This week's brawl is Half & Half!
Create a deck of 15 cards. At the start of the game, we'll complete your deck with a copy of your opponent's!
A Standard Card Pack for winning the Brawl once.
If you have a great deck for this brawl, create it in our deckbuilder, and share it with the world! Just make sure to label the Deck Type as a "Tavern Brawl" while saving and it might show up on the front page!
Just had a game where someone queued up Linecracker Druid and I queued up Desecrated Graveyard Warlock. Turns out, if your deck can't deal with one Korrak, 4 is pretty much GG, even through 2000 armor.
This is a glorious Brawl, finally I get to punish all those timewaster shitters.
One of the more fun, more creative, and overall better Brawl these days...
just add Nozdormu the Eternal to your deck
edit: add not only Nozdormu the Eternal but also C'Thun, the Shattered and Prince Malchezaar
And Darkbishop Benedictus with your only spells being Shadow.
wouldn't that stop working if the opponent adds anything that isn't a shadow spell?
It works. I was using a Shadow Deathrattle Priest and it was working fine.
Speedstone best Stone.
You used to be able to run as many copies of a card as you had, something that made this brawl very unique, but now it's been changed to normal deck building rules.
Truly, a great loss.
There are cards that I have a dozen copy of that I choose not to dust specifically for this(you can't craft past 4--2 golden 2 normal, so it's basically get and keep for this). I'd probably still keep them for a while, but they might no longer be useful.
It's just shaman and rogue, which I go hard for totemic reflection shaman and vulpera+cutting class rogue. I never did have enough rapid fire for hunter, but rip that too. HP mage actually needed variety and back when these were possible, none of the others quite stack up back then.
P.S. Yes, I know you shouldn't dust cards until you need the dust in case of nerf so you can get full dust. I just generally otherwise dust by oldest to newest set when needed and skipped those over in that process.
Mage hero power cards worked fine
Best part is when you get a mirror mage doing the same and it's hero power madness!
Got a win with Demon Hunter "when your hero attacks" cards against a Totem Shaman. Fel Barrage cleared their totems nicely, and Kurtrus, Demon-Render was hilariously one-sided.
Ah yes.. the totem and pallydude brawl.. I remember it well...
cheesed a win playing as shaman with mostly totem synergy cards and some draw.