New Mage Cards Revealed - Throne of Tides Cards
PlayHearthstone just revealed some new cards: Throne of Tides Mage Cards
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Three good cards. The legendary Naga will be discovered a lot in Naga Mage, but unfortunately doesn't make the cut to be among the 30 main deck.
It'd be nice if we had a more control~ish Mage archetype in standard where this lady could truly shine. Reno Mage? Don't know.
I haven't played any mage decks other than Mech mage so I can't really comment on how good or bad these cards are.
Oh, Submerged Spacerock is a deathrattle so you can somewhat control when you want the arcane spells. It could give you card draw or Runed Orb.
Polymorph: Jellyfish could be useful against Paladins and some Colossal minions. I am not sure if Mages care about the +2 spell damage though. Maybe it is a spell you just want to discover or get randomly on occasions rather than putting in your deck.
Lady Naz'jar does she keep transforming everytime you cast a spell of different school or is it a one time deal? For example if you cast a fire spell first while she in your hand, will she transform to arcane next if you cast Arcane Intellect? If she only transform once then I think you'd put her with a goal skewed towards one of the transformations.
I dont understand how people can say a card that reduces the cost of all spells in hand is bad. This is almost a Taurissan for spells that also worka with Brann. It enables insane turns and potential OTK shenanigans. This might create a whole new archetype in this meta. Also, it will most surely be used in the future once they release more direct damage spells.
Shaman gets 2 murlocs while mage gets those.
Just ridiculus
I have to laugh at their ability to not cost cards correctly. I mean WTF is Hex in shaman still doing costing 4 mana and this one costs 3?
So... For you a 0/1 with taunt is the same than a 4/1 with Spell Damage +2...
yeah the 3 cost is WAY better and the 0/1 with taunt is nothing. Should be 3
Hex turns a minion into a worthless Taunt. It does not need to be killed immediately, and killing it is pretty easy. That 0/1 doesn't threaten you at all, so you can Hex and kill that minion in a few turns' time if it's favorable.
Jellyfish turns a minion into a 4/1 with +2 Spell damage. That is a threat. An easy to kill one (just hero power), but you'd be a fool to leave it up. Even if they can't use the Spell Damage it can still get a good trade or push significant face damage.
Versatility matters. This isn’t just healbot. It’s healbot if you need it to be. It’s board clear if you need it to be. And/or it’s mana cheat if you need it to be.
“Anything works with brann.” What does this statement even mean? Are you trying to suggest “all battlecries are good if doubled?” Well yeah, but this doesn’t need bran to be good.
You can tell so many people on this website have no idea what they are talking about. The Legendary is very strong. 5 mana 5/5 better antique healbot see's play all day every day in mage. It also works with Brann. Ya'll are wilin.
Antique healbot barely sees play anymore. Also anything works with Brann, there are much better synergy with it than just a generic 8 armor or tharussan.
It is not bad. It seems good (not overpowered). Anyway, it is boring as hell. I think that this is the main issue.
A Healbot for Mage is ALWAYS welcomed, bro.
A class which relies mostly on neutral healing (or some conditional life gain within the class) now has the ability to either a) deal with a mid sized board; b) stabilize with life gain or even reach above 30 hp (which matters against some standard/wild combo decks); and c) enable some crazy combo or at least mana cheat some game ending spells.
The versatility is gold, but I dare to say the Healbot effect will be the most appreciated in Mage.
please stop giving mages mana cheat
Legendary is versatile but weak for it's cost if it would be 3 mana 3/3 it would be good.
Question, of I play an arcane spell first and play a fire spell after, does the stay her arcane form or does she transform into the fire form?🤔
I've heard it's based on the first one played, but I could be wrong.
still no reason to buy this DLC..
what do u mean no reason to buy , this is hearthstone , if you wanna keep playing this game you need to consider every single opportunity that blizzard gave players , mini sets are great even thought cards are terrible.
the legendary doesnt seem very good and the other two utility cards don't seem very strong either