New Rogue Rare Card Revealed - Sinstone Graveyard
Hearthstone just revealed a new Murder at Castle Nathria card: Sinstone Graveyard
This card has been updated with different wording.
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So 2 Edwins with stealth... Uhmm, why?!
Why not say "a Ghost with Stealth and stats equal to..."? Nit picky but stealthed isn't an easy word to say. It's not even a real word!
I guess because it's to prevent confusion. Of course you're right.
Otherwise you had:
Summon a Ghost with Stealth and with stats...
So I actually like the new wording. But I do understand the confusion.
keywords should be exactly the same in all situations, so what you said is right from that perspective. But then again HS has never been good at keywords
This has the potential to be broken in a Tempo Rogue. Generally speaking, I can't remember a good turn 2 that didn't include coin for Rogue, so you're quite likely to just hero power yourself. Really not that big of a tempo loss for rogue.
i see a Darkglare like build for wild (with the coin shark and new 1/3)
definition of horrible design
the scary thing is the stats cant be silenced nor Steped.
you can play 2 of them and if locations are spells this is straight up game breaking
Text updated so in theory they can be silenced. Now reads Summon a 1/1 Ghost (has +1/+1...)
And to think back in the day make Auctioneer or a big Cleef and give them stealth was a challenging stuff.
In theory deck-forming card. play two, play miracle cards, summon two big stealth. again
and the girl who gives windfury
This looks very fun to play against...
It will be interesting to see what the legendaries look like and if they will synergize with this card. It’s clearly going to be draka and deathfang, and Vashj has great synergy with the muckpools. Maybe something boring but good like draw and discount or make extra copies of spells like DK valeera. Maybe just boost stealthed minions. Either way, this seems like rogue is getting some power that could lead it in a new direction.
That new shaman devolve evolve looking really good right now.
I know it seems a bit overpowered, but Rogue decks dat try to put a lot of value in 1 turn and don't remain with a empty hand are very fun to play.
A quick reminder that they removed the stealth from Edwin and it still was one of the best highroll cards in the format until they uped the mana cost to 4 mana. This costs 2!
I don't even think you can use silence to counter this... its a scaling token, not a 1/1 with boosted stats.
This is redonkulous.
Im sure they will print some kind of tech that destroyes locations
seems very strong.
can be followed with battle-master (windfury) to deal massive damage.
This is exactly what the game needed, untargetable, hard to punish, face damage.