23.6.3 Patch Notes - Shudderwock Ban from Beast Lobbies - Cavern Dreamer Revert & More
Blizzard is putting out a small hotfix patch that changes the following:
UPDATE: This update is going LIVE now after an earlier postponement.
Quote from BlizzardWe are currently starting the process of rolling out Patch 23.6.3, a server-side hotfix patch, that includes a couple adjustments and a few bug fixes, as follows:
Battlegrounds Update
Shudderwock is now banned from Beast lobbies.
Arena Update
- Cavern Dreamer has been reverted to a 2 mana 1/3.
- Note: Because this is a server-only update, Cavern Dreamer will function correctly, but will have visual issues where it will either still appear as a 1 mana 1/4 or will have a temporary-looking red cost change to 2 mana.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a Battlegrounds bug where Leeroy the Reckless’s effect would destroy the minion that popped his Divine Shield instead of the minion that killed him.
- Fixed a Battlegrounds bug where the Mighty Shoal Spellcraft spell would not work correctly with Magnetic.
- Fixed a bug where the “We DID Start the Fire” Achievement did not properly progress.
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So I finally got a draft with 3 cavern dreamers and they nerf it in the middle of my run lol. No free arena ticket or anything? Okay
No word about fixing Vanndar / Drektar abilities to no longer keep their stats on magnitized mechs. Just played a game and they no longer may get abused with mechs to get perma-stats. Which puts Vanndar / Drektar right back to dumpster. R.I.P
It's not about to be annoying... Snowfall Guardian is annoying. Shudderwock is something else.
I'm literally legend in Wild...? Shudderwock is literally all I see nowadays instead of Pirate Rogue.
u play warrior ?
Nope. Druid, Mage, Warlock, sometimes Quest Rogue despite its performance being very inconsistent.
Happy they changed Cavern Dreamer back to 2 mana, having that thing cost 1 mana with 4 health was just dumb. That thing would create 3-4 spells sometimes before you could deal with it if they got it out first turn.
I lost two games because of that bs. played on turn one and gave my opp 3 spells.
Oh, hi Blizzard, we are waiting for the Kazakusan nerf ... Thank you! (Or at least f... off this Druid deck by adjusting any other mechanics you think are appropriate!)
All that's left of them to do now is banning Shudderwock in Wild too, thanks :)
that's actually gives me chills bro! No! don't!
There are so many annoying decks in wild, the fact that shudderwock is the one that bothers you the most probably means you don't even play wild.
You can't ban Wild-Only cards.
Or just delete forever. Hate this card so much.
Why in beast lobbies? Because the easy triples with the Alleycat?
Yep, Shudderwock was over the top lately with the increased power level of the tier 6 minions, but technically Jandice should be banned for the same reason.