New Druid Epic Card Revealed - Convoke The Spirits
Rarran just revealed a new Murder at Castle Nathria card: Convoke The Spirits
This card has been adjusted in the final design, we've updated this card with the correct card version, which is 8 random druid spells.
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The two questions that come to mind are:
Second would be:
Why not?
So the only big problem here is druid has a fair few targeted buff cards and a couple of targeted damaging cards.
But like.,.. this is a bodyless yogg with no requirement and I think a better overall spell pool. That was always pretty good in druid.
Now thats a Jackpot!
lazy design, it's just Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron with druid word on it
To be fair, it is a signature Night Fae spell for druids in WoW and does exactly what the card says
If lazy design makes cards this fun, then I'm all for laziness
^this. i see u can be a little bit meh if you only play HS, but seen from a world of warcraft viewpoint, this card makes great sense and is very nice design/theme-wise.
I thought the same thing at first, but I was confusing Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron with Rune of the Archmage.
Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron casts spells of any Class. That this only casts Druid spells makes it quite a bit more reliable. At least in Standard. In Wild the number of times this card will cast Astral Communion and ruin your game is unheard of.