and play this this unbalanced clown fiesta for another week just because of an handfull progamers ?
Oh you poor baby, how will you even survive the week?
So Wild:
Ban Neptulon or change it to battlecry: get rush and windfury
Either ban swordfish or nerf it to 2 dura in both standard and wild
Kobold illusionist change to "summon a 1/1 deathrattle that costs 4 or less"
Twig's deathrattle changed to "set your mana crystals to 10"
Either change time warp to 4 mana or make parrot only able to cast a spell that cost 6 mana or more in wild and standard.
I think neptulon is a completely reasonable nerf, maybe even just make the arms have less attack or not work with other neptulons to stop the snowball effect.
swordfish Easy durability nerf works.
kobold illusionist honestly isn’t that much of a problem. Maybe nerf the tutor to 4 mana? The thing that pushes the deck into problem territory is neptulon, since big rogue has existed for years without being even remotely usable. Before it was meme tier, turn 1 neptulon on the other hand is not.
twig I can see, but I feel like celestial alignment is the actual problem card. Not 100% sure what to do with it, but the mirrored effect just prevents the opponent from playing the game.
Illusionist is the problem with the deck as it's what is allowing the big mana cheat. If they ban Neptulon, people will still be playing the deck with Stoneborn General and Ragnaros like they are now. Stoneborn is cancerous with the double deathrattles since it's allowing 2 1/1s with rush to come out, followed by 4 8/8s with rush.
Problem with Swordfish is not the durability but the attack which gives you free Dread Corsairs alongside it. If you nerf the durability you nerf the 12dmg to 8dmg, while when you nerf the attack you tone it down from 12 to 9, but for a price of 1 more damage you nullify the combo with corsairs.
After "the announcement of the announcement" we present you now: "the announcement of no announcement"
Denathrius is fine, Kael'thas is not fine. Nerf Kael'thas to not count itself for the 3 minions.
Impending catasthrope to 3 mana at least.
Change Guff hero power to give empty mana crystals.
Fix double Collateral Damage bug.
Maybe change Serpent Wig to +1/+1 or Radiant Elemental to 3 mana...
You want to nerf Priest? Get a grip, man.
I know it's in the name Impending Catastrophe, but I wish it synergized with controlock demons
Maybe they put the "draw a card" base just to justify it being so niche
FortyDust, you do realize that Naga priest is solidly tier 1 right? It can definitely use a small nerf.
Uh, no. It's barely tier 1 according to ONE ranking site. Other sites put it at tier 2, and usually not even near the top of tier 2.