Patch Coming Thursday - Balance Changes in BG and Constructed!
Blizzard just sent out the head's up that Balance Changes (Nerfs AND Buffs) are coming soon with a Patch this Thursday the 19th of May!
Post Was Updated To Reflect Blizzard's Later Message!
Heads up, Adventurers!
— Hearthstone (@PlayHearthstone) May 16, 2022
Details on our newest patch are coming May 19. Look forward to adjustments to both Battlegrounds and Standard, including nerfs and buffs!
We have some confusion about when the next Hearthstone patch is coming out. Sorry about that.
— Alkali (@alkali_layke) May 16, 2022
👉Patch is THIS THURSDAY. 👈
Ah yes, so after Pirate and DH got nerf, Mech mage came back. And when that happened, mage gonna be a problem again.
Mechshark nerf , either make it 2/3 or 3/3 that deal 2 dmg or 4 mana 4/2 deal 3 dmg. That would help alot.
Not saying they will/should make ALL of these changes..... just that these are the cards I think could be targeted.
Predation changed to "...cost 1 if you played a naga while holding this."
Multi-Strike changed to 2 mana or changed to +1 attack
From the Depths changed to reduce the bottom three cards of your deck by 3 or changed to 5 mana
Rokara, the Valorous reverted back to 5 armor
Forged in Flame changed to 3 mana
Furious Howl changed to 3 mana
Defend the Dwarven District change middle part of quest to require 3 damage spells
Drek'Thar changed to 4/2 in stats or changed to summon 1 minion from deck
Whirlpool changed to 8 mana
Blackwater Behemoth changed to also have Rush
Lyra the Sunshard changed to 4 mana
Serpent Wig changed to "...If you played a Naga while holding this, add a Serpent Wig to your hand that gives an extra +1/+1"
Murloc Tidecaller changed to 1/3 in stats
Bloodscent Vilefin changed to "Battlecry: Dredge. If it's a Murloc, draw it and change its Cost to Health instead of Mana."
Sira'kess Cultist changed to 2 mana
Dragged Below changed to 3 mana
Za'qul changed to 4 mana with 5/4 in stats
Abyssal Wave changed to 5 mana
You really wanna play Sunken Curse warlock that badly?
I agree with the nerfs
Not the buffs, all the ones you suggested kinda makes the cards broken again.
Sunken curses are already good both as finisher in control and mill tools and I don't think they need buffs.
Rockara at 5 armour, might as well delete the card.
'member the times when the HS design team was actually competent, and they did not need to balance the game every couple of weeks?
Yes. Sweet good times when we had to wait.. half year(?) for patches nerf. Great times
Yes, because cards were (mostly) play tested before release, unlike these last few years.
I still remember the very first expansion when Undertaker was so broken that any other deck was more or less unplayable, so I'd say not playtesting has always been a thing
hackum: I disagree with this statement... Difference actually does not lie in how much they tested it, but in power level of cards, when they didn't try to have amazing strong cards and if something was really way much stronger than other cards, than it actually was not always game over. (Dr. Boom)
Dunno why they downvoted this guy, he's right. You can point to one or two outlier cards like undertaker but the GAME was balanced. Now they're nerfing seven cards every couple weeks.
All this points to a gross lack of playtesting before release.
Pepperidge farm remembers.
Its been ages since standard was as balanced as it is right now.
Lets hope they dont go crazy on nerfs/buffs.
Minus 1 durability on glaive and/or -1 attack on multi-strike would probably be enough.
And something about drek'thar ofc.. but no idea here
make multi strike 2 mana
I haven’t played against a mech mage in literally over 100 games (legend). Is it that big of a problem?
There's not much but it's a problem.
Literally my most recent game. Turn 6, I had 22 health and 5 minions: 4/3, 4/3,4/3,2/3,2/3 and mage had nothing on board. After his turn 6, I had 3 health with nothing on board. Mage had 3 sharks and full board of cheap mechs.
It shouldn't happen even if it's once. I'd rather die to boar priest.
Problem isnt about deck being too strong. Problem is in crazy highrolls. You draw 3 mana spell and u go crazy with mecha-shark. You dont and you have really mediocre if not bad deck. You can compare it to recent Switcheroo priest in wild i guess
I had 19 health minions on board (4 3/3 and a 5/7) once,at turn 6, and he had nothing. All wiped out. But that is the last time I faced a mech mage, I haven't seen one in a long time
how is shark any worse than flamewaker was?mech mage is limited heavily by board space,flamewaker whent crazy
DH & Warrior Nerfs
Priest, Rogue & Warlock Buffs
I saw Rogue being mentioned, but what exactly would you buff?