This week's brawl is The Fury of Kael'thas!
The Sun King's rage echoes through the tavern, empowering spellcasters of all kinds. Build a deck and every third spell you cast each turn will cost (0).
This Brawl plays with Standard format cards only!
A Standard Card Pack for winning the Brawl once.
If you have a great deck for this brawl, create it in our deckbuilder, and share it with the world! Just make sure to label the Deck Type as a "Tavern Brawl" while saving and it might show up on the front page!
Meanwhile, another lawsuit for Blizzard lmao.
Can this company just die already?
Druid demolishes with a full buffed board turn 1, easily. Another imbalanced joke brawl. You win turn 3.
I don't understand these constructed players. Why play minions in a spell heavy brawl!?
Won at turn 5 vs quest hunter using a sort of miracle rogue. The (not so) big spell where Sprint, Azsharan Vessel and Blood in Water
Good news: It's Standard locked, which means you can't be FTKed by Druid.
Bad news: 0 mana Drakefire Amulet and Pyroblast
Ultimate Infestation ez
Another brawl that'll be exclusively druid and mage.
Will be curious to see if with the additions to Big Spell Mage the last few expansions, if Mage can overtake Druid for this Brawl.
i won as a mage vs. shaman by playing dragonfire amulet on turn 3 and getting 2 deathwings
I only played only one game: dragonfire amulet on turn 1 and that was enough :-)