Hearthstone Voyage to the Sunken City Decks - The Best New Decks for the Expansion!
You want the best Voyage to the Sunken City deck for day 1? Mech Mage, Pirate Rogue, Mill Warlock, Silence Priest, whatever kind of Sunken City deck you are looking for, we have tried to feature it in this news post, and more decks will be added during release! As always, these decks are mostly made without play testing, so expect a healthy amount of refining to be needed before we arrive at the decks that shape the Voyage to the Sunken City Meta.
If at any point you feel inspired to create your own deck, you can go here to our deckbuilder. Remember that a good description and guide to how to play your deck and a mulligan strategy will greatly increase the chance of people upvoting it!
This Decks List will be updated throughout Release day and some days beyond. Check back to see if there's anything you like!
Updated: Thursday Afternoon
The Decks
These are mostly all Standard Decks, but if you need Wild decks, we have a few here!

Click to skip to each Class or Game Mode!
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Still need more decks or looking for another archetype or class? Check our Deck search feature and put in whatever criteria you need to find what you want!
Voyage to the Sunken City Card List & Expansion Guide
Learn more and see all the cards in our dedicated Card List.
the standard decks are so much more interesting than the wild decks. Wild community's trollin' as per usual.
Day 1 = no best deck in the format. In fact nothing on day 1 lasts long.
These hot decks articles should be banned. Now Timmy will spam the group therapy thread when said deck doesnt work to there liking. Happens every expansion
I'm very grateful these articles exist. The more people use these garbage decks, the better I do on ladder.
thanks for showing my deck again homie! (new quest druid) super excited for this expansion
The problem of this game has never been netdecking on its own. It's been having the vast majority of its population constantly copy/pasting decks based EXCLUSIVELY on winrate.
I think I personally that I never used a meta deck because I enjoy my own builds. I have to agree that the most popular decks are the ones with "high winrate" or "climb to legend" in the title.
imo netdecking isn't a problem, having a meta where few decks are viable is the real problem, with netdecking being the scapegoat for it
My deck got noticed!!! <3 <3 <3
I hope we all have a wonderful time in this expansion :D
i think all druid decks must include the Druid Guff hero card, is just a huge waste to not include ( even the aggro decks ). the ability to have 20 mana, draw a card or get 1 extra mana crystal each turn is insane.
Aggro decks do not run Guff because he is too slow. You'll never get to the point where you'll have 20 mana, because you run no other ramp. His draw will never come close to composting. And on top of that "passing" turn 5 is not an option for aggro druid. Big druid runs scales, Onyxia, lunar, bogbeam, etc to get back on board, beast/aggro druid does not. If you guff on 5 instead of developing, the extra mana you get won't mean jack.
he gives you a guaranteed card draw each turn. not to mention when you play him its gain 5 armor , draw a card, get +1 mana crystal
Yes but again, he generates 0 tempo.
Beast Druid doesn't care about the draw or armor.
what about quest druid? sometimes the hero power is essential for finishing the quest
Yea, and for most people it’s because they don’t even try. They wait for guides, and then just copy pasta.
Humans get better at things by doing things, not by having things done for them. This isn’t a response that helps the situation, this is just “whelp yeah some people are bad at it, so we will just do it for them.”
As someone who copy pasta decks to play them (My last one was a fun taunt druid in wild with Hadronox and N'Zoth, the Corruptor):
Ppl don't have the time making/refining a selfmade deck for a random f2p digital cardgame into competitiveness - apart from those ppl not able to do it for the lack of deckbuilding skills ofc. Most just want to play a few rounds in between other stuff.
Do your decks yourself, if you can, and let those who can't or won't alone.
There are many interesting and odd builds out there to a) get ideas from or b) play them. Not all of them -and none of the new set ones- are refined or T1 decks anyways.
If I, for example, want to make my own decks, I build an EDH deck for MtG to play with my friends, definetly not worth my time for a shallow cardgame like hearthstone.
This lowkey elitism is just sad. I see it in so many (card)games and mostly from ppl who don't have much else going on than that specific game. People play for different reasons and all of them are perfectly fine.
This is also because building a good deck takes some time (testing different builds over and over) and requires a large collection of cards (crafting something and spending dust just to find out it sucks doesn't seem like a good idea). Most people simply don't bother.
Thanks for including one of my decks! As mentioned before, people shouldn’t expect custom decks to be refined and maybe some of these ideas don’t end up working out, but they are just there to give an idea for what could work. I know that I will need to adjust my lists once I play the first few days to see how the deck feels. It’s hard to know what to adjust just from speculation.
Casual player here, legend every month, at least 2k mark; I am sure I'd be able to craft decent decks if I spent enough time on the game, unfortunately I don't have that time and so prefer to import a deck quickly and refine from there based on how a card plays/performs. So all these are much appreciated even though I think I managed to find what looks to be better examples out there for the decks I want to play. Early builds always suffer with lack of focus and are trying to cram in too many pay offs into a given archetype (which hasn't been refined on top of that). But that is the beauty of the early meta, can't wait for tomorrow!
agree 100%. Im playin since 2014 and i still suck at deck building. I ussually add cards to my old decks and try them but i never made new deck that works. These decks are great as starting point for me, after 10-20 games i can see if it works and if not, i can try add new cards etc.
But we need wild decks also.